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Everything posted by stumblinman

  1. Exact opposite for me. I don't like the edit program. I only use the display on the pod. None of the sync issues and after all these years I can build a patch pretty fast on the screen. Only time I use the edit program is for a bundle backup once in a while. Don't even do that very often, as it wouldn't take long to rebuild my tones anyways. Too clunky of an interface. Move my mouse up and down to turn knobs... Foolishness.. Sitting on the floor is how I usually build my tones. Indian style with my DT25 aimed near my head. Twist strum twist... Life is good.
  2. I play music, but I'm not a musician. I consider musicians folks that read sheet music and talk about glissandos and vibrato and lollipop like that. I'm in a band.
  3. Everything besides the DT25 or DT50 is a pale facsimile of what the Pods are capable of. They are designed to be put thru an amp that can match up with them perfectly. If you are falling down the rabbit hole of L6 gear, just save yourself the stress and get a DT amp to go with it. Everything else lacks that sweet sweet tone of tubes in the power section. Folks will tell you other amps work fine if you punch straight in to the power section using the effects loop on the amp of their choice. They don't know what they are missing. There is no substitute for basically 8 different voicings for a single tube amp, coupled with the sweet amp sims and the effects at your disposal. Just go for the DT.
  4. Replying to my own thread. The one I ordered from Musicians Friend won't be here until Tuesday, damn holiday weekend. So I ran down to Guitar Center and picked one up in the meantime. I'm keeping both. Sweet boost that pushes amp (and Pod HD500) over the top. Rich in harmonics, and all the dirt I need. I think I will set one up as a clean boost and the second as a dirtier option if I really need it. Don't hesitate, buy one. It plays very nice with the Pod HD. It's a little noisy, but I don't usually get that much OD from a pedal, so it's not an issue. I see why folks are lollipopting their pants over a Klon. This thing is nice.
  5. I've been through so many OD pedals and never found the sound in my head. This one from the reviews seems to nail that. Just enough harmonics and dirt to push my tones I already like to that "holy $&@!" zone. I'm really looking forward to putting it through it's paces.
  6. There is a firmware update addressing this issue. Download and install as soon as possible.
  7. Looking for any firsthand experience with it. Supposedly a Klon Centaur clone for 60 odd bucks. Sounds great in demos and reviews. I saw some posts by phil_m on tgp about it, but not sure if anyone has tried using it with a HD500. Thoughts? Opinions? Experiences?
  8. This is exactly what the issue is: I'm afraid to return something that might be defective because my next one could be worse. Not a huge vote of confidence for L6 quality control. My HD500 has had minor issues with a footswitch and the D pad by the screen, but it still works. I'm not sure I would have returned it either for the very same reason.
  9. The first block in the chain from left to right will determine the light status. Even if two blocks using the same footswitch are pre-split, the one further to the left will determine light on/off status.
  10. There are a few threads on this subject floating around the forum. It doesn't seem to be widespread, but perhaps there was a less-than-spectacular batch of footswitches. If it's under warranty, I'd start a support ticket just to get the conversation with L6 support going. It may not be a "sky is falling" epidemic, but it's your money, so make sure they stand behind their product. Keep us posted please!
  11. That's a lazy promoter idea. They don't want to take a chance on not recouping what they pay a band, so usually if you can't sell a certain amount of tickets they pay you less. Bad business practice. Run from that venue.
  12. The one thing I really like about the HD500 is that I don't have to tap dance to turn multiple things on and off simultaneously. You want your lead boost, extra dirt and delay all at once? You got it. I'm spoiled now and don't know if I could go back to having to tap tap tap-solo-tap tap tap. Tones are great live, and the efficiency is super handy too. For $500 or less, it's a no brainier for me. Good luck on your continued search for tone. And everyone is anal about tone. Nobody buys a guitar or amp after trying it and thinking "meh, it'll do".
  13. Yeesh. Perhaps a bad transformer then. How old is your amp?
  14. I own pod farm, but no hardware interface. I own a pod hd500, but never use it on my computer because I don't record. Can I give my pod farm license to someone else?
  15. Bad tube is my guess. May be drawing too much current, causing the voltage drop, which keeps the light from staying on. Humming and no sound is a pretty sure sign of bad tubes.
  16. I've commented on a few with these "sticky switches" in the last few months. I'm not going to link to them, as I don't know how on my phone and copy/paste seems to be blocked? If one was so inclined, one could probably look through my posting history and find them. Since I don't have a 500x, this is merely speculation based on symptoms users have mentioned, and looking at the video posted it sure seems that way. Even the sound of FS1 is different when pressed. Edit! Did some digging. My other posts were in regards to original 500's, not X.
  17. Seem to be a few threads about this problem lately. Mostly on the 500x as opposed to the 500. Maybe these "improved switches" aren't that good.
  18. Recreate it yourself block by block, parameter by parameter and see what you get.
  19. What he's talking about is a second audio signal, not something on top of the notes in a specific frequency. It's almost a ghost note with distortion fading out behind the note you are playing.
  20. Definitely time for a tube change. Stop turning it on until you change the tubes, or you might damage something.
  21. It's a common, well-documented issue. There is no fix. Some have said turning the tube bias DEP to Class A will lessen it, as people have tried to claim it's "properly modeled crossover distortion". This falls short though, when you use only the preamp models into a DT25 and STILL can hear it. A few patches ago, it went away for me after a reflash of the firmware. It's back now though. The probably more honest answer is "digital artifacts, but it sounds better if we claim we did it on purpose". In a live setting, nobody will notice, but it's pretty damn annoying when building tones. I've learned to ignore it.
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