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Let's Put Together A List Of Obvious Things That Line6 Could Have Fixed With The Hd500x


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@thisisblueboy  That's probably not going to happen in this generation.  There's been talk of a tablet app for a while, but that doesn't appear to be something that would be trivial to implement.  Since this thread is about "obvious things," perhaps not quite fitting.  Now, that'd be awesome, and you should definitely tell Line6 you'd like to see that in a future product.  I would. 


What I can't figure out is why they still haven't implemented the suggestions made by meambobbo.  The dude did half the work for you, Line 6.  I mean, this took me a two second google search to find.


Yet the Hd500x still apparently doesn't fix the comb filtering...So my patches suck up at least  two spots for EQ and generally two more to fix the delay...Extra DSP does me no good when I am burning up slots that I shouldn't have to be.  


Fix that, and maybe I'll look at the 500X again.  PLEASE, Line 6, tell me there is a firmware coming that addresses these things, and PLEASE be forthcoming about it and don't leave us in the dark.  

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@thisisblueboy  That's probably not going to happen in this generation.  There's been talk of a tablet app for a while, but that doesn't appear to be something that would be trivial to implement.  Since this thread is about "obvious things," perhaps not quite fitting. 

This. A lot of people have been suggesting new models or some quite drastic changes. I think that before Line 6 even considers doing any of those, they NEED to fix all this obvious stuff, especially considering that all the hard work has already been done for them!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

You haven't tried the amplitube custom shop. Try the new Slash Models and the Soldano, with these amps they caught up even in the feel, with a little more improvement Amplitube will clearly be a head...

I have them and NO to my ears they dont cought up!!


I think it is a gimmick of already pre-coded algorithms with a nice "skin" and Slash "agree for a nice check to have his name own it when they sell it"


Like Yngwie have done when he have advertising small AMP:s he never have used..Like the Crate combo


And that goes for many others artists aswell


Amplitube said that some of the tracks on the latest AC/DC record was done with Amplitube and got Malcolm Young money to ("sort of agree") when he was asked in a guitar magazine interviews he said i "cant remeber but i think some tracks made it to the final mix it is a great product though"


I think malcolm didn´t even KNOW what Amplitube WAS when he got the question and the answers was edited afterwards in the office before prining was done..


But when you read an interview in SOS with the ENGINEER who actually recorded the bloody album he said that everything was recorded the OLD FASHION way with a 24 track tape recorder (In Bryan Adams studio) with old Marshall heads (on full volume like in the old days)using iso booth.


You can read it here


But for you who dont want to read it i copy this from the interview.


(I love the sound of the Neve desk, and from there everything went straight to the studio's Studer A800 Mk3 24-track. Neve gear going into an analogue tape machine, and then mixing on an SSL)


(Guitars & bass: SSL EQ, EMT 140, tape delay

"The rhythm guitars are absolutely bone dry. On the intros of some of the songs I added some EMT 140 plate reverb on the guitar if it was Angus by himself. His solo guitar would have had a Studer tape slap delay on it, about 140ms, the same as I used on Brian's vocal. Reverbs are usually too washy for my taste, but sometimes bone dry doesn't give you the emotion you want. In that case a delay can work. There are no effects on the bass guitar.")


Not a single word about Amplitube (maybe it was a secret?)



And then when everything was recorded on the Studer where transferred to Pro-Tools for Vocal and overdubs & mixing..


Well i certenly believe the engineer more than Malcolm


Anyway when it comes to Amplitube and it´s sound i wondered how good it really is


So i had to do a little test i recorded some very simple crappy A power chord strums in the first position second fret open A-string directly in to my DAW (Cubase) using my Japanese LP copy (Greco) and my soundcards (EMU 1616m) instrument input.


And then i inserted Amplitube 3 and Pod Farm 2 on that track just to hear if Amplitube had cought up in sound as DeanDinosaur points out.


And i send that track to an Aux track and inserted Redwire Mix IR plugin and bypassed Amplitubes cab and deleted Pod Farm:s cab (unfortunally you cant delete Amplitubes cab just bypass it)


I done that so they uses the same cab sim as that would take away any mic and cab tweakings that is possible in Amplitube but not in Pod Farm i.e they have two mics in Amplitube only one in Pod Farm and you can move the mic sideways in Amplitube only back and forth in Pod Farm..



