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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. same here... never at the tuning peg, always at the nut or saddle.
  2. i've broken many at the nut... mostly in a locking nut FR style guitar...
  3. i'd put the master at about 50% and use the channel volume to level things and work your tone... this gives you the ability to raise and lower the whole rig to fit the venue... having said that, i think you do get better overall tones running the master higher and controlling via the channel volume.... just more tube interplay... but as a starting point i use roughly the above formula.
  4. I moved the topic... my suggestion would be to not use line6 edit, and instead install gearbox. gearbox does not use java and is a newer editing package that works with the XT.
  5. it is my understanding that Line6 and propellerhead have amicably ended their partnership. i do love the plugin use... allowed me to perform once and tweak forever! haha but when it comes to workflow... forward motion is better than treading water... which is where i'd be if i had to re-perform every time i had a new idea.
  6. yeah pod farm 1.x comes free with the x3's and i think the xt's as well (not 100% on that) there is also a free trial version of pod farm 2.5x with a couple of amps. back in the XT days you needed separate model packs for each device or use... they changed that to be account based and allowed the 4 simultaneous uses. didn't matter much early on... because it all required line6 hardware one way or the other... since pod farm 2.5x it's a way cool feature since you can have several machines ready to go... i used to mix and tweak stuff on my laptop... not that portable if you have to drag along the XT to authorize! hahah
  7. i'm 100% sure of it. when they comped you a license they gave you the standalone license, not the included on purchase hardware tied license.... big difference if you move on from the hardware. in fact you could have left the model packs authorized on the XT (up to 4 devices or computers at one time) and you still would have had access to them. the new owner would have lost the licenses first time they upgraded though... and probably would have been very upset if that was a part of his tones! this is the BIG difference between a license acquired outside of the hardware purchase and one that comes with....
  8. you don't even need to authorize the computer... just authorize the device.. the license is tied to it anyway. if you have exceeded you authorizations you may need to call line6 to get them reset. but you can do what you want for sure.
  9. you have to create the tones... there's a whole manual dedicated to operating the device, there is no shortcut i can give you that will be as worthwhile as spending some time reading the manual.
  10. make sure that you are in ABCD mode on the footswitches in the setup menu. should be easy to switch tones.
  11. you can certainly suggest it here: seems unlikely though, since their hasn't been an m-series update in years!
  12. the pod farm license was a means to provide you the same hardware capabilities in your computer environment. you get rid of the hardware... the license goes with it... a pretty simple uncomplicated way to deal with it... whomever has the hardware has license to use it's capabilities. i'm sorry if this left you feeling burned or you simply didn't know... but it does make sense.. the new owner should get the capabilities of the hardware. pod farm licenses are available and have been available independent of the hardware for some time. If it was not worth pursuing that option for you, then it was not worth pursuing.... every successful company diversifies their offerings, or else they could sink quite quickly on a single investment. I assure you that they are continuing their work, and will release many things in the future... with the recent acquisition by Yamaha, there is sure to be many exciting things in the future. in any case, good luck with your tone search.
  13. click here: select the appropriate settings.
  14. I agree, but apparently they added pickups etc as a means of addressing complaints about the original variax... meaning they aren't too keen on making this happen... i think it would be killer and sell tons.. especially in a telecaster/esquire shape which would help the no pickup look and have a larger than needed pickguard to hide the electronics/routing.
  15. I do keep hoping that they will come out with a cheaper gen2 variax... no pickups, etc... just a foot in the door model like a melody maker kind of thing. the more variaxes they sell the more likely they are to keep long term support.
  16. do you have vista? someone else said that it didnt find the newest update and they had vista, but flash from file worked for them.
  17. why not just get a pod HD500 instead of the 500X, the differences are minor.
  18. nope, the upgrade price is set. platinum is basically all the model packs... perhaps you can just get the rest of them... do some math and see which one is a better deal. sometimes they have "triple packs" etc on sale that might make it cheaper since you already have a pack as well.
  19. you need to get the workbench HD program, monkey should show it available if you connect to the variax. before this update you had to use the separate variax interface rather than the pod.
  20. I do think that the flash is more reliable with a pod 500/500x pro/prox worth a try, although no guarantee.
  21. i don't thing there is enough throw on the threads to do it... read that on the forums somewhere though...
  22. i dont understand what you're asking? but maybe search the forums for 4CM and that might be it.
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