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Everything posted by MusicLaw

  1. Voted it up! And, commented with a link back to this thread for Line 6's easy reference.
  2. Is this one of the attributes of how the position orientation sensor works in the StageSource speakers?
  3. Not in the current firmware. Submit an IdeaScale feature suggestion. That will allow the idea to be voted on by the user base, accumulate votes, and allow Line 6 to see the results.
  4. I'll give it a try, and see how it plays. Much appreciated!
  5. If you are using a Windows PC, the Editor's version will be displayed in the About menu (just like the majority of Windows Applications). The number displayed in the upper left of the Editor screen, is the firmware version running on the connected Helix. The Helix Floor displays the Firmware version during the power on sequence. The firmware version is also displayed in Global Settings. If you did the full install of the entire software package, you will have the latest 2.20 version Editor installed and be good to go! FWIW, it is always important to be using the latest concurrent versions of firmware on the device and Editor on the computer. Hopefully, from this point onward Line 6 will use identical numbering methods for the device firmware and Editor. Perhaps they will also adopt a similarly identical numbering scheme with the Updater software.
  6. Ok, DD. Care to disclose your magic JW Helix Blocks and Parameters configuration?
  7. MusicLaw

    Glenn Delaune

    Great, thanks! If I do not cut to fit one of my unused Tablet Screen Protector sheets, I'll order one of Glenn's.
  8. Good to know the reset sorted things out for you!
  9. That #1 Instruction Step is to help reduce possible USB conflicts, and more....
  10. Don't feel too badly. There are others whom have already posted they discovered that same vulnerability with the way the firmware update procedure goes. Yes, it is a meticulous procedure, and getting the proper download package from Line 6's webiste, seems to be the common stumbling block. Nonetheless, glad you got it sorted out. Before long, Line 6's software updating procedures will be revised, making the entire process less error prone.
  11. Just a slight bit of digital dodge and burn editing to emphasize the Helix in that shot would really make it pop!
  12. MusicLaw

    Glenn Delaune

    I see that Glenn is producing a Helix Screen protector. If anyone has purchased one, I'd be interested to hear your comments?
  13. That's when Line 6 will bring out their Helix Native Interface Unit. ;)
  14. Yes, that Helix Floor really shines with the Scribble Strips aglow in that B&W High ISO shot! You should be able to click on the YouTube shot to get the Full Size image link and then grab that to print, should you wish.
  15. Last night while checking out firmware 2.20, I discovered that two USB charging cables, each connected at their source end, to a filtered power supply's USB power jacks were acting as close field RFI transmission antennas! They were not connected to their respective devices: a Smartphone and Tablet. Rather they were laying along the living room couch cushions. When I powered on the Helix and connected my Les Paul via a known good 10' cable, I heard a significantly elevated noise floor when there should have been none, via the headphones connected to the Helix. As it turned out, these 5' USB charging cables were within about a foot from the Helix and the Guitar's Instrument cable. As soon as I disconnected these two USB charging cables the noise was gone. Even when they were reconnected and energzed, when they were moved several feet away, no RFI was preceptable.
  16. You seeing such in the Editor? On the unit's display? Or, both?
  17. All good points relative to the OP! Line 6's Dev team has done a great job sifting through feature implementations and bring the best ideas to fruition. Get this one up on IdeaScale (if not already there in some form) and let it start accumulating votes.
  18. The same Amps, FX, Cabs, Mics, as the full HELIX units. They share the same Firmware, sound sonically identical, etc. Re-read the top post in this thread. See Helix Product info on Line 6's site, or or
  19. Although I saw Frank's reply on TGP that the bug has been found and a fix is being worked on, I must have missed Frank's mention of 2.21 explicitly.
  20. Each of my several Android devices are capable of running USB Host Mode. They are very capable of running a wide variety of Apps designed to perform many tasks, including, File Management, I/O, UI, and more with assorted devices. I do not know what protocalls Helix is capable of handling. But as Helix is capable of 8 channel Digital USB Audio, firmware updating, Editor, and the forthcoming Native (all via USB), Helix's has got to have a robust USB capability when connected to a suitable USB Host device running appropriate software on an Android platform. At least for the relatively mundane tasks of Updating the firmware and perhaps the Editor. I'm not talking about 8 channel USB audio. I certainly defer to more knowledgable Android USB technicians and engineers. As an example, Fender had never released an Android Application to edit nor control the existing Mustang Amp product line. Fender also did not release any MIDI interface capability for the Mustang Amp product line. Those amps do have USB and will run under Fender's FUSE (Windows and Mac) software. So, an innovative third party developer introduced the REMDUA Android App. Another introuced the Primova MIDX-20 USB MIDI device. The first performs well beyond Fender's software, and the later opens an entirely new realm for MIDI via USB. Makes one think what the Helix is capable of with the right software on an Android device....
  21. .... . ._.. .. _.._ ._. _ _ _ _._. _._ ... !
  22. In no way do I officially speak for Line 6. Nonetheless, Line 6's Helix Customer Service and Technical Support are World Class! You may wish to submit a Support Ticket to see how they suggest you proceed to repair the broken XLR jack clip. The worst they could say would be it is not covered under warranty.
  23. Get a small bottle of TriFlow. It comes with an thin applicator tube. One drop will be all you need on the Bolt. TriFlow also will not attract any dust, grime, nor dirt. Highly recommended. And, I have not yet seen any official posting from Line 6 as was originally mentioned several weeks ago. I am confident it will be forthcoming.
  24. Also keep an eye on the site. Jason, has published an IR Manager that may help for those dealing with IRs to and from Helix. At least, it may assist before Line 6 resolves the IR housekeeping chores.
  25. After you have Split the Signal Path, Helix's Merge Block (Knob 5 Parameter) allows reversal of Signal Path B's Polarity, should you wish to Invert it's Phase where it converges back with Path A. See Helix 2.0 User Guide Rev D PDF Page 31. I do not know of another place where Helix offers a Phase reversal parameter.
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