So for amps i used Pod Farm 2:s Soldano simulation and Amplitube Soldano simulation


And then Amplitube Slash AFD simulation now Pod Farm doesn´t have that amp so i tried to dial in a similar sound using Pod Farm:s Marshall JCM 800 simulation.


They all here for you to listen to they are converted to FLAC files using Audacity (so it want loose any audio quality they where recorded the usual way 24/bit-41000) so if you cant listen to them you have to dl a program that can read them or convert them to Mp3 or whatever filetype you like..



here is a list of software that can read FLAC files on Win-Mac-Linux


B.t.w Audacity is really great for recording quick song/lick/riff ideas.


I use it all the time for that purpose


Now guess which ones is Pod Farm and which is Amplitube?..


I should mention that i had to tweak them to sound similar (i have done a test with most of my Amp sims once and i set all knobs on 12 o clock now that wasnt fair as they sounded very different but if i tweaked them they could sound more similar)


At first i did the 12 o clock test but they all had WAY to much gain for my cop of tea and that would not be really fair in a test..


I should point out that i think Amplitube sounded a little better with the deafult settings Pod Farm was way "darker" in sound now that can easely be done if you code in a exciter in the master output..


Many VST/AU/RTAS plugin developer does that..


Like hardware multieffects units like Boss/Line 6/ etc etc always have tones of ready made presets to sort of impress you but you NEVER can use in a song..

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  • 1 month later...

Im old school (not that that is a bad thing) i've had my hd 500 for over a year and I still can't figure this thing out.I have yet to get a patch setup that I can rely on stage without getting nervous about how its going to sound. Im starting to miss my old pedals ( wish I wouldn't have sold them all) :-(

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I saw something quite close to it, but maybe not exactly:


SOFTWARE: Split AMP and CAB in the signal chain.


Why? It would enable us as users, to use external preamp with POD Cabinet simulation.

I think that it is possible with POD FARM so probably it wouldn't be so hard to apply it on POD and it could help to increase buyers of PODs because it would be big increase of functionality. In my case - I have to think about it, but it(no possibility to use cab without amp) will be probably the reason why I will quit from line6 gear, instead of buying HD PRO and FBV Shortboard...

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. I just hope I don't see the fixes in the HD500x, and not in the HD500. That will definitely make me worry about line 6's concern about their customers. And while I'm ranting, whatever happened to JTV acoustics and JTV Basses? 

Yep, same concern apply for me also...


Honestly, I love line 6 and I use their products about 9 years...

But this will be a hit under the belt for me....(HDX fimrware update and HD nothing)

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  • 4 weeks later...

In some amps the level of breakup seems lower than normal, so you have to boost the input with an effect (or two) in front of it.


One solution to this is use the line input on the rear of the unit set to the higher gain setting (4db i think it is). Made a world of difference for me - both in tone and touch sensitivity

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Why in the world are they not looking for ideas and discussion about their own products on their own user forum pray tell?

Because it's mostly just people whining and complaining and demanding features, without knowing the first thing about what the market response is, what the technical constraints are, and so on. Do you think line6 are unable to come up with any ideas themselves? Do you expect them to dedicate a person to listening to feedback such as 'looper is a nightmare to use' or 'how about adding wifi/bluetooth'?

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"Do you think line6 are unable to come up with any ideas themselves? Do you expect them to dedicate a person to listening to feedback such as 'looper is a nightmare to use' or 'how about adding wifi/bluetooth'?"



Actually yes, I do think exactly that. Why?? I have witnessed it myself on other forums where the owner/maker of the equipment is in discussions with the users of the product on the same forum, and he see's 1st hand what the issues and non issues are while answering questions in the process.  And you know what, its wonderful! Im talking about equipment that costs many times what a standard pod cost too. The process works well, as it would here if it was done. But with your attitude on this no wonder they don't...


And Yes,  I think Line 6 is smart with ideas... I never accused Line 6 of being not able to come up with ideas on their own. They have many times. I may not agree with their ideas at times, and it would be nice to tell them this in an open discussion here... I however do not think they know how to (or flat refuse to) deal with their customer in the way I describe above, and that I think is a shame for the whole user group here. Oh yea I can send them a private message and maybe get a reply... But that idea makes them isolationist in a respect. Its evidently a foreign concept to them to converse with their OWN user base here, and that was my point. And quite frankly its an uppity and pompous attitude for them and you to even think that they shouldn't use their own users as a source and tool (mind tap) for better ideas for the future. It also restricts the users of their products to become more involved with the process. So keep thinking Line 6 doesn't need your input here innovine, and just maybe you will keep getting your wish...  ;)

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I have them and NO to my ears they dont cought up!!


