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Everything posted by Brazzy

  1. I tried the 4CM today with my HD500 and Peavey Valveking II 20 MH with a Jet City 12S+ Closed Back Cabinet following the post "H" provided. I set up the Pod to the letter and it sounded pretty good right form the start. Thanks "H". I'm going to work with it like this for a while. Peace
  2. Thanks for your feedback "H" I was thinking the level was a bit too low. I'm going to have to go at it again. I might have some time today. Thumbs up to ya man!
  3. I was under a little pressure (lol) to get a sample of how I used the patch up there, I hope it helps. I recorded it using RiffWorks Standard and USB'ed the HD500. I monitored using Bose AE headphones since I had to be quiet. When I used the Spider Jam to monitor it sounded pretty good. Later on I'm going to try to play this recording through the SJ or another amp or powered monitor to see what it sounds like that way. I'll also try to mic the amp next time. I'm may not be a pro at recording but I try, lol.
  4. I could do that. I got so carried away with playing I never recorded it, lol. Sorry I didn't "H". I'll do something about it soon. :)
  5. I plugged the HD500 into the Spider Jam Aux and was practicing some clean and distortion riffs with the Solo-100 Clean amp model and a plate reverb and added the Line 6 Drive model before the amp and a volume pedal after the distortion model to adjust the volume of the distortion before the amp model. The distortion and volume pedal are toggled with FS2 and the reverb toggled with FS3. I didn't change any settings on any of the models except the max volume of the volume pedal model which ended up being 56%. Now I know it's a simple thing and probably common knowledge but the sound was just so good I had to say something, lol. I was using an Epiphone Special II (humbuckers) with the guitar volume at max and settings in and on the pod were as follows: Input sources were input 1=Guitar and input 2=Variax, Guitar IN switch set to normal, guitar in Z (Auto), "Line" setting for the 1/4" L out, Output mode=Studio Direct, global EQ off, the master volume I had set to 10-11 O'clock and it was pretty loud for practicing. Spider Jam settings were: Aux EQ Tone stack all at noon, Delay and reverb off, I forget what the compressor setting was but I'm sure it wasn't compressing much, the input setting was 0 Db and the master was maxed. Rock On! Patch >
  6. Have you checked to see if it's the default sound card for playback? I had mine working on my Win 10 laptop before I gave it away.
  7. Some of these posts make me wonder. I was hoping to get the new models for a B-day gift this year. I'm thinking 5150.
  8. Your not the only one curious about experimenting with pick up heights and stuff, as I point to myself, lol. I've got guitars just so I could try whatever I wanted with them and others I haven't done anything but put strings on. This is how I try to learn, experience. Gotta do it to know what gives, ya know what I mean? lol
  9. I can understand not being able to crank the amp up. Whenever I get the opportunity I'll crank my amps up big time and let them sing, lol, which is not often at all. An EQ between the guitar and amp can be used to help cut the lows but you probably already know that. I don't really know the specifics about pick ups but I know they really affect tone. Picks also change tone, speaking of that I've got to try a heavy nylon Herco pick for some dark tones I'm looking for. As for rambling, I think we all do that, lol.
  10. I don't think I'll ever get rid of my DT50HD. If it breaks I'll probably try to get it fixed, even if I've got to send it back to Line 6. Of course, there are limitations. I really like the versatility and sound of it too. I'd hate to see it discontinued. I would love to se it improved.
  11. There should be download button all the way to the right. Might look like an arrow pointing down inside a circle.
