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Everything posted by Charlie_Watt

  1. If you are going to play that way all the time, I would detune rather than use alt tuning. Alt tuning is always a compromise.
  2. That's the secret. Disable the second input so that you don't double the input signal and you should not saturate the input circuits. It is too bad that Line6 did not include a Clip Indicator like many other DSP devices have.
  3. Sounds like you may have got a bad one. Most are just fine and they are reliable. Get a replacement.
  4. I prefer the battery to the power supply. Less chance of a ground loop.
  5. I would get a second new battery then. Maybe yours is defective. Having two is never a bad idea anyway if you use the battery most of the time. I don't like the power supply, TRS option. I do like the VDI power option but that requires that you have a pod that supports VDI.
  6. The VDI to USB interface can't power the guitar so you need a well charged battery and the 1/4 inch cable plugged in to power it when using WB this way. You also need the volume knob turned up.
  7. Are you sure you are fully charging it? Getting four lights? I don't know if I get 12 hours but I certainly get more than 4.
  8. Piezo pickups are completely different than mags. They pick up the vibration at the very end of the strings. It's up to the modeling to simulate what the strings are doing where the mags would be. Different harmonics have nodes in different places along the strings.
  9. You are barking up the wrong tree. This is a user's forum.
  10. Variax kits would be a disaster for Line6. Many buyers would screw it up so badly that major PI$$ING contests would evolve. A transplant is for experts at working on guitars and electronics. Buy a Variax!
  11. Some amps do this and some are designed not to do this. We need other owners to pipe up here.
  12. High end guitar won't hit their cost target. How many US Variax's do you think Line6 has sold? I bet not many.
  13. Never had string breakage problems with my 500. They wear out before they break. Never broken one on my JTV69S either.
  14. On the 500 I get a pop the first time I select an acoustic model. Always have. Doesn't matter what is powering it. It only does it once then there is no noise when switching models.
  15. Not sure what you are asking. VDI works with the HD500x and it supplies power from that. I never use the external power supply that came with my Variax. It's either VDI or batteries.
  16. You are not leaving a 1/4 inch cable plugged in are you????? If not, then something is wrong. My battery in my JTV has been in there for two months without being charged and it shows two lights. (I am using the VDI cable with my HD500x) Those batteries should hold a charge for months if they are not being used.
  17. I think the older WB and Variax only has global string volumes.
  18. For home playing, a good Stereo Amp or receiver works well. I had a good amp and speakers that I was not using and I have played my Pod through it with good success.
  19. Many in stores are probably actually several years old. You're more likely to get a newer one from a volume online seller like Sweetwater. They even publish the serial number of all of the guitars they sell. Mine was made in 2012 even though I bought it from Sweetwater in mid 2013. My frets are not bad and the strings are very well aligned on the neck. I could tell in some of the pictures they posted that some of the necks needed adjustment because the strings were not lined up on the neck well.
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