I think it is a gimmick of already pre-coded algorithms with a nice "skin" and Slash "agree for a nice check to have his name own it when they sell it"


I think Amplitube's stuff sounds really nice, but I thought that Line6 might be ahead of the curve in the modeling industry, especially at that price range. 


Amplitube's Orange amps are really great.


Even though I find Amplitube and Guitar Rig's stuff to be efficient in the amp modeling department though, I've been wanting to get in on the POD HD stuff. It really is an impressive jump up. I really couldn't say the same for the previous POD stuff. It was good for it's time, but it's obviously lacking these days.



Because it's mostly just people whining and complaining and demanding features, without knowing the first thing about what the market response is, what the technical constraints are, and so on. Do you think line6 are unable to come up with any ideas themselves? Do you expect them to dedicate a person to listening to feedback such as 'looper is a nightmare to use' or 'how about adding wifi/bluetooth'?

Also keep in mind that it's absolutely asinine to just rely on the forum base for suggestions. Do people really think that every single Line6 product user has an account on these forums and are actively posting?
No. The fact is we're only a fraction of the people that use Line6 products, so to listen to their product user's suggestions, they have a special form for that. They can't spend all day looking at forums posts.
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That's a good point.  I've been using Line6 products for 10 years and have only been on active on this forum for about the past year.  Mostly because I didn't need any help until I bought the PODHD.  The previous products were easy to use, not that that was a good thing because the PODHD is a big improvement.


I believe Line6 is reading this forum just not responding.  I worked for a large software development company that sometimes took a similar approach.  Atleast until they realized it was better to communicate with their customers more.


Obvious things Line6 should fix:

1) Better communications with their customers.

2) User Installable Impulse Response Support (I've joined that bandwagon)

3) Global EQ

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Companies do not want their employees doing this stuff.  Employees in general do not speak for the company anyway.  They can say things that the company does not support.  I am not allowed to directly talk to customers or suppliers and for good reason.  This forum is for us users to hash things out among ourselves (IMO).  There are some very helpful folks here.

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"As far as communication with it's customers, Facebook is the go to avenue for that now a day's and Line 6 regularly put's up a post."


There are a lot of people that have absolutely no interest in getting Facebook, and avoid anything that looks like a Facebook link


Facebook is even blocked on the work network so I couldn't view it even if I wanted to.


Not allowing general employees to participate in forums using an official identity is a general practice, but that doesn't mean that specific employees such as the Product Managers cannot join in if only to make it look as if Line6 is listening to anything on here at all.  


And IdeaScale - is there any indication that Line6 is doing anything at all?

586 Ideas submitted: In Review 0, In Progress 0, Complete = 1 (can anyone confirm that it is actually complete?)

Nobody indication of duplicate removal, no clarification of the requirement, just silence.

Digitech and Boss must think it is great!

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And that's what I meant in my earlier post about communication.  The Product Managers, or someone who has the ability and authority to speak for the company, should atleast occasionally post on this forum.  Of course they don't want to tip their hat and give away any information that may help their competition and I'm sure that's a big part of it.  It's one thing for Kemper and Fractal to discuss things more openly.  There's not eleventeen differant competitors trying to find out what each other is doing next for under $500 bucks.  That's right I said eleventeen...  That's means a bunch...

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IdeaScale seems totally useless at this point...its a microcosm of this microcosm here, and if people think Line 6 doesn't need to listen to the people who post here cause we're a minority, why would they feel the need to do anything with IdeaScale...probably just something that looks nice to keep a handful of people from bombarding them with update suggestions constantly, so they can continue ignore them with out hurting anyone's feelings. Somebody should be on here, communicating with us..because we're the people who found the problems, but want to make these products work. The "everybody else" that keeps getting mentioned as not active forum members who don't have any problems that people are using as a reason for Line 6 to not have to pay attention are people who get frustrated with a product and resell it, or shelve it, or use to half of its capability...the people who come on here and make a stink about features, who want things to work in a way that make sense, are the people who are actually USING THE PRODUCT! This fanboyism and everybody getting all butthurt cause someone doesn't like something about the product is probably why nobody works on anything!

