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Everything posted by PierM

  1. Jeez. I said WITHOUT PEDALS. Im just underlining it is not a fx loop problem.
  2. He said it's all instr level, so what he's sending (with no pedals) isnt being unmatched at the return. All the pedals here, apart tuner and OD, are running in the FX loop (those are pre-input). I can assure you I can turn that entire loop off/on, with no changes in the signal level. Unless Im adding boost/gain within those pedals, of course...
  3. Interesting... Im sure its not the FX Loop as I do have an entire set of pedals in my Stomp FX Loop, and with or without them (either removed or bypassed) it's the same signal level. If you are getting clipping post-return, even in true bypass, something is wrong for sure. (be sure your signal pre-send isnt clipping)
  4. FX loop trip is unity gain*, so something is happening with that reverb pedal, which has its own Volume knob so maybe it's boosting there. That volume is a gain pre-effect.
  5. PierM

    Pod Go Tone Viewer?

    I don't think there is one yet, but you are not alone I think. This might be an interesting read for you
  6. PierM

    Pod Go Tone Viewer?

    I've no idea, but I think you have more options to find an answer, asking here;
  7. The HX FX is heavy as a boat anchor so to me any solution different than strong velcro, isn't gonna work...assuming you'd want something that lock and unlock quickly.
  8. All these theories about "gain staging = output level must match input level" are plain BS (especially in the digital audio), so just ignore everyone saying stuff like that. You can do whatever you want with your presets. As soon as the output isn't clipping or producing signal distortion, and there is some headroom, you are good.
  9. Out of stock, but ask them for an ETA. If there is someone who can help you find those bits, it's fullcompass.
  10. I don't think it's MK3, since the 2.8 firmware with that amp has been released years before the debut of the Mark 3. I think it's the original version.
  11. Reverbs can be either done with algos as with convolution. That's a similar difference you can see in Helix modeling, between the Helix Cab (algo with EQs and math), and Helix IRs (dynamic convolution of the signal function shaped over impulse function). It's a fact that reverb algos are mostly used in guitar pedals and racks, while convolution reverbs are mostly used in studio and DAW. Same tech can be used to shape a guitar signal into a different instrument voice, with great results. We are wondering why nobody yet has seriously implemented convolution on guitar pedals market. My POV is because there is not enough market demand...yet, to justify the investments.
  12. Yeah it can be true. I do use an iPad Pro running Altispace, always connected to helix via USB audio, and it can do miracles, especially for non guitar stuff (at least for my needs).
  13. Sorry I terribly explained what I meant, that's why I used convolve and convolution differently (, but I admit was foggy as hell. I meant that convolution reverbs are today being used like algos where used 30 years ago with studio reverbs, as L480, 224 etc etc.. and that's also why many studios are still today convolving those reverbs into modern plugins. My point was that you don't often see guitarists on stage using convolution plugins, so maybe L6 (and other guitar pedal manufacturers) aren't really into it.
  14. Just turn memory integrity off and be happy. I do work as GFX lead for a company for a living, and if I should worry about that microsoft bullsh** I couldnt work at all, since 70% of certified drivers I do use every day, are now flagged as not compliant with core isolation. Just turn the s**t off.
  15. I believe the point here is always the same; market demands. Convolve reverbs always been more of a studio thing than a live performance tool, partially because they were huge, heavy and bloody expensive and less practical for adjustments on the fly...but also because the room convolution is more a studio necessity than performing live (to give a score a very specific room ambiance), which has to face real rooms every time you play in a different place. If you use a 3.4sec algo reverb in a song, you can reduce it on the fly if that club has bad acoustic and early reflections coming from concrete walls...if you use a 3.4 convolution, that will require more work. Today I see there is a bit more interest on the performer's market, but still I feel we are a niche of a niche, so - even it's way cheaper to do convolve reverbs than 30 years ago - it has a cost in terms of design, hardware (they eat some DSP), coding and production. It would be worth it for Line 6? Not sure, but I'd really love to have such feature onboard, especially for non guitar works. We'll see.
  16. You cant associate two (or more) transmitters to a single base at the same time. No way to create a signal routing. The base can only communicate/receive with a single MAC address, paired during docking. This means you always have to dock each transmitter before to use it with that base. Just charge both transmitters and you should be fine, unless you dont plan to play non stop for 10/12 hours in a row.
  17. Always give priority to the workstation goal before the windows update. Common rule for DAWs or graphics workstations is to hold system updates, unless it's really necessary. Never let Windows to just auto update overnight.
  18. I guess the problem isnt to add a reverb iR algo/block (I mean, the glorious lexicon L480 memory dump was just less than 60 seconds total of samples, and Helix has that sample memory available for the looper), but the fact Helix wouldnt have enough ROM to store that stuff. On paper, in 2022, a reverb convolver/algo is extremely cheap to do, but you need to design that stuff before to ship the units to the world..:P
  19. PierM

    Live at home!

    It wouldnt tell you anything useful, since each mixer has its own input levels, preamps, gain stages and track levels (and FOH guy), so it could show clipping even if your Helix is delivering a perfectly fine signal. Set your presets to avoid clipping at helix level (you can check clipping on the output block). At that point it's up to the FOH guy.
  20. If it's flashing green isnt fully charged. Just leave it alone until it's solid green. First charge can be long. if it's an old model, not the new GT10II, then could be it has the last firmware, that screw up the battery charge, and there is nothing you can do.
  21. Seems a calibration issue. Helix should autocalibrate the pedals at the boot, but try unplugging the pedal, set it to 0% (heel position), then plug it again and do couple of heel/toe sweeps. Also, check within a fresh preset if everything is working as it should. Like add a generic volume block, and see if the EXP pedal is doing its job 0/100%. If it's working as expected, then maybe it's time to redo the wah min/max assingment, as it might be the old Helix was on a wrong calibration.
  22. I do the same thing between my Stomp and Empress Zoia, using the command center, and sending a Bank/Prog message at each preset load. This will link each Stomp preset to a specific patch in the Zoia, without being forced to respect the sorting in the preset list. Bank/Prog Knob Parameter Description 2 MIDI Ch Sets the Bank/Program message's MIDI channel (1-16). When set to "Base", Helix follows the Global MIDI channel, which is set from the "Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo" page. 3 Bank CC00 Sets the CC#00 (Bank MSB) value. Select "Off" if the receiving device shouldn't respond to Bank MSB. 4 Bank CC32 Sets the CC#32 (Bank LSB) value. Select "Off" if the receiving device shouldn't respond to Bank LSB. 5 Program Sets the Program Change (PC) value. Select "Off" if you only want to send a Bank MSB and/or Bank LSB message.
  23. The G10TII transmitter took over the legacy G10T, which was the transmitter with some overheating problems. The receivers/chargerg base, G10 and G10S, didn't changed since the original production. The infamous firmware was affecting only the old transmitter, G10T, so doesn't relate to your model TII. The 2.05 update (for the GTII), does also require the base to be updated to 1.05. You don't have to update if you don't want to. If you are fine with the way your Relay works, just ignore it. If aint broken, don't fix it. :)
  24. Some say, next L6 guitar processor generation will be code named LazyX.
  25. Europe. Last time I looked at the FM9, was listed at 2499€. I guess it depends on the EUR/USD exchange, but yeah...never seen a FM9 priced as the helix. Not even close. ;) EDIT: I see this is called "FM9 Turbo", so maybe it cost more than the original version, dunno. Anyway, this is the only model you can pre-order over EU.
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