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Everything posted by Charlie_Watt

  1. Is it "Dull" with the mag pickups? If so, it's a mechanical problem. (probably at the bridge if it does it fretted). Look carefully at how it breaks off at the bridge end. Something is damping it if it's dull. I assume you have tried replacing the strings.
  2. Wrong forum. Move this to the HD forum.
  3. Most pedals run on 9V DC but low power (< 100mA). The HD500 is power hungry!
  4. You should get 6 to 10 hours on a charge. The charger red led should start flashing when it gets near full charge and all four green lights should light up on the battery holder when you press the test button. If not, there is something wrong with the battery or the charger.
  5. I would return it and buy from a supplier that better supports the products. Other option is return it to Line6 for repair but there is a good chance they will find nothing wrong with it that a little setup won't fix.
  6. VDI connection is the best by far IMO. You get power to the Variax and do not have to charge the battery. (or even have it installed)
  7. I find programming easier on the computer but you can program everything with the controls on the X3.
  8. Have you tried new strings and a setup? My acoustics sound great on my 69S. I use them more than any other models. Electronics may fail but they don't wear out. Acoustic models require a good full range amp / speaker system to sound good.
  9. I agree. It's not going to be a reflash fix. I get real tired of that being the first fix we are told to do.
  10. How did it sound before the FW update? If it sounded good then, revert the FW and see if it still sounds good.
  11. I upgraded. No problems noticed yet. None expected.
  12. The buzz has to be there on all models if it's "String Buzz". It may be more noticeable on the 12 string models. Adjust your action higher or get a professional setup if you are not comfortable doing it yourself.
  13. The adapter is probably out of spec and it's going in too far. Put a washer on it to limit the travel. You are probably shorting out the signal which isn't good.
  14. It can act up while it is syncing to Edit but it should not act up after that.
  15. They sound different. A bit darker than the originals I think on mine. Better - far better given that they are properly grounded without relying on bridge contact. I would expect to pay a fairly high labor charge to have someone install them on a 500 based on how much work it was for me to install them on mine. Took me most of an evening and it's not for one who is not experienced in soldering or lacks the proper tools to do it. I had to adjust the string volumes down to about 50% to keep from overdriving the electronics.
  16. I think it somewhat depends on what you want it to sound like. I use a powered PA speaker because I wanted full range for playing Acoustic models with my JTV. If you are mostly going to play regular electric guitar, you may want a guitar amp like the DT25.
  17. Look closely at the pins in the connector on your variax. They can get damaged and out of place making the connection fail. You can carefully work them back into place if you find this condition. Main cause by the way is accidentally trying to put the 1/4 inch plug into the Variax connector. The JTV has a cover to make that harder to do. It's actually very easy to do that on an older Variax if you try to plug in without looking carefully. The Variax was shipped with a plastic cover which most people promptly misplaced.
  18. They are replaceable. Often, they are just dirty if the volume is low.
  19. My JTV69S from Sweetwater was almost the way I like it. I had to raise the E and A saddles slightly and the low E was way off on intonation. Easy adjustments. Action was very nice - not as high as most guitars ship with. Trem was nice and level and the nut was very nice. I like 10's and that's what it came with.
  20. If you want a capo for "more comfortable fret-regions" it sounds like you want to use a real capo. Otherwise, just set alt tuning to what you want to play on the fretboard where you want.
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