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Everything posted by radatats

  1. There are two ways that I can think of. Set up a dual amp patch with your two amps set as described and turn one on, one off with FS5 and vice versa. The other way is to link drive and volume on both amps to the exp pedal to morph between the two settings. I prefer the exp pedal myself...
  2. Using the POD with the DT25 with L6 link does not reduce the DSP usage by itself. The DSP can be reduced by using pre models vs full models. I only recently realized you can use dual amps with the DT. I was under the impression that only channel A would work but that isn't exactly true. What is true is that the DT configures itself to match the amp in channel A and if there is no amp in channel A or it is turned off, then the DT switches to its own internal channel B amp. However, you CAN use dual amps with the DT. The power section of the DT will configure itself to match the amp in channel A but both amp outputs will be fed to the DT. You can configure the amp in channel A with HD Edit to give you whatever power amp characteristics you want, but both amps A & B will use that same configuration. Both amps can be set up individually for all controls but the knobs on the DT will only interact with the amp in channel A. No matter what stereo setup you create in the POD it will all be summed to mono in the DT. The only way to get a true stereo sound is to use two DT's or a DT and a L2/3/t/m. Is it really needed? I don't know but it is pretty cool to know it can be done. I have been playing with using a dual amp patch with multiple parameters linked to the exp pedal. With one pedal I can morph from a high gain with big delay to a nice clean with more reverb without changing patches and no momentary delay due to DT configuring itself. I am still working to find a really good patch with dual amps blended. Remember, you CAN'T turn off the amp in channel A or the DT will switch to internal! You have to either leave them both on or control the blend with the exp pedal or 2 volume pedals or perhaps another combo I haven't thought of. Here are two patches for you to try: (B-Slayer) - amps are controlled by exp pedal, (Dual Test) - amps are switched with F3. PS - comments on the patches are welcome, always looking to improve...
  3. Why on earth did you buy it if its so bad? Didn't you try it first? Why didn't you return it? I have personally had Yamaha gear for years and it has always kicked lollipop and never failed. I had an awesome Yamaha receiver back in the day and I wish I still had it. I am very happy Yamaha bought them rather than say Roland who may have taken the tech and killed the products, I think this will elevate modelling to the next level across the board... :)​ PS - Yamaha also owns Steinberg. Perhaps there is an avenue to collaborate more on that end too with Cubase, Pod Farm, Reason etc... As much as I like my Line 6 hardware, I see plenty of room for improvement and upgrades in the software and interface realm... I am not direspecting your experience but a thorough search of reviews for the DTX-M12 turned up nothing but very positive reviews from trustworthy sources with the exception of an external editor. There have been more than 15 sold in the last couple of months on eBay average of $500 so they aren't hard to unload. I just don't think we can judge this entire corporate transaction or the future of Line 6 products off your one unfortunately disappointing experience. I think the majority of those with Yamaha products will testify as to a positive outcome...
  4. Wow... that should be great news... serious capital and a very quality control committed organization. I would expect some serious new product rollout in the next year in order to capitalize on the merger and create buzz... Very interesting
  5. I haven't done the switches on a POD but I have done similar switches before and generally its the spring inside that gets compressed and doesn't force the contacts down hard enough anymore. You can always try just expanding the springs a bit and a little contact cleaner. Don't overdo it though... The switches themselves don't usually fail but solder joints can occasionally crack. Here is a great article that shows everything you need to know. The spring advice is in the "HERE'S THE GOTCHYA:" section... This vid shows how to clean and lube the switches.
  6. Digital technology requires us to stop the old habit of just cranking everything up and letting it rip! You really have to pay attention to the details and actually build a tone thoughtfully and creatively... I love it!
  7. Why go to so much potential trouble for a cosmetic adjustment? Anyways, consider epoxying the nut to the bottom of your poker chip and using it that way. F@#k doing anything permanent...
