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Everything posted by soundog

  1. soundog

    I want this!!

    This won't work without the proper haircut.
  2. Great info, amsdenj; I'll give those ideas a try asap. When you combine the Helix assortment of amps and the Variax assortment of models (especially when tuned using Workbench), one is faced with a mind-boggling array of tones to sift through. That's why I am very interested in a freman pack that might include Variax + Helix presets + IRs designed to compliment each other. BTW, Fremen it would be great if you included a preset(s) for rock/blues slide guitar (open G or A, ala Lowell George, for example).
  3. I love it! I bought itII This will tide me over until the Variax package comes out.
  4. Best musical device support forum ever! :)
  5. ...not to beat a dead horse, but I needed to change some of my Variax settings while recording through my Helix last week, and by the time I located my Workbench dongle, ethernet cable, battery charger, and started recharging my Variax battery — I decided to just go ahead and record with the settings I had. Total buzz kill. :(
  6. Yes, get well soon—rest, lots of water and some good chicken soup. I'm waiting for the Variax presets, but your health comes first.
  7. 1) Integration of Workbench for Variax users 2) support for MIDI tempo (slave or master) 3) ???
  8. soundog

    IR Management

    Voted also. In the meantime, I set up my own method of IR management, which works for me. I duplicate my IRs and keep them in one folder, and rename the dupe IRs (on the Mac) using "A Better Finder Rename" utility. I use a standard convention: sortable number;manufacturer/creator abbreviation;manufacturer filename. I keep an excel spreadsheet with the filenames and a description of the IRs. The filenames in the folder are easily sorted on the Mac, and I can do a mass drag-and-drop into the Helix editor if I ever need to backup and restore. Result: the numbered preset names always line up with the Helix IR slot numbers, and my presets always align to these.
  9. EEEK! I just found this thread after trying to do some Workbench editing while my Varian and Helix are connected to my computer for some recording. I've voted on IdeaScale. Sure hope this support is added soon. The Snapshot firmware addition was fantastic, BTW. But please try to stick Workbench support in there next time. Pretty please.
  10. Well, here I sit trying to use Workbench with my Variax connected to my Helix. Its now my standard setup in my studio. I did a google search, and found this thread with bad news. So, what a hassle to have to stop what I'm doing, get out that USB dongle, reconnect everything, and run monkeys and workbenches. ARG!! There goes the creative moment when all I wanted to do was modify a tuning or some pickups. Throw us a bone, those of us who invested in Line 6 gear ... hook, line and sinker. Please add Workbench support via Helix connection.
  11. Any guidelines on when to use this special Line 6 Mac driver (or not)? Is the driver in beta still?
  12. I don't know about the HD500x .... but if it is "MIDI class compliant" it should work just fine.
  13. Agreed. MIDI clock support would be great to have. I use the unit in the studio for time-based effects, and would love to be able to slave Helix to DAW timing.
  14. I've tried numerous docks with iPads for audio and MIDI. Apple's new "Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter" is definitely the way to go. It cheap, small, light, works flawlessly with the Helix, and you can charge your iPad while you use it. Look on Apple's website to see what iPad's its compatible with first. I've also used it with GarageBand and Cubasis. I don't care for Garageband for multitrack recording, but Cubasis works great.
  15. As I do extensive setlist and patch editing, the Editor offers the advantage of rapid text entry, among other things. But when it comes to setting up MIDI controller assignments and testing controller response, the front panel is quick and easy. (I'm using a controller through a USB host, going into the USB B Helix port. Is there someway to connect and use my MIDI controller (USB based) and the Helix Editor at the same time (both controlling the Helix). I mainly want to ensure the MIDI controllers are working correctly as I make my edits using the Editor.
  16. I've used it and it works fine. But you do need a USB Host. You can get one for cheap at All you need to do is add a couple of midi ports and resistors to it, and provide a power supply. Then you route like: nanokontrol ---> USB host ---> MIDI cable ---> Helix. Speaking of controllers, I prefer the Akai MidiMix because it has a nifty "send all" button that sends the current position of all controls (faders and knobs). That way, you can change presets on the Helix, and then use the send all button to update all parameters from the MidiMix. But the nanokontrol can't be beat for a tiny compact unit at a really low price. iPad controllers work great also, you just need a camera connection kit. If you have a Lightning connect iPad, the newer Apple USB 3 connector is great because you can charge the iPad while you are using it.
  17. Semantics, eh wot? Wikipedia defines a software bug as "an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result..."
  18. For sure, though I can see how someone would want to try using the controller they already own to save $$$ if it might provide the functions needed. And even with Helix Control you still can't send a CC with tempo value as described in the manual. That's a shortcoming that I believe will be addressed soon.
  19. I think this is a known bug and will be addressed in a future firmware update.
  20. soundog

    USB volume

    Unfortunately, I don't think there is anyway to Helix-control the PC volume (which enters via USB 1/2) other than controlling it on your PC.
  21. For even more tonal versatility playing live, you can hook up a little MIDI controller (there are plenty of them on the market ... I use an Akai MIDIMix), you can assign controller knobs to the amp controls (and effects controls) in the Helix. You can use a little tray attached to a mic stand to hold the controller. That way, you can tweak your virtual Helix amp on-the-fly while you perform. This comes in handy if you play a lot of different rooms, as each will effect your overall sound.
  22. I finally found time to test this out again. Earlier in this thread I had noted that "Helix receiving MIDI "note on/noteoff" data via DIN inputs only sends out "note on" (and not "note off") through the USB port or MIDI out port." Based on Igloo's suggestion to try filtering out Active Sensing, I looked into this. I have an old iConnectMIDI box that will filter out selected MIDI commands. Sure enough, I had a newer Roland TM-2 in my MIDI setup, and it was sending out Active Sensing pulses. I filtered it out, and lo and behold — my MIDI note ons and offs are now being passed through (DIN in, USB out) intact and unpulverized! Its interesting to me that Roland is still using Active Sensing, even in its newest products!
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