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Found 12 results

  1. Problem: After upgrading to their Mac OSX system, some mac users found that some apps can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. A dialog box pops up, click "OK" button and the application will close. Solution: Make sure you have dragged the installer package to /Applications to complete the installation. Our users have found that dragging the package into the Applications folder works best. This package appears after the installer .dmg file is opened. Problem: If you try to open the installer you downloaded, and you are blocked by the Mac System. You may need to disable the Gatekeeper within your system preferences. You may see a prompt like this: Solution: 1. Go to “System Preferences” then “Security & Privacy”. Under the General tab, you will see a message at the bottom, “Line 6 Updater.pkg was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer.” 2. Click on “Open Anyway” and the application will be opened.
  2. I upgraded my Pod go wireless to the latest firmware (1.40), but I was still sufferring occasional dropouts with the wireless, I went into Line 6 Updater and connected the Relay to the Guitar Input on the Pod, and the update to firmware 2.05 was displayed for the Relay. I followed through the update without an Issue, but now I am left with a permanent red light on the Relay (when connected to Pod or Guitar) and no wireless connection between the two. I have tried downgrading the Pod firmware, but this did not help. The Relay is not recognised in Line 6 Updater anymore. Pod Edit does not recognise it either, so I am seemingly unable to dorngrade the firmware. When the Relay is connected to the Pod it appears to charge (according to the display on the Pod) but the light on the Relay remains static red. I have opened a support ticket, and I'm waiting for a response. Is anyone else having this Issue?
  3. Problem: After upgrading to macOS Catalina, some mac users found that some apps can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. A dialog box pops up, click "OK" button and the application will close. Solution: Make sure you have dragged the installer package to /Applications to complete the installation. Our users have found that dragging the package into the Applications folder works best. This package appears after the installer .dmg file is opened. Problem: If you try to open the installer you downloaded, and you are blocked by the Mac System. You may need to disable the gatekeeper within your system preferences. You may see a prompt like this: Solution: 1. Go to “System Preferences” then “Security & Privacy”. Under the General tab, you will see a message at the bottom, “Application "Line 6 Updater" was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer.” 2. Click on “Open anyway” and the application will be opened.
  4. Hi, all. I've been trying to update my Spider V, but when I open the Updater and log in, I get the "Please select your device" prompt, but it won't show. In fact, I also have an old GearBox (GX1?) connected and it doesn't see that either. I have the latest version of Updater (1.18) and am running Windows 10 Home 64-bit. Can someone solve this for me, please? Thanks. P.S. I've also verified that my amp is registered and shows in my L6 account. Never mind. I'm a dumbass. Kids, remember to flip the little switch in back that goes from iOS to Android if you have an iPhone, but a Windows computer :/
  5. Hi everyone, I just bought a POD Go that should be delivered shortly. Wanted to get a head start and download all the software and updates but I’m having problems getting the line 6 updater to open. I’ve downloaded the latest version and the latest driver for POD Go. I’ve also downloaded the latest firmware and the 1.11? With Pod Go edit. When I try to open Updater, I get an error message saying something about the driver needs to be 2.something or above. Is there something I’m doing wrong or need to download? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated thanks!
  6. Hello, I am trying to update my Line Updater to version 1.9, I am currently running 1.8 When I download and run the .pkg file, I get the following error. (see screenshot), which suggests the installer package is corrupt or damaged. Would you be able to send me or link me to a stable version of the updated installer please ? Thanks Adam
  7. Hi, I tried to update the firmware of FBV3 from 1.00.00 to 1.01.00 using Line 6 Updater. However, Line 6 Updater crashed after around 15 minutes and now FBV does not work anymore. It does not power up at all, neither when connected to Firehawk 1500, nor when connected to my notebook via USB. Has anyone else witnessed a similar situation? Any advice? Should I return it for servicing? I have raised a support ticket with Line 6 and am waiting for their response. Best regards. Paweł Szewczyk
  8. Hi I need help. I've uninstalled and reinstalled all helix drivers/apps without my helix connected. tried 3 USB Ports. My PC windows 10 recognizes the device under device manager (audio, video and game controllers. there is an exclamation point next to line 6 Helix icon. I have a Dell XPC 8920 Intel R Core TM i7-7700K CPU 4.20GHz 4.20GHz. Thanks for your support
  9. Working through issues with my brand-new Helix LT, so far Line 6 Customer Support has been quick to engage and support: Initially the Helix LT was unable to connect to either Helix Editor or Line 6 Updater applications - first with a MacBook Pro laptop running MacOS El Capitan. Switching to an iMac running MacOS Sierra, I was able to successfully update the Helix LT to firmware version 2.21.0. I subsequently updated the operating system on the MacBook Pro laptop to Mac OS Sierrra. Now the Helix LT will temporarily connect to the computers with Helix Editor software, then dis-connect with a yellow-bar error message stating "Service is not online." Subsequent attempts to connect are unsuccessful, sometimes with an error message stating "Cannot connect to device." Both computers, two USB cables supplied with Line 6 hardware, all available USB ports on the computers... same dealio. Not working!! My original Helix Floor unit connects successfully to both computers - with both of the USB cables I have - and there appear to be no issues with navigating the setlists, presets, etc. Exporting the files to the local storage disks also works OK. NO CONNECTIVITY ISSUES WITH THE ORIGINAL HELIX FLOOR. Curious to see if other early adopters of the newly-released Helix LT are experiencing similar problems with USB connections and Helix Editor + Line 6 Updater applications. Possibly this is more specific to Apple/Mac devices & not Windows/PC devices?? Thanks for any helpful input, KWH
  10. Hey all I just got the hx effects today and am trying to update it to 2.5. I have a macbook pro running 10.9.5. I downloaded the most recent Line 6 Updater from I am having problems getting my HX effects updated. I plugged the included cord in to my computer and the hx effects. I can start the updater when the hx effects is powered off. I, of course, don't see the device in the "Select device to update" list after signing in. Once I turn the hx effects on, the updater crashes with the error "Line 6 Updater quit unexpectedly." I have tried different USB ports on my computer and have restarted once. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  11. Wondering if anyone else is having problems running Line 6 Updater 1.07 on Windows 10 64-bit? I tried downloading tonight in an effort to update my Helix FW to the latest release. Updater will not run after installation, yet DOES reside in memory - which I have to kill using Task Manager if I want to run Helix 1.03. When downloading the installer for Updater 1.07, I get a msg stating "The signature of Line6Updaterv1.07Installer.exe is corrupt or invalid." Going forward with the installation seems to work fine (i.e., no crashes). The previous version of Line 6 Updater 1.04 runs fine. Helix 1.03 runs fine. Any thoughts?
  12. Hi everyone, I just joined the forum and this is my first post here. For the most part, I'm really loving the Helix so far and am using it straight into a Mesa Boogie Express 5:50+ or a Carvin Legacy 3. It took a bunch of tweaking and reading on this forum, but eventually I was able to get some great tones out of it. So, thanks for all your great posts advice that helped me accomplish that! Anyway, I finally decided to attempt my first firmware update tonight but the Line 6 Updater 1.04 won't recognize the Helix. I'm running it on a mid-2009 Mac Book Pro running OSX 10.9.5 (Mavericks). The Helix App 1.03 seemed to work fine because I was able to export my presets with no problem. I should note that the reason I'm still using such an old MacBook (lol) is because it has a 17" screen which Apple, in their infinite "wisdom", discontinued. And I can't update the OS due to some software that needs to run on Mavericks. I REALLY don't want to have to buy a new laptop, so any advice on getting the firmware successfully updated would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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