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Everything posted by BillBee

  1. You would most likely get more replies putting this in the HD section (but one of our mods will move it). If you are going right to the mixer you want to use the whole amp sim - studio direct.
  2. I would say all your probs are an error indicator. Try the XTL with a spare power supply and if that doesn't work you should consider giving the unit a reflash. The ? in Monkey is showing an error in the detection (possibly corrupt firmware).
  3. The global EQ IMO is for when all else fails or switching amplification and you don't feel like loading a preEQ'd setlist (one for cabs one for FRFR btw). Once you see yourself adding the same EQ or similar settings in the individual patches - make yourself a template patch you can paste over and over again. Then you only need to nudge the curves when needed.
  4. TBH my man if you keep the output level on the TP low you won't fry your hearing. Its been years but I used to output it into the front end of an amp for monitoring. Its going to be a PITA having it slaved to the 'puter just for fx. Just saying. ;)
  5. You can try disassembling it and spray the wee little switches on the board with some contact cleaner like DeOxit. The switches can be replaced if that doesn't work but as they work sometimes that might do it.
  6. I run the XTL Studio Direct, I fired it up yesterday, pushed the Output Button and turned Tweak clockwise and the other modes came up. Hopefully a restore will fix it for you. -B
  7. Pop a link and I'll give them a shot when I get home. The #1 thing is to ensure you have the model packs loaded. So if you see amps starting with MS- or CC- then they are loaded. L6 Edit has a pretty decent manual.
  8. That is the way to set the output. Output/Mode button, then under Dest, hit the button and spin the knob. Hopefully the tweak knob is working as you have to scroll through the options: pwr stack, combo etc. with it.
  9. If you go to the Pod HD section of this forum you will see a post at the top for the conversion utility.
  10. Go to the top of the page click Support and in there send a email to Line 6.
  11. No pc editing with a III, no midi either. You should check the manual for advanced editing which IIRC is all done from the face of the unit.
  12. I am still waiting for the Line 6 can cozy Digital Igloo teased us about a few years back! :angry:
  13. You can download tones all day long without a pod. Just download them to your pc and go from there. Your Pod should have its serial number on it somewhere.
  14. I can confirm that the FBV Express MKII works fully with the Flex III. Love that amp!
  15. Rads - I can check this out when I get home but I was using a MKII Express on a FlexIII. Its been a couple of months but its still sitting on top of the amp the last time I checked.
  16. If its not a patch you built a common slot saver was to assign the exp pedal to the vol on the amp model. So fire up L6 Edit and take a peek at what you have. It's not a volume pedal but it could be :)
  17. Assign the expression pedal to something other then the gain on the amp.
  18. I am about to call shenanigans on this thread.
  19. Downgrading the driver? Well go for it, but it really should have nothing to do with the model packs now that they are unauthorized. But who knows. If you have the email - run the license manager and reauthorize the XT. If it fails send L6 an email. The purchase is linked to the user account. Once in a while we will get a post from someone who bought an XT used with the packs but they were not the purchaser of the packs and on a reflash discovered they were gone. If they had the purchase linked to their account (like they are all done) a reflash and authorization would have fixed it. The display: no its not a known issue but it can happen. I have one that is blank, shot, kaput - lollipop happens. Knob jitter: try parking all the knobs at 0 (except the master) that might help. There are no guarantees :D
  20. Let's see. Gearbox did surpass Edit. BUT depending on your system Edit may be the only one that will work. Pod Farm is nice but unless you are going to buy it go for PF 1 as its free. The online functions for Edit and GB - I've never used them but yes they try to connect (I think) to Custom Tone. But TBH just build your own or DL them direct.
  21. You should try looking for a version for a different OS. Win7 support might be the latest version so if you looked under Win10 nothing would show. Same deal for the Mac would be my guess. You do need L6 Edit for editing.
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