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ideascale is a joke until i see a single item completed on there.  just a more visible replacement for the "product feedback black hole" they used to have.


the list of things that users found poorly designed about the Pod HD is too lengthy to list here.  these things have been known for a long time.  so have the wishlist amps/cabs/features.  at this point, i'd be surprised if L6 resolves a single issue.  they have other priorities, apparently.


i got a Kemper and much prefer it.  10x as good is probably about accurate, at least for the amp/cab profiling and raw tone.  there's a lot of crazy profiles out there, but on the whole, I find most of them sound as good as the best of the Pod's amp sims.  Once you start tweaking them, they absolutely murder the Pod in terms of sounding like a real amp.  it has all the features that were missing in the Pod and none of the issues.  It just doesn't have a looper.  But the Pod does and can serve as a MIDI controller + additional FX, some of which the Kemper doesn't have.


the price is certainly unfortunate but worth it considering it solves all the GAS and frustration of the Pod.

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meambobbo - I'm glad you found something you prefer, given you were experiencing frustration with the Pod.


I don't know whether this means we'll be seeing less of you here, but I hope not. Your contributions here have been substantial, particularly your excellent and detailed online Pod HD guide. Let me take this opportunity to thank you again for that, and to say I hope that you can leave it available online for Pod users (and perhaps even to continue to maintain it if/when new firmware is released that might impact the guide).


For readers who may not yet have seen meambobbo's great work:

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I scanned the multiple pages of this topic and didn't see this hopefully it hasn't already been discussed/slammed/shot down multiple times already.


My suggestion:

How about an "undo" button somewhere in the edit software?  For all those times when we (I) say, "Hey, I wonder if THIS will sound better.....EWW!!...I'd better go back to what I just had...oh dang...where was that button set at?"


And a question

Why is a power button such a big issue to the OP?  You want it off, unplug it.  You want it on, plug it in.  No big whoop.  *shrugs*

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There is an 'undo' feature. It's called RECEIVE SELECTED. That command recalls the preset currently stored in the HD500. As long as you haven't saved the changes you made in Edit by using the SEND command, all changes made in Edit are undone.

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I see - you're right about that. There is no 'undo the last operation' capability. The RECEIVE will undo all changes since the preset was last saved. So you would have to immediately SAVE each desired change as you go in order to turn the RECEIVE feature into an 'undo last change' feature.

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love the idea on the first page of this thread of different coloured footswitch lighting to indicate the "family" of fx used on a patch.


I reckon that's a great idea.

Currently, I have used a "brother labeller" to create labels and stuck them on the slope underneath the footswitches to indicate what turns what off and on again. (I only use a handful of fx, and always put the same fx to the same footswitch).



The other things i'd like to see are the ability to remove the looper from the fx chain so you can free up another fx slot.

This may be possible, I just haven't been able to find out how to do it.

On my 500x the looper is the last in the chain, and it's always there, with no obvious way to remove it. (I don't use the looper function at all).


The other thing i'd like to see is the hd edit software program be able to export the patch settings to a datafile that could be opened in a spreadsheet.

At the moment for the half a dozen patches that I will use live, I have written them down on a spreadsheet template I've created so I can take them to a gig in my bag, just in case I do something wrong and stuff up a patch. Or, in case the unit loses a patch by itself, or resets or whatever....

Also, having them written down on paper, means I can compare visually at a glance the differences between patches that I might want really similar, but maybe with more/less gain, more fx presence....that sort of thing. Would love to see an export feature implemented.


Not sure if it would be usefull for others, but if you would like a copy of my template, message me, and i'll email it to you.


I'll also start a new thread with the template as an attached file.

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  • 2 months later...

I totally quote the DeanDinosaur and meambobbo point of view, line6 has other interests, at this point, things like the weird eq should have alreay been fixed. Ideascale is useless, nothing on that forum has been considered since now. It is really a pity because with some adjustments the pod hd500 could have been a really great unit. Personally i think i will not buy any other products of line6 if something does not change, but it is a waste of time to continue to complain about this upgrade/support thing if nobody of the staff care about that.

The list of the author of this topic could be even bigger, the main issues are well known and they are the important things, we can't add things to fix just because they come to our mind. IMO: eq fixes, clip meter, dual cab micing or dual mic for one cab, power switch(would be better to have it), phase and clipping issues.

What i mean is that i understand if someone blames line6 for putting % instead of Hz, because is just nonsense to do something like that, but things like the flimsy power supply may have a reason to be like that. I hope i've explained well what i meant. Peace

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  • 1 year later...

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