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Everything posted by joel_brown

  1. The Logidy Epsi is easily overdriven by the PODHD and there's nothing other than your ears letting you know. No lights or meters to check. But as other people said: Res, Thump, and EQ can make a huge difference. I cut my lows at 160hz but I also use a 4x12 guitar cab.
  2. JCM900 and 1936 Cab. Compressor and Noise Gate Any decent guitar with a Gibson Humbucker in it.
  3. I own a pair of Marshall amps and cabs and also a PODHD Desktop. I personally like the combination of the two. As I get older I will eventually stop lugging around the Marshalls and get a nice FRFR amp and speaker. The PODHD will sound just fine either way. Just gott'a tweak it a little. If I was a platinum artist touring the world I would probably have a stack of real amps and cabs with a modeler sitting behind them. Bottom line: whatever sounds good for you is what's important. Who cares what other people use.
  4. Turn the gig down. Places like this don't do you any good.
  5. How is anyone in the band going to hear anything without monitors or amps ? They may as well blind fold you and tie one arm behind your back too.
  6. Pickups, capacitors, potentiometers, strings, etc., all make a difference. Some more than others.
  7. Some people have reported that the Pitch Glide causes a strange warbling sound. It works fine for me however.
  8. I also have a bean. Set Input 2 to mic. Cleaned everything up and sounded a ton better. Otherwise everything was too overdriven and noisy.
  9. joel_brown


    Middle class back in my day didn't have to pay for cable T.V., cell phones, internet, and radio, plus health insurance cost a lot less. Oh and a Marshall amp was under $500.
  10. I do that trick all the time and lug two real amps around for live performances. Really fattens up the sound. I do it without having to use dual amps in my PODHD. I assign a delay to the Left channel with a 20ms delay then hard pan both channels.
  11. What kind of amp do you have ?
  12. The times I've used two delays with different ms settings, I set my Feedback to only hear one echo and barely the second one. Then set the mix to whatever sounds right for the song. For me, too much Feedback loses too much clarity.
  13. In my case I started with getting the patches as good as I could get them, using amp tone controls, Low Cut, Res, Decay, etc. I then bought a stereo 31 band EQ and tweaked it until it sounded the way I liked. Afterwards Line6 came out with the GEQ which replaced my external EQ. One less thing I have to bring now. If the EQs Line6 originally provided weren't designed by an idiot (oh I'm sorry I mean someone who is 67% an idiot), I would have used them. However the GEQ works great for me. This is how I usually did it most of my life anyway. Get the tone as good as you can then use an EQ to polish it off. Basically dialing out the bad frequencies your rig has. Usually I roll off the bottom end then reduce other high end frequencies that are bothering me. In some cases I find a certain high frequency that I like or slightly boost.
  14. I use my GEQ all the time for the same reasons you state. Also I EQ'd it for my particular rig which now sounds good pretty much anywhere I play. I've never had to EQ for a particular room but I guess some people do.
  15. Sometimes dual amps sound better. Like if you really want the shimmer of a Marshall combined with the chug of a Mesa.
  16. If you're just practicing in your room then the 500 should be fine. The difference in DSP between the 500 and 500x isn't much but if you run a lot of effects it could be helpful. Typically the 500 is fine running a compressor, gate, distortion, delay, reverb and single amp model. One of my patches use: 3 compressors, 2 delays, reverb, gate, pitch glide, and of course an amp model, all in one preset without running out of DSP.
  17. Try Low Cut under Cab parameters and see if that fixes the problem. Just cut enough until the problem goes away.
  18. Also is your Input 1 and Input 2 sources set to Same ? If they are, change Input 2 to something other than Guitar or Same.
  19. Haven't actually used the PODHD as the sound card but I've used plenty of SM57s for recording. Once I get my preferred mic placement done I usually just use a high pass filter in Cubase to roll of some of the lows. Rarely do I need to tweak anything else but EQ can make a big difference.
  20. I've seen great bands live and their recordings didn't do them justice. I've seen it the other way around too. I think it sounded pretty good. But did notice it could have better dynamics. Sounded a little too compressed.
  21. I think the OP disappeared after his first post and we're all talking to ourselves now.
  22. Characterizing modelers to a particular demographic is what Line6 does. They built a business on it. Bottom line: Amps are expensive, big, and heavy. Modelers sound really good and can replace them. They're cheaper, smaller, and lighter. But there are always people that will like them or hate them.
  23. They're very good. I didn't watch all of them but I did see a handful.
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