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Everything posted by Joepeggio

  1. I do most of the techniques mentioned here, and in stereo they work very well. The problem I have is when collapsing back to mono, for instance when the venue/bar/club is mono only. I find bad phase issues that double tracked guitars do not have a problem with (separate sources). The Mimiq seems to sound good in mono as well. Just some experiences I've had. Anyone know which would work best mono?
  2. Try both. Many will say preamp, but I found I liked the full amp better into the loop return of my egnater.
  3. To attach file add .txt to the end of file name
  4. Put a locking plug in the usb.
  5. Floor model here. Very stable. Latest editor...... 2.21 Latest updater..... 1.11 Latest firmware.... 2.21 I would go through presets and write down all parameters. Take photos of screen etc. Last, you said reset. Make sure you do a 5 - 6 reset. (9 - 10 on floor model). Make sure floor controller was off and did rack ask you to update foot controller? (After rack update complete and reconnecting and powering on controller) Then re-make your presets manually. Just thinking out loud here. I read your post and seemed you did everything right, but never hurts to ask.
  6. All great advise above. I find IRs tend to satisfy the "amp in the room" feel, but in a live gig volume, full band situation it may quickly become a mud-fest. As Hamm has preached for years now, the stock cabs are perfect for sitting in the mix. Personally, if I need more body, I use a 121 or 160 mic. Roll the lows around 60 to 80. Then if it's too "harsh", up to 4 db cut 2.0 q at 3k. This kills some of the shrill freqs yet preserved the presence above for cut. For some mid warmth, Cali eq boost 750. All above is my rig, my band, my guitar, my style experience. I do use an ir sometimes. When above is just not quite doing it, I parallel one of the free Friedman 2×12 irs with the Helix stock cab.
  8. Just did a 9 10 prior to update. It still builds factory pres about 2 per second. Surprising to me, it still build the empty preset too, although much faster. only saves a few minutes, plus it takes a minute to do the 9 10 beforehand. So 6 of one........
  9. hmmmmm...... Sounds interesting, but the angel on my right shoulder says never pull the plug while electronics (computers) are busy, while the devil on the left says go for it!
  10. When doing an update. Note all globals, save all irs in order (naming with number trick), save All presets in folders including factory. Save setlists as well.... Now for the tip. Others may have suggested this before. After saving all of above i first do a 9 - 10 reset. Why, because it wipes all my presets so after update the first rebuild is much faster.
  11. After again reading about Bias, there seems to be an inverse relationship between bias voltage and current etc..... but i do find the Litigator amp is cleaner with Helix Bias control turned up. Not sure if that is raising voltage and "under-biasing" the amp or vise versa. I guess it depends on how Line 6 is implementing that setting in the Helix.
  12. None. I use a "utility" board in front of Helix. G50 wireless -> Polytune mini -> Drop -> Crybaby Mini Wah -> Helix -> PA
  13. Joepeggio

    Preamp or amp

    Many say use only the preamp when going into the power section (loop return) of a real amp/cab or combo. But when I first started with Helix I found it best to use full amps and go into my tube amps. Many times using full amps in Helix and going into the front of my Egnater on a very clean setting. Gave me more control over tone and volume. Currently i am straight to PA, no more "real" amps.. :)
  14. How are you placing your B112D? A pa speaker on the floor will be very very bassy.
  15. If you find a "Clean" amp just not sounding very clean, bias!!! USUALLY turning up bias makes an amp cleaner (more headroom, more voltage for the tube), if the "dirt" is coming from the power section. IME.
  16. Bundles are bad because they only restore all the presets as saved at the time the bundle was created. I do a bundle just before a gig. If helix really craps out (hasnt yet) I can do a 7 8 reset to clear all presets, then restore with the bundle. But I always backup setlists, and individual presets (drag and drop into a folder). Imagine if you were making some great custom presets, then you mess up a factory preset. The bundle restore will erase your new custom presets if they're not in the bundle. Just do a drag and drop on everything and easy restore of any individual preset. I guess the issue is under Bundle and Setlist backups is you can not choose or pick out individual presets to restore. Also, when it comes time to update, you will lose any new or updated factory presets if restored with a bundle.
  17. I can say for sure it does not work with a Surface 2 RT version. It only runs windows apps.
  18. For more experimenting. Try to turn on input pad. Drops signal 5.5db. Also a ts9 has an input impedance of around 500k (446). Set input impedance to 500? Taking shots...
  19. Make sure all the signal is going through the loop. In the loop block mix to 100%. levels at 0.0 db. Just to make sure all signal is hitting loop and no signal bypassing loop.
  20. Are your loops to instrument level? Its unclear to me exactly where unity gain is. I would try this..... 1. Guitar - ts9 - amp. Baseline test. 2. Guitar - helix - loop1/send1 to ts9 - amp. Go out of ts9 to amp. Testing the output level of the helix loop. Makes sure set to instrument in globals and set level in the send block so your amp sounds the same as test 1. 3. Guitar - helix - loop ts9 - helix - 1/4 out to amp. Using the levels found in test 2 for output to ts9, put ts9 in a helix loop with a return. Set helix volume knob to full up. Now set return level to match tone in test 1. My thoughts to set gain stages as each point in the chain. I use max helix volume because i like to keep things simple. Its just another place to mess up gain staging. Plus i bypass the helix master volume to PA. I use it only if i use my own on stage monitors.
  21. I edited my post. I hope you saw the whole bit. Let us know.
  22. Lets try to troubleshoot. Did you try a new preset with no effects? and ...... Input impedance to Auto input pad off Global set outputs to instrument level master to max volume. trying to find unity setting. do this with your PRS amp at a low gain setting.. that way you will be able to find unity easier, otherwise the natural compression of the amp will make it difficult.
  23. The beauty of the Helix (or digital modelers), the endless possibilities.
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