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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. There's so many ways to do these things. Basic rules are that if you want stereo, those devices have to go at the end of the signal chain. External drives usually work best before the Stomp vs in a loop. MODS can go wherever they sound best, keeping in mind that they're only stereo if there's no mono device after them in the chain. You either have two mono loops or one stereo loop. Beyond those signal chain realities, whatever works for ya.
  2. Pardon my French (pun intended). I'm using Google Translate. If I understand your problem (and the awful Korg Manual), there are two ways to play an arpeggio on your Korg. 1) Manually - activate the Arpegiator by pressing the button, then hold down the notes of the chord to be arpeggiated. 2) By Program - a saved program that arpeggiates a specific chord in a specified pattern. I've attached a preset that: On load, sends a Program Change, then sends CC#6 with a Value of 0 (ON). Unfortunately, Helix will only send ONE NOTE at a time. I don't have a Korg, but using a SW Synth (VacuumPro) I can build an arpeggio by sending succesive notes in LATCHING mode, and I can modify the arpeggio on the fly by turning the NOTEs ON/OFF individually. Let me know if this works for you. Pardonnez mon français (jeu de mots voulu). J'utilise Google Traduction. Si je comprends votre problème (et le terrible manuel de Korg), il y a deux façons de jouer un arpège sur votre Korg. 1) Manuellement - activez l'arpégiateur en appuyant sur le bouton, puis maintenez enfoncées les notes de l'accord à arpéger. 2) By Program - un programme enregistré qui arpège un accord spécifique dans un modèle spécifié. J'ai joint un préréglage qui: En charge, envoie un changement de programme, puis envoie CC # 6 avec une valeur de 0 (ON). Malheureusement, Helix n'enverra qu'une seule note à la fois. Je n'ai pas de Korg, mais en utilisant un SW Synth (VacuumPro) je peux construire un arpège en envoyant des notes successives en mode LATCHING, et je peux modifier l'arpège à la volée en activant / désactivant les notes individuellement. Faites-moi savoir si cela fonctionne pour vous. Test Arp.hlx
  3. Track Input 1 Sliders at default - double click the slider Track Monitor button on AUTO Master at default - double click slider With those settings, your track levels when recording should be peaking around -15/-16db, the combined Output Level (center meters on Master Out) about the same. Playback should also be the same. The Output knob on the Stomp controls what you hear when recording and on playback, but does not affect the actual recording.
  4. Also - as others have said, Helix is very finicky about USB cables. You may have to try a few to get one that works. And if you're using a desktop, always use the rear USB ports. Did any of you resolve the issue? If so, please post back with your solution.
  5. I'm depressed that you're depressed, but here we are. That's a lie. FWIW - If this is really that important to you, here's what I'd do, one step at a time, testing after each step: Start by running a thorough hardware scan. Full 24 hour memory test, hard drive analysis the whole nine yards. Establish that it's not a hardware defect to the best of your ability. Update all the hardware drivers - MB, Chipset, etc. Get a small ssd, 128 would do it, and they're pretty cheap these days. Install and fully update Windows10. Optimize Windows for use with DAW (I assume you've already done this on your machine, if not, google it, and follow ALL the directions). Install a free DAW like Reaper (I could at least advise you with that one). Install HX Edit (v2.82) and the Native Trial. If they give you grief over having already done it (Native Trial), contact Frank Ritchotte on TGP and explain the situation, I'm sure he'll fix you up. If, after following ALL those steps, you still can't get HX Edit and Native to work, send me your computer (modified version, don't want your main HD). If I CAN'T get it working, I'll pay the round-trip shipping when I return it to you. If I DO get it working, all you owe me is to admit on this thread that it was user error, and suggest to L6 Support that they send me some free swag for my efforts. Why would I do this? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I feel that you've challenged me and I hereby call your bluff. You're Welcome. Take an aspirin.
  6. I repeat: Ignorant means "Not Knowing". If you knew, we wouldn't be having this conversation. FWIW, I freely admit to being ignorant about many things. BTW, you didn't pay for the SW, it was free, didn't come with the initial HW release, and isn't even necessary to use the HW. I've addressed this, as have others in currently running threads, and I know that you know that. You're part of a tiny minority and the problem is most likely a quirk of your specific HW/SW configuration. IT IS NOT A BUG! Else it would affect EVERYBODY! See above. You didn't buy it and it's not even necessary. Sales of the HW remain brisk, so it's obviously not as big a deal as you think it is. I made the offer to YOU, but if you want to be a jerk about it, I withdraw the offer. You insist on blaming the SW, and it could be, factoring in what I've said about the impossibility of L6 being able to test for the gazillion (means more zeros than you can shake a stick at) possible interactions in every conceivable Windows system. But you won't consider that, without having YOUR system on their bench to troubleshoot it (the basis of my support offer to YOU), it's not likely that they'll be ale to solve a system specific problem. Switching to a more standardized platform like Apple IS the best answer for some. Not using computers at all might even be better for some. People were playing electric guitar long before there were personal computers. Some people actually consider it (HX Edit) detrimental to using Helix. I know, hard to believe. Luddites! Lastly, I repeat, in case you're having trouble retaining provided information: You did NOT buy HX Edit, it did NOT come with the original HW release, and it's not even necessary to use the HW. It's a gratis add-on from L6, and It's ENTIRELY your choice to use it or not. If your purchase of a Helix was contingent on the existence of HX Edit then, knowing as you do that "Buggy software happens", you made a poor choice.Own it.
