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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. What you're doing is insisting that there's a problem with Helix, while ignoring what I and others are saying. You have NOT built the preset from the ground up ON THE HELIX ITSELF! You're using software running on a computer. Take the last step, the one you're avoiding. BUILD THE PRESET ON THE HARDWARE! If, AFTER building it on the hardware, you still have the problem, THEN you can argue that the platform is defective. If you're not willing to do that then by all means dump the unit. It's not like we have any investment in your success or failure, but most of us got no problems like you've got, which indicates to us that the problem is not Helix, but MAY be a problem with HX Edit. Try it. It's the only thing you HAVEN'T tried. What have you got to lose? BUT....if you're truly done wasting your valuable time on this defective platform from a heartless uncaring manufacturer, I'll be happy to open the bidding on your POS Helix. $100! Do I hear $125?
  2. ?????????? Sounds like you're confusing hardware and software. As others have asked, have you tried building the preset from scratch ON THE HELIX ITSELF? WITHOUT HXEDIT, thus eliminating the possibility of this being a problem with HXEDIT and/or your computer? Be a shame to not use an expensive piece of hardware because of a glitch in the SW Editor or the way the editor interacts with your computer, which won't be on stage.....
  3. I understand your frustration, and you're entitled to your opinion, as am I. My opinion of the above statement is that it's bull***t from someone who hasn't got a clue and really should just list his Helix on Craigslist and move on. We've tried to help you, as I'm SURE (based on my experience of L6 support) the support techs did. Now you're just being rude.
  4. No. Are you aware that the LED will only blink in sync with Reaper when the Reaper Transport is running?
  5. Considering that the "TEST" part would take up to 3 hours per tweak, I would consider that a daunting task. Even adding/deleting one BLOCK at a time would take longer than I'd have the patience for. Hope I never have this problem! REALLY glad I'm not the programmer that's going to have to figure it out if it becomes more commonplace!
  6. It should be obvious to you from the replies you've received that this is a problem specific to the way you've configured this preset, and that it is mainly of concern to you. Time to either: Do the troubleshooting required to pin down the specific cause of the problem. This is a complex preset with hundreds of possible parameter interactions. I doubt that anyone is going to have the time/energy to troubleshoot it for you. OR Sell the unit and move on. Many thousands of people use Helix (and Native) everyday to make music. But if you feel that you can't trust it, you won't have any trouble selling it. Let it go!.
  7. What's the difference between the L6 patch that works and the tweaks you made that broke it? Seems like that would be the place to start looking for the problem. And yes, your preset did exactly what you said when I imported it into my Helix, somewhere between 1-2 hours, so it's not specifically YOUR hardware. That said, I have no such problems on any of my custom presets, at least not that I've noticed.
  8. Global Settings>MIDI/Tempo>Receive MIDI Clock
  9. You cited a "computer-like hiss". Is USB connected?
  10. Have you tried the Helix ground switch?
  11. Wrong forum. The OFFICIAL Line6/Helix WISH LIST: Search first, it's probably already been proposed.
  12. The preset is not attached. I'd like to see for myself, but no way I have the time to study a bunch of screenshots and build it from scratch. Please attach the preset.
  13. This. Also, as suggested, make sure that all of your MB drivers are up to date, and disable anything you're not using, even if it doesn't SEEM to make a difference. Sometimes the cumulative effect of multiple changes makes the difference.
  14. If you're connected by wireless, disable wireless. That's one of the first steps in optimizing for audio use. Make sure all of the MB drivers are up to date. Kylotan mentioned DPC Latency Checker. Run that. OPTIMIZE THE SYSTEM FOR AUDIO/DAW USE. I'm emphasizing that because your reply didn't mention that you did it, or what steps you followed or chose to ignore because you didn't think that could be the problem. You don't know what the problem is, so follow ALL of the steps.
  15. Did you follow the instructions and do the update by running the v2.82 HX Edit before running the updater? Running the updater should have wiped out all existing presets, leaving just the factory presets. At that point you should have been able to re-install your custom presets from your backup. You DID do a backup BEFORE the update, right?
