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Everything posted by DarrellM5

  1. If Helix sends the MIDI commands to set the DT to None for all those parameters, I think the DT will stay that way until it receives commands to change again. I guess I could make another Helix template to put them back. If the amps and cabs are set to none for each of the voicings/topologys on Channel A, swtiching topologies doesn't seem to affect anything except volume level a bit. Actually, since there's a MIDI command to choose Voicing, I could make the template to always select Voicing I and set amp/cab/mic to None. Then it would only affect one of the DT's eight amp/cab setups. I think I'll try that. I'll dedicate DT Channel A, Voicing I to Helix and the other seven should be available for standalone use. I can think of 2 ways to accomplish this. Method 1 (Easy) Use DT Edit to set up Channel 1, Voicing I so that the amp/cab/mic/reverb are all set to None Disconnect DT Edit and hook up a MIDI cable from Helix to the DT Set up Helix Command Center Instant Command 1 to MIDI CC, Base, 122, 0. (This selects Channel A and Voicing I) Method 2 (More complex) Set up the Helix Command Center Instant Commands to: Instant 1 = MIDI CC, Base, 122, 0 (selects Channel A and Voicing I) Instant 2 = MIDI CC, Base, 11, 0 (selects None for Amp) Instant 3 = MIDI CC, Base, 71, 0 (selects None for Cab) Instant 4 = MIDI CC, Base, 82, 0 (selects None for XLR Direct Out Mic Emulation, this is the only MIDI command I can find that affects the mic) Instant 5 = MIDI CC, Base, 37, 0 (selects None for Reverb) Edit: Method 1 seems to work great so I might stick with that.
  2. I've been trying some things today. I've been doing some A/B comparisons between Helix cabs and the same models in the DT. Both sound fine with not that much difference to my ears. I'm using DT Edit to control the DT and I'm running L6 Link. The microphone selections on the DT definitely affect the sound even with amp/cab/reverb all set to None. Topology/Voicing doesn't have an effect when everything is set to None either. I haven't tried anything with the XLR Direct Out yet. I think, for simplicity, I'll create a Helix template that automatically sets amp/cab/reverb/microphone to None and use that as a starting point for all my DT presets. I could just set these to None with DT Edit and leave them that way but I'd rather have my preset double check them each time. I guess I can still set up Channel B on the DT to use stand alone with pedals. Should work fine.
  3. My JTV69 was also made in October of 2010 and doesn't exhibit any problems with the high E string.
  4. Probably not yet but it locks in the promotion. I pre-ordered mine at the beginning of July and locked in the 36 month financing. Got it mid-October.
  5. To control it with MIDI via the POD refer to page B.5 in the POD HD500X Advanced Guide. For the various MIDI messages that can be sent to the DT refer to the Line 6 DT Series Amplifiers MIDI Implementation Guide. If you're going to use DT Edit, don't bother with either of the above.
  6. If you're just wanting to use DT Edit to configure the amp, it's a piece of cake. DT Edit has a graphic interface so you just pick the settings you want and it handles the MIDI stuff for you in the background. You don't even need to know what the MIDI commands are. It's possible to control the DT via MIDI from the HD500X but it's WAY more complex.
  7. Well, we've created more questions than we started with. It sure would help if Line 6 would disclose more info about how the DT works. I guess I'll be experimenting quite a bit this weekend, and posting my findings of course.
  8. You can definitely set the 'Speaker Cab type' to None (MIDI guide page 2.5) but I can't find anything that would suggest that it can be turned off for the XLR Direct Out. It is possible, however, that turning the mic emulation off would have the same effect as turning off the cab. 'Can't make any sound if nothing is there to capture it' is kind of what I'm thinking.
  9. Your other guitars are about to get very lonely.
  10. I'm not sure why I chose to use the cab sims from the DT; probably a lack of understanding exactly how they work combined with very limited documentation from Line 6 on the matter. The microphone setting doesn't really matter as it only affects the DT's direct outs. I'll do some more experimenting this weekend and post my findings. I'll definitely try no preamp, cab or mic.
  11. I've been using L6 Link and a Midi cable with great success to get incredible tones out of the DT. I set up presets to automatically send the MIDI commands to change the DT preamp to none and to select Pentode/Triode, class A or A/B, topology and choose the microphone I want. Easy to do and sounds great. So great, in fact, that I just sold my HD500X.
  12. Charvel San Dimas Type 1 HH for $499 ESP LTD EC-401VF DMZ for $498 PRS SE Tremonti for $348
  13. I'll keep you in mind if I ever decide to go that route. I wouldn't hold my breath though; not with my addiction. I bought 3 more during Black Friday.
  14. Mine is, to me. If I could only keep one of the 12 guitars I currently have, it would be my JTV-69 with no hesitation. I have a 12 string acoustic, 6 string acoustic, hollowbody and a USA made Strat that hardly ever get played.
  15. Currently, no. However, there are a couple of IdeaScale submissions that address this. The first one is closed to voting and "In Review". It has 81 votes:!/779072-23508 The second one is still open for voting and sort of related to your question:
  16. Yep, select one block and assign it to a footswitch. Select another block and push BYPASS to turn the effect off and assign it to the same footswitch. Now the footswitch will turn one on and one off each time it's pressed. That same footswitch can do this with up to 8 blocks.
  17. I couldn't find anything online or in any of the miscellaneous files I've collected. I just hooked up my HD500X and the info is all there.
  18. It sounds like you're looking for a list of optimum DT settings to match each preamp. I've never seen such a list but I can get the info off of my HD500X. Maybe something like: Helix Model HD500X Model Based On Cab Class Topology Mode Mic WhoWatt 100 Hiway 100 Hiwatt DR-103 Brill 4x12 Hiway A/B I Pent 67 Condenser Is this what you're looking for?
  19. There's a preset from Line 6 in the Templates setlist. Also, I posted a preset on CustomTone that I created for just this purpose: If you haven't gotten it already, I highly recommend you download the DT Amplifier MIDI Implementation Guide:
  20. The DT25 is an excellent amp as a standalone unit. It has lots of headroom, the cleans are crystal clear and the drive is gnarly. It sounds great with pedals, with the HD500X and with Helix. The only Blackstar I have experience with is the ID:30, which is a nice amp but not even in the same league as the DT.
  21. I'm no expert but I've reinstalled my presets from the previous version on all of these updates. For example, I just reinstalled my backups, made on FW 1.03, in the latest update. I don't believe that it matters as one of their goals when making FW updates is to not affect user's presets.
  22. The Platinum store in Las Vegas is the nicest GC I've ever visited. Beautiful store with a huge selection of higher end gear than one would normally find at a GC. They even have Friedman Amps and Kemper Profilers,
  23. Totally agree. I owned the Variax 500 for 11 years and I've had my JTV69 for close to 2. After about a year of owning both together I finally sold off the Variax 500.
  24. I took this from the Owners Manual: Helix includes an impedance circuit on its Guitar Input that affects tone and feel by loading your guitar's pickups as they would by an effect pedal or amplifier. A lower value will typically result in some high frequency attenuation, lower gain, and an overall "softer" feel. A higher value provides full frequency response, higher gain, and overall "tighter" feel. When set to "Auto", the Guitar Input's impedance is dynamically set to match the first amp or FX model on Path 1A. It looks like it works the same as on the HD500X.
  25. Sounds like a ground problem or other interference. If your Mac is a laptop, try it running on only the battery. If it's a desktop, try plugging into another outlet.
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