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Everything posted by MonkeyXT

  1. That Was Awesome I like to think I'm a #1 type - I fit the everyday aspects of that profile, and I think during the whole session me and my good friend spent of monkeying (!) around with sounds and patches and such today, I believe I accessed 4 amps - wait, 3; two were different patches built around the same amp... I put in the time in tweaking to get ready for that first little gig test - it raised the hair on my arms it was sounding so good. Weakest link at that point was me, and honestly... the great results in sound and feel were so inspiring that I was relatively on-point in response to the test...
  2. I was with my good friend earlier today; we were both rocking our Helices (=]) - me; rack, he; floor - and he mentioned that very thing on a parameter (not the cab, but I formulated a quick theory on the spot which would fit this as well - if I happen to be correct. The parameter knobs seem to sense rapid rotation and go into a more coarse 'quick' mode - I have a feeling that running right to the limit of a parameter while it's in this mode might 'log' the result; the backing off and re-approaching would have it back in 'fine' mode again, hence achieving the full range in detail. Granularity =] Again; just a theory, but seems to fit.
  3. (I'd suggest using a 3-digit prefix on your IRs to allow for 001 - 128; that's what I'm doing)
  4. Admittedly, it'd be nice to be able to do a backup of the Global settings profile along with the other comprehensive backups.
  5. Exactly; it has to be assigned to the Snapshot controller (push in and rotate parameter encoder knob to set this as the quickest way to get there).
  6. The Twin Harmony block falls into this category; I ran testing last evening, as I was quite impressed with how it was working previously. What I found was that the tracking happened extremely differently, and seemed to have become 'less musical' in how it deals with bends etc. Plus I seemed to be hearing a lot of what sound like phase issues which I didn't encounter before - and note that my path routing etc is no different on this patch than before. Globals etc are all to my preference before and after. It no longer seems usable to me, whereas before the v2 update, I would definitely have used it for live applications.
  7. I suggest checking out the Orange cab IRs - pleasantly surprised me.
  8. Helix Rack and Control - updated to FW 2.00.0 All editing done on the unit itself, not through the Helix App. This problem existed prior to the update as well to some degree. It seems that any time I make a footswitch assignment which includes doing a parameter change to turn the input gate on/off, I never know what I'm going to get each time I turn on Helix Rack - after the FW update, I believe every single one of my self-made patches of this nature had 'flipped' the lit/dim status indicator of these footswitches. I have come up with a dependable method to correct this (de-assigning and then re-assigning a block whose state is the same as what I wish the LED ring to be in as default). Yesterday I turned on and scrolled through, and all but one had flipped again. I'm pretty certain that this happens ONLY with those switches which include that Gate on/off function (typically these are multi-function amp switching functions which for my purposes require the gate being on). For those ready to suggest; I have literally no room in the path/DSP capacity to add a gate as a block - and shouldn't have to, as it's right there at the input waiting to be used. There's no option for me to move anything to Path 2x either; I've optimized it to the max, and am left with that. It functions great; I just don't know whether or not the LED will 'lie' about the state of the patch - and it's ONLY the LED indicator; the blocks/parameters are all working as intended. I rely on that indicator, and I have to assume that flipping them again for 3rd/4th/etc times won't make the change stick.
  9. I wonder - set go 'Guitar' instead of 'Multi' to see the result perhaps? Based on the above, which is an intriguing observation, and leads me directly to my suggestion directly above.
  10. Thanks for updating the thread. And for following through opening the support ticket on behalf of all of us. Cheers!
  11. Put in the rotary effect as a block and assign that to a footswitch. Then assign the rotary effects' speed parameter to another available / 'empty' footswitch and set the min and max to slow/fast (to taste, of course) and label it as such on the Scribble Strip.
  12. Ditto - this thing is quite the computer, and takes a bit to start up - the first indication of 'life' is in fact in Helix Control... then the rack unit starts to light up.
  13. Firmware 2.00 update is fantastic. I do however have something that isn't functioning, and I suspect it's not by design. The state of the input gate is not switchable per Snapshot - I have a two amp patch, and with the dirt I need the gate, but the clean doesn't (and is in fact de-nuanced a bit by it). I had a switch set up to swap out all of the factors required prior to the new firmware, but I wanted to make a new version of it using Snapshots instead. This is the one shortcoming I've run into. ... and for the record, I know I could add in a gate block and that would, I'm sure, switch properly - however, this testing I'm doing is in preparation for doing a similar translation of my 'Swiss Army Knife' super-patch - that one has zero room to squeeze in a gate... Has anyone else observed this behavior? Seems like it might be associated with the input Z setting not acting as expected in other reports. *** IMMEDIATE UPDATE - scratch the above: I'm a fool, and didn't treat the status of the gate as a parameter. I fixed this immediately by doing the PROPER thing for this, which was to PUSH IN knob 1 with the input block showing (gate status) and rotate it WHILE CONTINUING TO HOLD IT IN. Now bracketed, and switches state as it's supposed to. My sad mistake - but happy that it's not an issue, and equally happy that I realized my own mistake... =]
  14. Confirmed just now - exactly as above. ... actually, using the Helix Control's tap tempo footswitch turned it back on for me also - as above, the Global settings still shows it as off.