  8. Probably easiest way is to get a second exp pedal for a dedicated wah. I just got one from Sweetwater for $49... Can't go wrong for that price. :)
  9. Well totally surprised but it works! Set up a dual amp with Blackface and Plexi and linked expression pedal to channel volume. Amps swap just fine but the blend will need further work. As noted before, the Power amp stays set for Amp A but that is fine with me. I am gonna have fun playing with this!!!
  10. There is a really great conversion utility pinned to the start of the POD Forum. You can convert your tones between units and even full amp to preamp without losing your settings.
  11. As long as you hook it up to the correct outs on the rear panel, you won't have any problems. 8 ohms is 8ohms, whether its 4 speakers or two or one. As always, keep the master at zero when turning on and adjust up slowly to your desired volume level. Have fun!
  12. Very interesting. I have been under the firm impression that you cannot do dual amps with one DT but I am going to take a new look at it tonight. I don't care about power amp settings as I pretty much have a preferred topology that I use with all preamps. I have never been able to get both pre's to work with my DT before but I will try the double VOL pedals tonight linked to the expression pedal to both switch them and also to blend them... Epic WIN if this works... :)
  13. I don't understand this. According to the manual, what you just set up in those pics describes how your signal is fed to multiple DT amps, all chained together with L6 link. You have set channel A to send the left signal only to the first DT in the chain and channel B to send the left signal only to the second DT in the chain. Are you now telling us that both channels are actually being sent to just one DT amp and are selectable within the patch?
  14. I'm going out on a limb here but I think the problem is with the Mesa. I am pretty sure it is a tube buffered FX loop and it sounds more like the issue lies there. Maybe needs a new tube? The POD is digital, it either works or it doesn't. Not typically a problem like you are describing. Suggest you get the amp checked and serviced.
  15. I want to try the above dual amp trick but not sure what you mean by output both to the same DT amp. Can you explain how you do that? If this works and I link both VOL blocks to the expression pedal I should be able to blend them too! :P
  16. I really think you are overthinking your problem. All you really want to do is get a clean boost right? It makes no sense to me to add another amp and waste all that DSP just for that. I really think you should reconsider the expression pedal linked to channel volume as that takes no DSP or FX block to implement. I have set up patches with multiple amp and effect settings all linked to the pedal so with just that one pedal I can go from a clean amp with mids, highs and volume boosted, slight delay and big reverb to a big drive, lower mids, highs and volume, more delay mix and feedback, less reverb and compression adjustments. It really is incredible what you can do with it. There seems to be no end to the number of things you can link at the same time. So one exp pedal can completely change your tone AND give you varying settings in between, I have attached a patch I made for you to check out. It is specifically for the DT with a pre model but the concept is the same. If you have the blocks available and you just want a volume boost, use two volume pedals in a row. Set one to 75% and one to 100%, one off, one on and set them both to the same footswitch, no expression pedal. Adjust the percentage differences until you get the boost you want. If you put them at the end of your chain, it should be totally transparent. (download and change .txt to .h5e)
  17. Read the first post again... spent a whole HOUR and didn't have KILLER TONE... I am willing to help anyone but if you are screaming for help after an hour, sell it and move on,,, ;)
  18. radatats

    Song With Hd500

    both very well done, you have raised the bar... love the Olympia tone.
  19. When you hook up your POD by USB, it becomes your audio card! If your speakers are still plugged into your computer you won't hear anything. Plug your speakers or headphones into the POD and you will hear everything again. That goes for ALL audio when the POD is plugged in, not just what you are recording... I think that was what stumblinman was trying to say... :)
  20. That is an interesting observation. I too want a L2T to use possibly in conjunction with my DT-25 but have been hearing differing results about pairing them with L6 link. That is cool that you can link them and then mute one or the other. However, the DT forces the POD to Stack Power or Stack Combo so I don't know how that will sound when sent to the L2T. As I understand it, there is no way to override that either. I have tried using my DT and my regular power amp and the power amp sounds like crap as soon as I turn on the DT. I sure wish Line 6 would publish a separate L6 link reference manual now that there are so may items that can be linked together and controlled this way so we can see how they all interact and how best to set them up.