  12. I have the same problem too. I've got several guitars and some sound better than others. Also, I've found out I can compensate with my attack on the guitar strings sometimes. I've got an Epiphone Special II tuned to open G that sounds great through it. When ever I try to dial in a tone on one of these kinds of amps I usually pick a model then turn down all the tone stack knobs, no FX, no reverb and turn the master to full. Then with the guitar volume about 30-40% I'll strum the guitar hard to see if any sound passes through the amp. With some models sound passes even with every tone stack knob at 0 so this tells me how sensitive the amp model/channel is. I'll also see what gives when the guitar volume at maxed. Then I start by turning the amp model volume to whatever volume I like. Testing with my attack going along the way. Then I start opening the bass up but leaving the mid and treble cut to see what kind of bass passes and I'll do this with the mid and then the treble to see what passes. Doing it this way you might be surprised with where the knobs actually end up when you find a good setting, lol. Then I add a little drive and turn down the volume and maybe treble. Really it's whatever works for ya. I had to come up with some kind of basis for setting the knobs 'cause it's too easy to get lost with amp modeling, IMO. I also set my Spider Jam the same way. Took me years to figure this out reading and trying things off and on, lol. Plus my playing wasn't all that great when I started, lol. Give it try unless you already have. One thing I noticed about amp modeling is that the master volume needs to up past 70%. I like 100% but 55% at min. IMO. Hope this helps some YMMV.
  13. Thanks for the smile hrroach. She got the rubbery Spider Man and a Barbie, lol. It's funny that you didn't realize exactly what you had done when you put your Spider Man action figure on your Spider IV amp, lol. That's the way I am sometime. Do something and then realize the connection. Also, I still have my Spider III 15 and it sounds pretty good for a small amp. I've had it for about 8 years now. Works great. So you found that toy from 1974? That's cool. Around that time I would've really had fun with that action figure. So that one is 8 inches tall? I found the following picture on google.
  14. I chuckled when I saw your thread had spidey in it 'cause the other day I was at a toy store with my 3 yr. old niece and I found a cool 3 inch tall squishy, rubbery spider man and picked it up. She saw me with it and wanted it, lol. She likes rubber, squishy, stretchy things. She even likes slime, lol.
  15. Pretty cool that "Spidey" controls your "Spider" Amp. Welcome
  16. This certainly is a new one on me. Have you sent a support ticket to Line 6 yet?
  17. Cool, glad it worked for you. Hope it stays working. I've had mine for 8 years now and it's been a great little amp to have fun with.
  18. Hope it works for ya. If it works let us know, if you can.
  19. I was reading this old thread and at the end someone said the ribbon wires that connect the boards together maybe need to be wiggled, taken off and put on to fix a connection that may've broke over time. Maybe you can get away with just carefully wiggling ribbon connections. I would do that to mine if I had that problem. If you don't feel you can safely open it up and do this go to someone who is experienced so you don't accidently hurt yourself. has some parts available.
  20. It's discontinued but
  21. Sounds like your ready to upgrade to one of the HD pods. The UX2 I had worked on Win 10 for me but I recently gave it to my nephew and I'm pretty sure he hasn't enven tried to hook it up, lol. At any rate if you can't get it working just by using Line 6 Monkey to install the drivers and programs such as GearBox or PodFarm and have it working decently it would be time to think about a newer device that has less issues. I remember I had a similar problem like your describing and I went as far as to reinstall the firmware for it, uninstall the drivers, reinstall the drivers and reinstall the programs. There's many things can cause a device like this to no work the way it was intended. I fiddled with the UX2 off and on for years and ended up saving up for an HD500. Huge difference for me. I had a lot of fun with the UX2 though. Hope you get it working.
  22. Brazzy

    What fun

    I've got the HD500 and feel the same way, it's pretty cool and convenient. As for the arthritis I've got it big time especially in my whole spine and major joints. One time I laid on the floor, since there was no place to sit, and the next day I couldn't even open one of those cheap bottles of water. It would slowly go away in the next day or two. Brutal I tell ya.
  23. Check out Peter Hanmer's videos sometime.
  24. So that's the amp you had all sorts of issues with. I was looking at this amp at one point years ago but couldn't spring for it. Thanks for sharing. BTW the images are very clear to me. Wish you better luck with your next amp.
  25. I don't think the mp3/cd input can be recorded to the SJ's internal memory. If I recall correctly the last time I used it, it didn't record to the internal memory.
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