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Everything posted by MusicLaw

  1. Some have reported better results when using Chrome Browser than Windows Explorer Browser. If you have Chrome, give it a try. Also be sure to use a main USB port, not a remote nor hub USB port.
  2. I'm interestingly following the developments of this topic, as well. These may indeed fall within the scope of Line 6's constant ongoing improvements to the fw, signal chain, and interaction of the various blocks and models as they interact. I would not expect an explicit white paper from Line 6 detailing any of what may turn out to be reworkings or improvements that may deploy in later fw versions. It may be more likely that a short statement regarding overall improvement and optimization may appear. Perhaps, with a bit more context of depicting one or several particular areas addressed. For instance, something perhaps like a statement regarding an improvement that achieved a reduction of noise floor of the FX Loops, or improved depth and resolution of the Reverbs, or improvements to the mic characteristics as applied to the on board Cabs, etc. [Note: The above is mere speculation! In no way does it reflect any official Line 6 information.]
  3. Frank's diligence to these sorts of matters (as depicted here and in TGP) has clearly elevated Line 6's exemplary Customer Service and Tech Support to a new level of World Class! The Good Will established by Frank, DI, Will, Tony, Andrew, Victor, and the Line 6 support and development teams for Helix, Relay (and other product groups) will yield dividends for product owners and the company for years to come!
  4. Direct Link to IdeaScale post is:
  5. They are sonically identical. The Helix LT does not have a MicIn XLR, nor as many FX Loops, etc. The current firmware for each is version 2.20.
  6. MusicLaw