  7. Let's see.... Windows is the platform used by the vast majority of PC users. Therefore it follows that the vast majority of Helix/HX Edit users use Windows. THOUSANDS of Helix/Windows users perform an update. A dozen or less post here with problems that they can't resolve on their personal configuration of the Windows platform. THEREFORE IT"S A LINE 6 BUG? Sorry kids, that does NOT compute. If it was a Line6 problem we'd ALL be experiencing it, and my 0.00003 sampling would not be immune. I'm not saying that it's not an issue. I am saying that there are so many variables involved in a Windows system that the fact that it's a small minority of users who have the problem points to conditions in their systems, and that Line6 can't possibly be expected to test for all of them. MICROSOFT can't do it, and they have a lot bigger development staff than L6. I'm pressing this point because when you use comments like "they're sitting on their hands" and "how about L6 fixes their software" it strikes me (as a former software developer and LONG TIME user of computers, and Windows support provider, and L6 user) as just plain ignorant. They try harder than any other HW/SW company I've ever worked with. NOTE: IGNORANT means "not knowing", as opposed to STUPID, which means "not able to know." Ignorance can be cured, and we do it here every day. There's no cure for STUPID. The fact is, L6 support will work with you to solve your problem. Hell, if you live in Colorado, bring me your computer, I'll fix it for ya, FREE! THAT'S how confident I am! But if you insist on coming from a position of "It can't possibly be MY problem, it MUST be a bug, and L6 doesn't care!" despite the fact that you're in the tiny minority of users who have the problem, well, is that ignorance or stupidity? Probably just understandable frustration with not being able to do what we all want to do most, which is play our darn guitars!
  8. And your point is? My point is that if this was a Line6 bug, surely at least one of my 3 different configurations would have manifested it.
  9. FOR EMPHASIS - dump the ASIO4All drivers! I also use Reaper, there's no reason for your problem. As phil_m said, it should sound the same.
  10. And most every piece of software ever written for Windows has at some point had problems on different Windows HW platforms and after SOME Windows updates. It is NOT unique to Line6. As stated, with the same OS as you, I (and most others) have no such problems. Therefore, it CAN NOT be purely a Line6 problem. I have 3 very different Windows 10 computers (2 different laptops and an ancient DIY desktop) and they all work fine with Helix and HX Edit, every version since day one. Maybe you need to get over your Windows preference and use your MAC?
  11. Unlike the Mac World (they have their own set of problems), Windows is relatively unstructured in the sense that manufacturers can do pretty much whatever they want, and users have trillions of HW and SW options. All of these variables have gazillions of possible interactions. Add to that the monthly Windows updates and the unfortunate fact that the New Regime at Microsoft doesn't give a rat's patootie about individual users' needs (the money is with corporations in the cloud), we're pretty much on our own out here. I say the above because although I occasionally have problems, I have a long history with Windows, and have no problem reading and deciphering manuals and technical documents, so I can usually resolve my issues quickly. This is not the case for many Windows users, many of whom should be using MACs. That's not meant to be insulting. It's just a fact that due to Apple's strict enforcement of standards, life is easier over there. Plug and Play means just that, whereas here in Windows World it's known as "Plug and Pray". Also, MAC Support personnel are, for the most part, knowledgeable adults. If you've ever tried getting help from Microsoft you know that you need to go up to at least the third tier to find one of those. Now, consider that L6 support folks are stuck in the middle of that mess, it's easy to see how difficult it is to separate the Helix bugs from the Windows bugs. I haven't had any problems for several Helix/Windows updates that reinstalling the drivers hasn't fixed. For those who've been less fortunate, my condolences and best wishes for a speedy resolution to your problems.
  12. Run the HX Edit 2.82 Install program again, that will reinstall the drivers. Then run L6 Update to see if it recognizes the Helix at 2.82.
  13. AFAIK, the Control is just like separating the Buttons on the Floor from the unit (and no exp pedal). You should have no problem.
  14. Update to v2.82 (HX EDIT, then do the FW - FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!), see if that solves the problem. If you're already on 2.82 (HX EDIT and FW), reinstall HX EDIT. That'll reinstall the drivers.
  15. Your two amps have used up all the available DSP (processing power).
  16. Ownership is like a coupon. If the previous owner used the coupon, you'll pay full price. If not, you'll get the discounted price.
  17. 1) not so much that the average human can tell the difference 2) 1M is 1M, but the Helix has variable settings starting at 10k, which makes a difference with some effects like fuzz 3) The apollo has better latency when used with VSTs. It's on-board amps are said to be quite good. 4) Depends what you're doing I have a Helix Floor which I plug the guitar into. Same zero latency monitoring as the Apollo. I use a Scarlett 18i20 for an interface as it has many more Ins/Outs and better latency than Helix when used with VSTs. The Helix is a better guitar device, and can be used live - do you REALLY want to bring your computer to Joe's sleazy Dive Bar'n'Grill? Keep the Apollo and use both for what they're best at.
  18. Through the Mixer, for the mix.
  19. Connect the MP3 to Line 3/4. Connect Stomp Outputs L/R to Line 5/6. In Global Settings Ins?ots set Return Type to Return - not essential but necessary if you use the FX Loops.
  20. In Global Settings>Ins/Outs, the first knob is "Guitar In Pad". By default it's OFF. Turn it ON. Hear the difference? Now get two cables. Connect one to INPUT, the other to AUX. Switch back and forth. Hear the difference? I couldn't hear a difference. I don't use high gain or active pickups. If you use high gain or active pickups, maybe you hear a difference? Bottom line, go ahead and connect your wireless to AUX. If it sounds good, it is good!
  21. rd2rk

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  22. AFAIK, the AUX input acts like the Input Pad, in that it's intended to be used with active pups. I just tried moving the cable from my G10 from INPUT to AUX. Didn't seem to make any difference. I'm pretty sure the Floor (mine) and the Rack work the same way in that respect.
  23. Unless I'm mis-reading, OP is asking if it would sound good to put the speaker cab/IR BEFORE the amp in the signal chain. I think not.
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