  16. In Reaper Preferences>Audio>MIDI Devices>MIDI Outputs Double-click Line6 Helix to open it's configuration dialog Check "Enable Output" and "Send Clock".
  17. How old is your computer? What CPU? How much memory? What OS? What DAW? Is anything else running while you're using your DAW? Have you ever performed the basic steps for optimizing it for use with a DAW? (GOOGLE it)
  18. Means nothing. We're troubleshooting. Try regular shielded cables. What can it hurt? You have a choice between Instrument and Line. Try them both AFTER you swap out the cables.
  19. Humbuster Cable Description "When used with the specially designed Humbuster audio outputs of Fractal Audio Systems products, Humbuster cables reduce the hum caused by ground loops. Use a Humbuster Cable whenever possible between the 1/4" outputs of your Axe-Fx II or FX8 and devices like preamps, power amps, guitar amplifiers, etc. These high quality cables have a nice flexible feel, with endplugs heat-shrinked for maximum durability. The heatshrink is color-coded, so you can easily find the black end to connect to the Humbuster output of your Fractal product and the blue end for your amp or other device." Maybe Helix doesn't like these? have you tried regular shielded cables? Also check the SEND/RETURN settings in GLOBAL SETTINGS>INS/OUTS.
  20. I have Windows 10 on two laptops, one I use with an HX Floor, the other with HX Stomp. and I support other people's (friends) computers, used mostly for gaming or business. On one of my laptops, the ethernet (hard wire) chip works perfectly with Win7, constantly drops connection on Win8-10. Driver problem. Neither MS nor the OEM is inclined to deal with it. On one of my friends' laptops, EVERY TIME there's a Windows Update it changes the OEM wireless driver to the Microsoft driver and the wireless fails. I've had to teach her how to go into Device Manager and change it back. MS Support has no clue. Someone else (forget if it was here or TGP) had a high end latest greatest game machine that he couldn't get to work with whatever it was until he managed to find just the right version of chipset driver. Point I'm trying to make is that many thousands (millions?) of musicians use Windows 10. A small percentage have seemingly random problems. It's usually drivers, and sometimes VERY hard to track down. Very few people (IME), when troubleshooting, think of the MB and Video drivers. SOMETIMES that's where the problem lies. Sometimes it's MS Update. While it's not impossible that there's a problem with YOUR Helix and v2.82, it's not likely. But you're right to keep an open mind, since the problem is occurring on two very different computers. If you're near Denver, I'd be happy to have a look at it for you. If not, be sure to keep us updated. Maybe with the New Year a new alignment of stars will magically cure the problem. Hey, doesn't hurt to hope..... :-)
  21. It's really hard to troubleshoot something when there's only one report of the problem. You might want to check that Win10 and all your system drivers are up to date. The drag'n'drop problem could be video drivers. Windows Updates have a nasty habit of replacing certain oem drivers with Microsoft drivers that don't always work right. I know, two different machines, but it's still more likely than being located on a convergence of ley lines or bad feng shui. :-) The MIDI problem is very strange. When you updated to 2.82, did you check the "MIDI PC RECEIVE" parameter in GLOBAL SETTINGS>MIDI/Tempo to see if it was set to the HW you're using (USB and/or MIDI)? Are CCs also not working?
  22. I agree about the poor documentation. However, once I figured it out, their logic makes sense. There's lots of people wanting to use the looper for all kinds of advanced functions, most often connected to live use. That's not what it's for. It's just what they say it is, a tool for playing with ideas. A scratchpad. Helix is first and foremost an amp and effects modeler. It's not a pro looper. If that's what you need, then get a standalone looper. I'd rather that they put their limited engineering resources into making Helix better at it's core modeling functions than trying to turn it into a performance grade looper. FOR SURE they need to fix the problem with losing the loop when you change presets. That's a feature that they BROKE in a recent update (dunno which one). You should write up all of your desires/suggestions and post them over on Ideascale (first do a search on LOOPER, your ideas are probably already there), that's where the L6 people that matter are most likely to pay attention. Thanks. Figuring it out took a while. Glad it was helpful!
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