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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. Have had HD500X. Now have Helix Floor. I second what codamedia said. Get an LT from one of the online retailers that offer 15% off. If it's REALLY that far outside of your budget, get an HX Stomp.
  2. You need to put a FX Loop Block between the distortions and reverb/chorus fx.
  3. rd2rk

    stomp hx in Reaper

    When you're using Helix with ASIO, Helix is your sound card, not your computer. You may need to change some settings in Globals (I have the Helix Floor), but It's probably setup by default for the output from your DAW to bypass Helix processing. This way, with the DAW Track Monitor button OFF, you hear the recorded DAW tracks playing back, and your guitar signal is direct, no latency.
  4. You're not the first to notice this. There's another thread on that subject which, last time I checked, had no solution. I suggest that you might have better luck on an Ableton forum.
  5. Unlike a preset, a Live Set is a file, with a file extension (.als). It lives in the computer's file system. There's no way to call a file system function (LOAD PATH/PROGRAM/FILE) using MIDI, even from within Ableton. . Once you've loaded a Live Set manually, most other Ableton functions can be controlled with MIDI from your Helix. For instance, within a Live Set, you could load a different selection of VST presets by setting the VSTs to "listen" on different MIDI Channels, then send Program Changes on those channels using Instant Commands.
  6. Do a search on Ideascale to see if they've already been requested. If yes, VOTE! If NO, REQUEST!
  7. What I'M saying is that, if you MUST, for some reason, monitor the Helix signal through the DAW while recording (thus making the channel strip monitor button not a solution), then using an external sound card is your best option, UNLESS..... If you set your presets' outputs to USB 1/2, and in Globals, set "USB IN 1/2 Destination" to 1/4", does that work? Try it! Worst that could happen is a small thermonuclear explosion that destroys everything in a 5 mile radius.....
  8. And I use a nanoKontrol for the DAW UI, so I don't have to wrestle with the nasty mouse......
  9. This is also how I do it, using a Focusrite 18i20. While the Helix works fine as an Audio Interface, you're limited by it's routing capabilities. It also has slightly higher latency than the Focusrite (2nd gen) and many other AI's. Unless you're using additional effects in your DAW, there really isn't any reason to monitor recording Helix through the DAW, you're just adding latency, which is why I suggested the Channel Monitoring switch.
  10. Sorry, I misread. If you want to monitor the Helix while recording, then the Channel monitoring switch is your only option.
  11. You could turn the Helix channel monitor switch in your DAW OFF, or set it to AUTO (usually means monitor playback only). Or you could set the Big Knob to 1/4" and turn it down when recording.
  12. Come off it phil! we KNOW that L6 is part of the vast Illuminati plot to control the world! That plot depends upon constant sales of increasingly advanced mind control devices such as the Helix and AI embedded microwave ovens......
  13. It was creative combinations of "bread and butter" effects that created the off the wall and ambient sounds of the past, and is still what drives creativity in the modern boutique pedal world. L6 has recently completed some changes to the core programming which they promise will bring us much sonic joy in the future. They've also hired some people (I hear) to step up development in the area of polyphonic effects. However, stuff like this takes time to get right, and no doubt the fires will add further delays. If 45 days is all you've got, then we'll all be sorry to see you go :-( . But you'll likely be missing out on a lot!
  14. No definitive detailed listing that I know of. Factory presets change slightly with each update. I have a setlist of MY PRESETS. Copy/Paste the preset I want to mod, then do it there.
  15. Helix Floor, 2.7 - that appears to be the way it works.
  16. If you think about it, makes perfect sense. After all, it's a proven fact that if the moon rises at 11:38 AM in Trenton NJ, then the square root of an elephant MUST be > a yam's shoe!
  17. What codamedia said. The scribble strip will say multiple. To rename it, TOUCH the button, select Customize on the screen, and enter the new name (by default the screen will say one or another of the assigned effects, not what the scribble strip says).
  18. With pedal Heel Down and effect OFF, assign bypass. OR With pedal Toe Down and effect ON, assign bypass. Works either way.
  19. As long as you know that you'll always be using your amp's preamp, no Helix preamp is required. Just be sure that if you're using physical FX Loop1, you use the FX Loop1 Block. If you're wired per your diagram - Guitar>HX Input>HX Send#>Amp Input>Amp FX Send>HX Return#>HX 1/4" L/Mono Out>Amp FX Return - you should be good. EDIT: the big knob on the Helix will control the level sent to the amp's FX Return. If you set it full up or set it to XLR in Globals, it'll send a 0db level.
  20. You need to put a FX LOOP Block between the front of amp FX and delays etc.. Your wiring is good. Guitar>Input>Distortion>FX LOOP Block>Preamp>Delay>Output Then assign the FX LOOP Block and Preamp to a single button, saved one ON one OFF so that they toggle ON/OFF>OFF/ON. With the FX LOOP ON the signal goes though the Orange Preamp (Helix Preamp OFF), when the FX LOOP is OFF the signal skips the Orange Preamp, goes through the Helix Preamp and out to the Orange RETURN/POWER AMP.
  21. Unfortunately, while you can stop automatic PC Sends, there's no way to stop the CC sends from the Looper. MIDI Solutions sells a programmable device called the "Event Processor" that can be programmed to filter or transform most types of MIDI. Downside is it's $150! EDIT: If you set the Helix BASE Channel to a different channel from the one that you're transmitting to your amp on, that might do it. Like, if your amp listens on Channel 1, set the Helix BASE Channel to Channel 2. Might work!
  22. rd2rk

    BPM You might want to search before creating a new submission - it's probably already there, and you just need to vote on it.
  23. rd2rk

    MIDI over USB

    And I repeat, your comment is nonsense. It does EXACTLY what it claims to do, for most everybody else who uses it for MIDI. Just because it doesn't do exactly what YOU "hoped" it would do, that does not make it "junk". Maybe you got a defective unit, support might be able to sort that out.
  24. rd2rk

    boss es-5

    Yes. If you're using the full Helix, see page 57 of the manual. If you're using the HX Stomp, see page 48 of that manual. If you're using HX FX, see page 42 of that manual.
  25. The full Helix has 4 loops. In addition, it DOES send CC#s as well as PC#s, AND you can disable the automatic PC# send in favor of sending specific PC#s as required using Instant Commands. Because of these added functions in the full sized Helix (as well as having more buttons and more snapshots), setting up the full Helix to control the dpc8ez with snapshots was simple, the only restrictions being the requirement to use the auto PC send method and, since there's only 6 Instant Commands available, you're limited to controlling 6 of the 8 loops in the dpc8ez. When you upgrade to the full Helix, let me know and I'll send you a preset that demonstrates the method. As for design considerations, a Fiat is a good car, but it is NOT a Ferrari! It's a simple case of having the right tool for the job (and being able to pay for it)! I suspect that in the future, the HX Stomp will get improvements to it's MIDI capabilities. Maybe even more snapshots. However, the # of physical loops will stay the same (you only NEED 1 for your application), and you'll always be limited (for your purposes) by the smaller # of buttons available in a device with that small a footprint.
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