  21. If you are staying with the HD300 or especially if you are considering upgrading to the HD500 I seriously advise you to consider the L2T as your "amp". The L2T just gives you so much more in terms of flexibility than the L2M and the DT it really needs to be on your short list for consideration. I have the DT25 and really wish I had known enough to have gone with the L2T. The DT is nice but just does not have the performance options and flexibility the L2T gives you and the tone is really just as good even without the tubes. And for about the same price including 2 channel mixer built in, L6 link integration... Plus you can use it for PA, monitor, MP3 playback, acoustic amplification, vocals, and on and on...
  22. My experience is that it does the same thing in either place. I know you would think logically that it would affect gain staging early in the signal path but that is not what I see... It is just volume in either place... I generally just map the Channel Volume to the expression pedal instead and save an FX block and some DSP... :)
  23. If you use one of the DT Editors to rearrange your DT you can assign any preamp to any position and the changes you make will be remembered, However, drive, bass, treble, middle, etc, will NOT be remembered and are determined by the physical setting of the knobs at all times. The only way to "remember" those positions is by using a connected POD HD...
  24. I think the best way to understand this is to understand the purpose of each knob, what it does and how all the pieces fit together to generate the final sound we hear. Channel Volume - controls amp block signal output within the preamp. - use the Channel Volume to level outputs between various amp models within your setup. Set your quietest amps full up and balance your high gain amps against that by lowering it. POD Master - controls preamp signal output to the power amp. - use the POD Master to vary the signal sent to the Power Amp. It is a modeled signal and cannot be distorted by turning it up. Any distortion in the signal is generated by the blocks within the preamp section and will be sent as is, softer or louder to the Power Amp. DT Master - controls power amp output. - use the DT Master to vary the current sent to the Power Amp tubes, hence the strength of the final signal applied to the speakers. As stated earlier, final volume is generated by a combination of preamp signal (modulated audio to be amplified) and power amp current (the "horsepower" that does the amplification). These two have to combine to provide the final signal to drive the speakers. You can either go low POD Master, high DT master or vice versa. Either way remember, your tone is really being generated in the digitally modeled preamp signal. You are feeding the exact same signal to the power amp at low settings or high settings. What does change is the current being applied to the tubes by the DT master. With the DT turned up, the tubes have the POTENTIAL for higher output based on the applied preamp signal. This is where "headroom" comes from, the ability to handle transients, pick attack, stuff like that when fed with a lower preamp signal. If the DT master is low with a strong POD feed, there is little reserve to feed those transients. Personaly, I prefer the high DT Master, with a varied POD Master and I am very glad they gave us this option. As for Power Amp distortion, I agree with the previous posters that it is unlikely to occur at levels we would be willing to play at home! That takes both the strong DT current to the tubes and a strong preamp signal working together to "overload" the tubes capabilities to respond cleanly. The final piece we don't seem to mention is speaker cone breakup which is an essential element of high volume guitar sound and only comes with volume and use. Thankfully, some of that is modeled into the signal within the preamp. This is the best way I have found to understand how these pieces all fit together and how to use it. Please feel free to correct me if I have it wrong somewhere... Have fun with it! :P PS - LVM is only used for the DT by itself! It switches the INTERNAL preamp section from Pre models to Full models in anticipation of your lower DT master levels. It really is no use to you with the POD because you have full control of the modeling yourself within your patch and it will not be adjusted by the LVM switch.
  25. For strictly booming on the low end, I have had the best results by going into the CAB DEP and setting the LOW CUT to 110-140 and adjusting RES LEVEL and THUMP to taste. You don't have to tweak the rest of your signal chain to fix this... give it a try...
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