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Everything posted by PeterHamm

  1. Did you run the Line 6 Updater to update the firmware in your unit? You need to do that, then you can open HX Edit and everything will talk to each other fine.
  2. Never. I don't want any amp/cab coloration. I want something resembling the sound of a miked acoustic guitar, and that doesn't give me that. I only use an IR for the acoustic sound into the studio vocal preamp (on line, set to under 3.5 gain and 10 output) into some EQ (not always, the 3 Sigma don't really require much EQ) and some gentle compression.
  3. Ive been playing two-voice guitars almost exclusively since about 2005, and had been leaning on them before that since about 2000. Helix is the best for this. Videos and sound samples and patches here.
  4. i agree on both. But you HAVE to try the new Plexi Trem. It is THAT good. That said, I still hate fuzz.
  5. My quick test.
  6. yes. No problems here between Helix and my strobostomp 2
  7. I agree. There are a LOT of Marshall’s in there. Don’t need more... that said, I’m glad they did the Brit Trem, though. It’s the only Marshall model in there that works for me. But, going forward... more Marshall’s (maybe a Bluesbreaker...)
  8. You want to set the input for the TUNER to guitar, too. It doesn’t work for everyone. It works fine for me. As with all tuners, neck pickup, tone rolled off, tune to the attack of the note as much as possible,fresh strings matter...
  9. You'll have to edit the patches. I recommend a dB meter on a phone for this, left in exactly the same location the whole time. Go to the quietest patch you are using, and maybe turn it up a little in the output block (circa with an arrow pointing to the right). Note the volume level as you play. Go to the other patches and change the output block level until they are all more or less the same. Plan to do some tweaking at practice, because with the band it will be different.
  10. I know this sounds weird but are you using more than one monitor? Logic messes up for me lately with two monitors.
  11. So there was one IR that was a problem child? Glad it got sorted out.
  12. The new full restore has options on which set lists you’re bringing in though. Problem is solved. Still... never use a bundle. Just... don’t...
  13. The new firmware didn’t change the sound of old patches for me at all. There are 4 amps in the update I thought I’d never use which I ended up adoring. Th new Space Echo is to die for. So are the new xotic models. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, there are always bugs squashed as we move along, so I’d update only for that. Also, the new editor is a huge improvement. You should upgrade even if you aren’t going to use the new stuff imho.
  14. The level on the IR might be set too high. Some of mine need to be at -6db and some at -18db.
  15. They might not help with Variax, as Variax already has IR-ish tendencies built-in. Try them at a lower mix with Variax.
  16. Did you skip the "reset" procedure. holding down buttons or foot switches (depending on rack or LT/FLoor) and then loading new factory presets?
  17. ...I experienced something like this on one of the beta builds, but not since. Have you rebuilt presets? If not, I actually think re-installing firmware is not a horrible idea, because the problem went away for me.
  18. PeterHamm

    Helix 2.3 tips

    1. Cartographer. PLEASE play a LOT with the controls. They are interactive in a weird way I can’t explain. 2. Victoria. Good god that’s fun. 3. Trainwreck. No. Really. It’s amazing, too. Go all over the map with Drive. It’s serious. 4. Space Echo. DO IT NOW! New favorite delay. 5. Xotic pedals are both really awesome. Really. As in, every single patch awesome. 6. The new Plexi Trem. YEAH! BEST update yet.
  19. Yes , that thread recently became self-aware.
  20. I think you're thinking about it wrong, personally. Because maybe with this product, with Native, it's not all about Market Share (Line 6 doesn't seem to have a problem with Market Share I think). They don't have to worry about market share, they're probably selling more Helix and Helix Rack and Helix LT than Kemper and Axe products combined. And that's the only competition in that market segment. I do not think they released Native hoping to sell gobs of them at 400 bucks. I think they thought that LOADS of people would pony up 100 if they already had Helix or Helix Rack, figured they couldn't in fairness offer it at the same price to LT customers (not to mention that might lollipop off Helix and Rack customers), and didn't want to leave out people who didn't want ANY Helix hardware. So, the number of people ponying up 400 for just the software is probably very small, and that's just fine. You didn't buy the HD 500X because as an HD 500 user (I was, too), you weren't the market. They made the "X" because they couldn't get the chip anymore and had to change the configuration go keep making it. You didn't buy Helix Floor because maybe you don't need or want what it has to offer. That's okay, they've sold way more than they thought they would 3 years ago, and (no offense... really...) they don't need one more customer to be successful at that. I get the most out of the multiple signal paths and flexibility and processing in Helix, so I adore it. But I have to say, if I only ever needed one amp sound and a few FX, I would have stayed with HD 500, it was good enough for what I needed, really... It's still a good product. If you don't need or want it, it's all good, but it isn't a size of bad marketing.
  21. Something is off on that mixer. The EQ is messed up, the lo cut is out of control, or phantom power is on. Probably that last thing.
  22. A quick note to anyone using thumb drives as primary storage for anything. Don't. They are the least reliable storage out there. Backup or transfer only. And in fact, not even backup. Just for transferring stuff imho.
  23. I got rid of all the early ones that I made before I figured out how to best use Helix for my sound. I’ve kept nearly every one since, but only use recent ones. I should really throw them all away, re-make the few that I actually use, and be done with it.
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