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Everything posted by stumblinman

  1. I think they believe they've got you ready to cry uncle and install IR capability based on this thread as if it's your decision. You have been very patient and about as forthcoming as I've seen an L6 employee be about potential product update possibilities. Thank you for even involving yourself in this and falling down the rabbit hole with these guys. I must say though: How much DSP would it use to change EQ's to Hz? 😛
  2. Very nice illustrations. Well done man!
  3. Do you play single coil guitars? Usually it's fairly silent with humbuckers. I may put a noise gate between dirt pedal and amp or if I'm using a high gain amp I have a hard gate set up after the amp model.
  4. Mine was exactly the same. Just had to gently work it loose. Glad you were successful!
  5. I don't put it in my fx loop as I have an acoustic sim pedal there that I use in a different patch. In general the HD500 takes all pedals well.
  6. I've rotated several dirt pedals on and off my board in front of my Pod and they all work fine. Currently I use an EHX Soul Food and it works very well. I use it as a boost and a little dirt as well. It doesn't overdrive the front end of the Pod into digital clipping, and it complements the tones in the Pod very well. Edit: Wow, I used the word "well" a lot in this post.
  7. Basically unscrew the back cover, gently pop the knobs off the front (all of them) with gentle pressure and a couple butter knives or screwdrivers, and then remove the standoff screws inside on the PCB. There are a couple ribbon cables you will need to disconnect to remove the boards. They are held in place by hot glue. If you slowly wiggle and pull you can get the glue off and disconnect the ribbon cables. Once all the necessary cables are disconnected and you pull the switches board out, you can pull out the main board. It's a matter of angle and even pulling to get it out. You will have to remove some nuts from the back to release the 1/4" jacks. Once everything is loose, pull it out, desolder and solder. I did it over a year ago, so I may have forgotten a few minor details, but just look everything over and nothing should require any forcing. It all comes apart and goes together with gentle pressure.
  8. I didn't think I'd care about the DSP, but it did allow me to try some new amp combos and I found two so far already I really like for my really crunchy and my pristine clean. Just nice to have the option, you know?
  9. It's from I believe. I'd have to dig to find the part number. Line 6 phone support actually gave me the part number.
  10. The IR on the sample clip sounded brighter, just use the amp EQ. What a bunch of snake oil.
  11. Buy a digitech iStomp pedal. It has a few different pitch shifters and they keep clearing them out online for $40. One is called "swing shift" and it may be just what you want.
  12. I've replaced it and it is fairly easy. Taking the pod apart was tougher than actually doing the soldering. Getting the main board out of the case is fairly tricky and not for the faint of heart. If you don't feel 100% confident in your soldering and your comfort level with taking your new toy completely apart, take it to a service center.
  13. What happens if you go straight into front of amp? Front of amp but put patch cable from out to in on fx loop in pod? Just make a blank patch with fx loop and try that. Then try the above options straight into your fx return. See if any other ways give you noise.
  14. Not sure in the edit program. On the Pod itself it's simple. Choose amp, put cursor on amp with d-pad, click "move" button, push d-pad to the right which creates the split, click "move" again, move cursor to empty amp block by pushing down on d-pad, select second amp. To select between them, you need to assign them to a footswitch. That is documented everywhere and should be simple enough. I believe it's: put cursor over amp, hold enter key until bottom of display changes to read "none" or "fs1,2,3 etc.." or "exp1 or 2", release enter key, press switch you want to turn amp on or off, and it will read that value at the bottom, hit "view" to return to main view, move cursor to other amp and press "enter" to make sure one amp is on while the other is off, press the footswitch you selected and see if they switch. Also, there is a bypass volume on each amp while it is off. Be sure to set them to zero. Double click enter on an amp model, and when the amp display reads on the screen, hit enter again to turn it off and see the bypass volume. Good luck and sorry for the run on sentences.
  15. I'm guessing the percentage of folks wanting IR's is quite a bit lower than those wanting eq's in Hz or new amp models or multiple output options dependent on outputs used ie: L6 link in stack power amp and 1/4" or XLR in studio/direct. A vocal minority when complaining may not really want to be part of the solution. It is nice to see L6 maybe taking an interest in it though. Or maybe the IR guys don't understand the sample rate thing. I didn't until I looked it up. But then again, I don't care about IR's. But! I wish you luck in adding features! Glad Ideascale is being used for more than "add a power switch to all devices".
  16. This very well may be the reason for the $100 price drop recently. The G50 with a metal enclosure doesn't have this issue and the price point didn't change. Or maybe it's just a coincidence.
  17. My HD500 knobs are velocity-sensitive. Give them a quick twist and they jump quite a bit. Most modern encoder knobs work this way. It's about speed, not constant turning.
  18. I've used a boatload of different picks over the years, but for some reason I keep coming back to Fender mediums. Maybe forcing myself to try and stick with different picks will knock something loose and force me to try different picking styles. Challenge accepted! (Right after our run of 3 gigs over the next couple weeks) 😬
  19. I use the blackbacks almost exclusively. They have the EQ that fits me the best regardless of amp model. Just starts my tone off on the right foot I guess.
  20. I only use a Les Paul and it works great. I don't use the pad switch either. Plug in and turn a few knobs. Also, I found I do appreciate the extra DSP. Just turned my old Soldano brown sound patch into a crunch monster by adding a Park 75 model to it.
  21. I owe a big apology to the OP, as I posted a semi-mocking reply earlier: You are right. I was wrong. I had to buy a 500x today as my singer busted a knob on my 500 "helping" me pack up. I backed up my patches to the computer and copied them onto the 500x today and they sound much better. Fuller and less trebly is exactly right. I'm man enough to admit I am wrong, and I do. The 500x sounds better with the exact same setup and settings. It almost sounds a little compressed, like they improved the input portion to account for the clipping folks used to hear. My Pod was bought in Feb 2011, so maybe this was fixed in the later iterations of the 500 so folks didn't encounter the issue or notice the difference, but it's most definitely there.
  22. I use bank mode exclusively, as I may change between 3 patches in a song. I use an acoustic sim pedal in the Pod FX loop and that is a patch, and then have clean, light drive and heavy drive patches. As far as fs5-8, mine are all set up left to right: dirt, boost, mod, delay. Except acoustic, it doesn't have dirt.
  23. Am I the only person that thought he was having trouble in Florida?
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