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Everything posted by TheRealZap

  1. that document is for the older non HD, pod pro... does not apply... and the technician was accurate.
  2. the whole public topic will do little to affect the outcome of the issue anyway... i recommend that you rant directly and without interference from others in your support ticket. that way you can control the discussion as you wish....
  3. I'd love to see something like this, as i'd find it useful... just not optimistic based on history and my own unofficial inquiries on the matter. the ideascale post is really the best path... if not this gen, then next gen maybe... good luck.
  4. I think the fact that they didn't do custom tone for the original variax back in the day.... (and the feature was surely requested back then as well...) says that they had that conversation and decided against it for whatever reason.... maybe the L-series/DT series seems simple on the surface... but try using some dream rig acoustic tone on a DT.... i think you'll find a very different beast.... not to mention that the L's use full models and the DT's use pre's... (and the DT's can use different amp settings as well.. some of which are physical in the amp and not modeled) they are more different than you think.... not to say they both aren't great... just saying that a tone created on one... might not be worthwhile on the other.
  5. well the reason i suggested going back to 1.7x first is that 1.8x made a significant change in the firmware architecture to accomodate the HD acoustics.. i find that going to this one first, offers the best clean slate forward... but clearly... nothing is a fix it every time deal....
  6. Was just playing the 500/JTV59v2 yesterday and even flashed the latest FW... no reboot issues here. based on your troubleshooting it seems JTV related (just acknowledging... i know its not a revelation...) have you tried multiple reflashes on the JTV? like down to 1.7x and then direct to 2.0?
  7. looks like a pod farm created tone, so it may not be compatible with the XT... pod farm has dual tone capabilities for example that the XT does not... and if it was made in pod farm 2, then the effects chain order may also be unavailable to the XT.
  8. it's not simple... the amp/pod is one part... but custom tone does not support variax models.... and my limited knowledge on the matter is that it isn't going to happen. perhaps a designation of dream rig tone by using DR-tonename in customtone using stock variax models could be community driven? but to some the dream rig is an L-series speaker setup and others it's a DT amp... so there would still be variables... but the place you need to go for any real traction on the matter is:
  9. Mine doesn't do this (hd500 and hd pro x) i didn't think a firmware reflash would affect it... but the global settings could... only a suggestion anyway. I don't have any idea about the service tickets though.
  10. First thing i would try is resetting the global's... meaning hold down the left key and power on... this may change your settings to default... which may not be what you want.... but at that point you can start changing them back to your desired settings (assuming it made any difference) and perhaps determine if there is a particular setting that causes the issue. it's also possible that this wasn't done after the last flash update, and this may be all that's needed (wishful thinking)
  11. Have you opened a support ticket? that's the only way you'll hear directly from Line6. they aren't ignoring anyone.. that's just the way it works...
  12. well there are several utilities downloadable from the site... but yes specifically the Pod HD500X edit program. All of the pod's have the exact same midi implementation.
  13. yes you can mute strings using workbench, you can only run one model... but you can run 2 sounds... meaning... one model, and the actual magnetic pickups can play at the same time (using a pod HD 500/500x, pro/prox) without the pod, you can only get one sound out of the variax, as it has one regular guitar cable out... the pod uses a variax cable, which can carry both tones.
  14. as near as i know, this is not possible... but there is a PC/MAC utility HD500X edit, that will do backup and upload of tones... so it's not a big deal in my opinion (your opinion may be different... but i have no other use for sysex)
  15. yes you are clear... platinum and gold are both just bundled license packages and only unlock the features... so just use the license manager.
  16. Yes, you will have a more modern interface... same tones, and fully compatible with previous tones... the "gold bundle" translates into a "platinum bundle" same thing... they just renamed it for pod farm... but yes,., all unlocked.
  17. nobody from line6 support actively reads the forums... occasionally they might peek... but a simple question like yours would be easily overlooked and best asked via a support ticket in which they will respond to you.
  18. No, the PC authorization is fine... makes no difference if its authorized or not with gearbox.. which is of course no longer supported... have you tried pod farm 1.x its a free upgrade... podfarm 2.x you'd have to pay for though....
  19. in the license manager, did you authorize the device and not the computer? authorizing the computer, is really only useful for pod farm 2.5X+ and newer (and a standalone license at that really)
  20. do you possibly have tone2 locked? third knob under the display... twist it... notice locked icon directly above... when lock appears open... change presets... change back,,, sound should be normal. a likely possibility... but may also be a monitoring issue.
  21. I was going by the history of the HD500, not the 500X, there could be a difference... but i'd suspect that the 500X was always auto. if you want your tones to be authentic with the models... use auto.... when using auto, the first effect in the chain determines the z. sometimes it will be 1M, and sometimes not... of course, you can just stick with 1M if you prefer....
  22. should be auto... some previous firmwares did not have the setting at all, and the default was 1m then.
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