    Update nightmare

    The Line 6 supplied cable does contain an in line RF Choke. To the OP, are you saying that you are able to successfully log into your Line account directly from your Browser using Chrome, yet when prompted to do so during the installation routine, the Login using the same Username and Password pair is failing? You may also want to try entirely unistalling all of Line 6's software from you computer -- apps, registry edits, drivers, everything! Then do a fresh download and install.
  7. Not on devices that only provide analog audio output via a Headphone jack or RCA L/R connections. My previous reply was soley regarding analog audio output sources -- not regarding digitial nor USB! Of course, USB offers many advantages. And, the iPhone and iPad require use of Apple's Camera Kit accessory! No?
  8. To those whom have previously contributed to this thread: If you have installed Firmware 2.20, do you feel the tones are Better? Same? Worse?
  9. Also be sure to allow the Transmitter to be fully seated in the receiver base for 10 seconds with the power to the base on! This allows the base adn transmitter to select a clear channel. At home, you may have fewer interfering channels. At rehearsal or a gig, there will be your Bass player's unit. Allow either yours or his to select a clear channel first and then insert the transmitter into the guitar so the channel remains active. Then do the other guitar's transmitter and base channel selection routine -- so it will see the first unit's active channel and automatically pick another. If you are fully seating the transmitter into the base and it is still not properly charging, after doing the firmware update to version 1.04, contact Line 7 or your vendor and they'll get you fixed up!
  10. When you loaded the S Gear trail version and used the Helix as an interface and got great sounding results, what were you using to listen? I use one of several pair of Sony MDR-V6 (nearly identical to the MDR-7506) with my Helix and other gear for years. The Helix sounds great through the Sony MDR-V6 headdphones. I also have a pair of Shure SE530 IEMs that sound great with the Helix. Do you have another set of headphones to try? Have you tested the Headphones with another source device? This could help isolate if it may be the Headphones, or the Helix.
  11. The April video of Lunch with Dan that is linkd earlier in this thread, contains several very interesting comments from Dan. Perhaps most significant is his comment that Line 6 ws funding his effort to return to the studio to do three days of extensive Shooting of IRs. Dan's comments of the multiple miking methods he uses and the cross reference database he was compiling, as well as the suitability of the IRs for various modeling platforms was very revealing. If I recollect, correctly he was depicting that the 43ms sampling rendered a reverberant capture of surfaces up to 21.5 feet away from the Sound source due to the "cocktail math" of sound traveling approximately 1 foot per millisecond. Thus, the original source's privary sound waves could travel 21.5' feet out and reflections from surfaces up to as far away as 21.5' could be captured within the IR's 43ms capability. This opens a universe of possibilites where Helix could go with these, should these parameters become part of Helix's feature set offerings. Additionally, the Mics Dan mentioned were exceptional and also included multiple mic configurations and room mic configurations. All very exciting potentials for where this Line 6 funded project could lead for Helix!!
  12. The convenience of using the headphone out from an ipod, Android Smartphone or Tablet, CD player, or similar, to quickly patch to the Helix for practicing with pre-recorded tracks or YouTube vids, is what makes the 1/8" Stereo to Dual Mono 1/4" Left and Right TS cable so useful with Helix. Just put a Stereo FX Return Block in Helix's signal path and you're good to go! A Gain Block makes it easy to adjust the incoming volume level if you do not choose to do so in the FX Return Block Level parameter.
  13. Also do not overlook how useful hands-free Pedal Edit mode is when dialing in the various parameters of Block elements!
  14. Helix's display screen is fully addressable from Helix's on board firmware. There is plenty of room to display a vivid colorful pair of vertical meter indicators, each several pixels wide and with index values. It would make sense to present it similarly to what is being shown in the Signal Path portion of Helix Native's screen view:
  15. Update the firmware, to the latest version! If it is already running the latest version firmware 1.04 released Sept 2016 get in touch with your vendor or Line 6 and they'll get you set up right.
  16. That's the biggest set of Brass knuckles I've ever seen! ;)
  17. And using the Helix, we don't need to futz with extraneous cables or a patch bay!
  18. On TGP, Frank Ritchotte, Sr. Director Of Operations, Line 6 Inc., has pretty much indicated that Line 6 will work with the second owner to get the Helix properly reregistered, (and unregistered from the prior owner). This was in the context of someone purchasing a used Helix from Guitar Center. Line 6 seems to be quite facilitating. So you may want to private message Frank on the TGP forums to get a clearer response. My impression from other posts in those threads on this issue is that you'll be on solid ground if you acquire the unit before Helix Native is released, and if you can get the original purchaser's receipt, and have him unregister it from Line 6's site. If the latter steps are difficult or unavailable, that's where Line 6 will need to confirm and assist, so that when Helix Native is released, your Helix's S/N registration aligns with you and your purchase discount for Helix Native. I'm optimistic and confident that it will work out for you. Line 6's customer support is World Class! Frank is a large part of that.
  19. There's a good deal on a StageSource coming up for anyone with an extra tube of Crazy Glue. ;)
  20. Clearly something loose and vibrating/resonating inside the cab. Send it back for a new unit. Make note of your S/N before you do so, to be sure they do not send the same unit back to you.
  21. PeteSnow: Your original use of the term "Block" is likely what contributed to the confusion. A "Block" in Helix lingo, is a particular Model of an Amp or FX, and the Input and Output points, all in Helix's Signal Path of a Preset. Helix has Eight Setlists of Presets. Each Setlist has 128 Presets. The first two Setlists are named "Factory 1" and "Factory 2"; the last is named: "Templates." Helix's Scribble Strips, Footswitches, and Display Screen, respond somewhat differently in each of Helix's three main operational Modes: Preset Mode, Stomp Mode, Snapshot Mode. There is also a 4th Pedal Edit Mode. As you step through each of Helix's different Modes, things work a bit differently. And, you may customize how Helix displays things in the Global Settings. The first few pages of the Helix 2.0 User Manual (Rev D) PDF, available from Line 6's site does a really good job of familiarizing you with these terms and concepts. The latest version is dated July 2016. There is also a PDF Graphic depiction of the screen, buttons, knobs, controllers, etc. that is worth looking at. There's a bunch of great info in the User Guide, but the first few pages are really the foundation to understanding how to make Helix sing! Once you have a basic foundation of the terms and concepts, were all here to assist. Hope this helps.
  22. At NAMM, Line 6 was showing the new Helix Native User Interface (to be shared with the newly revised Helix Editor) and it looked great on the Mac Laptop! By the time it's released, I'm confident the software team will have it looking spectacular on all hi res Windows and Mac displays. If the slated schedule holds, it will be out by the end of Spring.
  23. Cool ideas! Voted for both. Let's see how the userbase responds and whether Line 6 embraces the suggestions.
  24. Read a recent post by Digital Igloo (likely on TGP) that he runs two (2) Helix Rack units in an interesting configuration. I do not recollect him mentioning any sort of networking between the two, other than I seem to remember he does have them MIDI interconnected. DI (Eric) would be the one to contact to further explore Helix Networking capabilities. He's may be on his way back from Musikmesse in Frankfurt, Germany.
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