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Everything posted by Brazzy

  1. I never had pedals, just jumped into the X3 Pro and HD500. I got a few pedals after that though, lol.
  2. This is about wet/dry. Might be a little informative. Then again maybe you know.
  3. Hi psarkissian, I had the oppertunity to play my DT50HD today and so I was able to open it up on 25w mode (master was at 2 oclock) I played for about 30 minutes and when I was ready to shut it down I unplugged the guitar cable from it's input then turned the drives and volumes to zero and turned the master to zero then flipped the standby switch waited a minute and when I flipped the power switch I heard a small pop. Is the pop a sign of damage? I'm curious since I really don't pu...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brazzy


      Ok, maybe If I waited a minute longer there would've been no pop. I'm not completely sure when the tubes were replaced. The first time it was worked on was The last time it seen service was a warranty issue and was sent to Line 6 Calabasis, CA and was fixed the sent back to me, that was shipped back to Line 6 CA March 3rd, 2015. I looked at my service tickets (in my online Line 6 account) but it's not there. So I'm really unsure what was done to this amp the last time it was t...

    3. psarkissian


      Been about 14 months since the last tube change. If you're gigging regularly, now is the time. If you're a weekend warrior, another month or two before you should need a tube change.

    4. Brazzy


      OK, Thanks for your help.

  4. Good question though, do you think if you stick a noise gate between your guitar and the Pod's input or in the effects loop somewhere it would be better? You should buy one and try it if you can.
  5. I used the Dual Bias Tester from AMP-HEAD once to check plate voltage and bias of my DT50HD. I thought it was worth the bucks to keep me safer. I checked their web site and they don't offer the PV switch for the EL 84 probe anymore.
  6. Do you have it hooked up like this yet? Related thread:
  7. Are these JBL's powered or do they need an amp?
  8. Cheers back to ya dude! Also in case you need to go back to default amp settings.
  9. As far as saving tones. I think it only saves amp configuration (topology) and they're saved immediately. It doesn't save knob settings.
  10. Ok that explains the modification in "Mad Lab Mods" Facebook page. I suppose if there is a will there is way.
  11. I think you can. These may help, and this HD500 Mod.
  12. Maybe you can try to fix a piece of foam rubber over it to dampen the noise. There's so many types of foam rubber if you put a little sweat into it you might be able to get something that works for you. Use those creative juices and see what you can come up with.
  13. I think you'll need to run the 'License Manager" and authorize your computer.
  14. The cab emulation can be turned off. You need either an HD Pod with L6 or MIDI connection or a MIDI cable and DT Edit to access it. One other way is an iPad or iPhone with DT Customizer and MIDI IN (Line 6).
  15. I tried to switch the tubes and I still had the same 4mv difference. In my case it didn't change anything. Also, it was the DT50.
  16. This is interesting to me. I have a DT50HD that petered out early in it's life. So I ordered matched EH tubes, purchased a tool so I could bias it and I had a similar 4mv difference in the power tubes. So if the tubes were supposed to be matched there must've been something else wrong or the tubes just weren't matched very well. In the end for me the amp petered out again with the new tubes which didn't have any real time on them at all and it went back to Line 6 to get sorted out. When I got the amp back it worked and sounded great so I didn't touch anything. I was curious to check the bias and see what it was when it came home but I bit the bullet and left it alone so I don't know how matched they were or what the difference was in mv's between the tubes.
  17. It's a good question but the HD500 won't control the Spider Amp. You need one of the FBV's. You could run the Pod into the Amp and use the Pod for your patches but I'm not sure which way you should do it. You might be able to bypass the Amp's preamp by using the CD/mp3 jack. I'm pretty sure that's like the power amp part of the Spider. It's that or try to create the cleanest patch you can with the amps models and go into that with the Pod.
  18. I'm not sure if it will help but you could try to rebuild the patch in another blank unused set list first before you try to re-flash the firmware. Keep in mind I have the HD500 not the 500X.
  19. There's so many Pod's specifics become very important.
  20. Glad to help. I'll be checking the knowledge base for updates as I think you said you'll be adding to it at a later date.
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