  15. +1 on Minotaur - that and the Screamer have been covering my bases thus far.
  16. (Meantime, the Variax Ethercon cable makes an excellent 'up-scale' connector cable to go from Helix Rack to Helix Controller - a little extra 'feel-good' for me as to strength/durability when I gigged it recently, and onward)
  17. Over the past 3 years I've been doing small gigs using my PODhd (bean) with FBV Shorboard + extra expression pedal (I prefer to keep the audio at the backline - only my controller is cabled out to the front). I've tweaked it deeply, and have been immensely happy with the results from that. Of course, trying to really press the PODhd features, I fairly quickly ran out of DSP, and as history has played out, Line 6 wasn't able to offer the HDX as a bean. My good friend (Fulcrum here) and I have been essentially parallel in this. He called Line 6 to ask about the HDx versus bean - and was told that they couldn't say much at the time, but that they hadn't abandoned that part of the market, and in fact to be patient and wait... Then Helix info started to come out. Then the hands-on demos came out. *minds blown* ... none of that compares to the incredibly satisfying experiences of, first, acquiring a lovely Helix rig (in my case, Rack + Controller + Mission toe & non-toe exp pedals), bringing it home to the 'lab,' and diving in. I have been enjoying POD sound systems since 2000, and have been amazed by the leaps forward they've demonstrated. This, though, is a quantum leap forward, to say the least. The 'push-pull' relationship of the player, instrument, and 'amp'/sound system has become an amazingly organic thing with this new technology. It is amazingly far more 'alive' than previous iterations of Line 6 device modelling - I don't think I have the words ("They should've sent a poet") The complexity and nuances of the sounds... I explain to people that, more than ever before, I can hear the unique cones of the speakers... the air between speakers and mics... the 'breathing' of the power sections of the amps as they sag under load... It's unreal in that it is SO real. This has only been a very few weeks, but this past Saturday I gigged my Helix setup - Fulcrum was there to be my other ears and eyes. There was a point wherein he came to the little stage over by me, and I leaned in and told him "This is /different/; the hair on my arms is standing up right now..." I'd built up a 'super-patch' to suit the typical requirements of the venue, which in particular required a strong clean basis. With the tweaking I'd done in the days leading up to that gig, I landed on the sound which had so amazed me as I was working it up. And, incidentally, I go 100% straight to the PA mixer from my XLRs. Helix is very different from the devices before it; give it a try and, as always, be ready to roll up the sleeves and dig in. In this case, though, the rewards are /even/ more plentiful than previous products - with all the routing options, performance-minded switching, etc. etc. etc. it's an absolute wonder. I couldn't have been happier with the results - the entire night, based on Fulcrum's feedback to me early on, I made one small EQ tweak to that clean sound, and done! I suspect you'd be likely to find a lot of strong reasons to truly enjoy Helix.
  18. (You wouldn't need to add a gain block; there's a level control at the end of each path which could perform this function, and it's already there waiting to go - especially handy if spare blocks are scarce etc.)
  19. +1 to above first issue, same current firmware on Helix Rack. Came back to mighty switching preset with similar functions as Fulcrum above - all behaviour swapped; my 'channel switching' function switch is in fact dim, BUT the blocks and parameters are working the other way. In my case, the result was I came to my preset grinding away at a wicked high gain sound... but it's to start clean.
  20. My observation of the issue as I personally perceive it (and I believe this is shared by quite a number of others): the indicators on the Helix tuner show 'dead on' for much too broad a range. And I'm only holding it up against the various POD in-built tuners, which I've been relying on for years with great results. I do suspect that an overhaul of the tuner will be part of the next firmware release - that's nothing but a hunch, but it's based on the fact that Line 6 does take into account the various reports/feedback given on their products, and reacts accordingly. I look forward to that revision =]
  21. Awesome, as always! Inspiring.
  22. Excellent - thanks for the specifics.
  23. Excellent EQ result - marvellous sound. Nice playing as well. Thanks for posting.
  24. As I understand it, you'll have to re-load them manually. And into the same slots, as you mention; the presets contain references to the IR slot #, not the specific IR name etc - so putting them in different slots would give unexpected results.
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