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Found 17 results

  1. I upgraded my Pod go wireless to the latest firmware (1.40), but I was still sufferring occasional dropouts with the wireless, I went into Line 6 Updater and connected the Relay to the Guitar Input on the Pod, and the update to firmware 2.05 was displayed for the Relay. I followed through the update without an Issue, but now I am left with a permanent red light on the Relay (when connected to Pod or Guitar) and no wireless connection between the two. I have tried downgrading the Pod firmware, but this did not help. The Relay is not recognised in Line 6 Updater anymore. Pod Edit does not recognise it either, so I am seemingly unable to dorngrade the firmware. When the Relay is connected to the Pod it appears to charge (according to the display on the Pod) but the light on the Relay remains static red. I have opened a support ticket, and I'm waiting for a response. Is anyone else having this Issue?
  2. Hey! So I've been dealing with this issue for seriously a year or two, but it's gotten insane the past couple months where it's every single time I start up my computer. Needed to finally make a topic since it's never been described exactly like this for me. Here is a video link to see what's happening: (If there's a more preferred way to share this just let me know please) Dropbox Link for UX2 Hiss Video I will need to unplug and replug my interface in for an unknown amount of times before the issue resolves itself. Sometimes it breaks the driver and I reinstall the UX2 drivers to get rid of the blinking red lights and it works again for the time I have my computer booted up. The noises vary but are similar. Some high pitched, some with a rhythmic pulse like it could be the power source, I have a battery backup surge protector everything runs through. Others sound like a High-Pass is on it, and some are bassy. Never know what you're going to turn the monitors on for and hear. I've tried switching the ports I've plugged into, taking every other plug of my UX2 out and replugged them in with varying orders, turning knobs while having it plugged in and out, etc. I have Mackey MR5s if that gives any help somehow. And I have attached an HTML and TXT file for my CPU info from CPU-Z KYLE-NZXT-DESKT.html KYLE-NZXT-DESKT.txt
  3. HELLO LINE 6 BUDDIES! I'm two-track recording an acoustic guitar with my POD HD500X as the audio interface. I have a RODE NT1A condenser mic plugged into a mixer with phantom power. This mixer is then connected to the POD's 'Guitar In' input via guitar lead, and there is also an acoustic guitar connected to the 'AUX' input for a direct signal. This is all running through Logic Pro X on my Macbook Pro (Early 2015) with 16GB RAM. I have used this setup before and it has all worked fine, except today I am hearing intermittent static coming from both inputs at seemingly random intervals. It sounds like a short burst of a bitcrusher-like sound, and then goes back to normal after less than a second. It can't be any problem with the mic/mixer because I am getting the problem on AUX (direct input) as well as the Guitar In (mic) input. I have tried different USB cables, and have tried different power outlets. I have also tried a different audio interface (that can unfortunately only handle one input) that didn't seem to have the same problem, leading me to think that it also isn't an issue with Logic Pro X... SO... Has this happened to anyone before, and can anyone think of any reason this might be happening? Yeah, I've turned it off and on again ;)
  4. Alright so a bit of backstory. I got my hx stomp back in March, everything was fine until it started freezing up on me and when it froze I can’t switch patches. This would’ve been bad because my band has tons of different patches needed to play a set. Wasn’t a problem though because line 6 took care of me, I sent it back pre paid shipping, and they sent me a new one about 2 weeks later. Completely free, and since then it’s been great, no issues, it’s basically my amp and everything. Until today. I’ve been troubleshooting for awhile now and it has to be the hx stomp. Basically my cab just has a ton of static right now and noise. It’s so loud I can’t even hear my guitar over it. It’s never been like that. I tested all different cables, running straight into my power amp and checked everything, but every time I plug back into the hx stomp it gives off the noise. So I tried different guitars, cables, and in every type of configuration but still nothing. I tried changing wall outlets to see if that helped but nope. The only thing I haven’t done is update it to 2.8 but I’ve seen many reports of it breaking the helix so I’m waiting on that. Any help to figure this out is appreciated.
  5. Greetings, I purchased a Spider IV 75 off Craigslist and for a year, it served me quite well. When I turn the amp on now, I get a loud static like hiss. The hiss is present with both volumes turned completely down and it hisses even when a guitar chord is not plugged in. I did a reset and the static went away while during the reset process. Once the reset process was complete, the hiss returned. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Hello, I recently purchased a Line6 UX2 and I just plugged in my casual headphones through a 1/4 inch adapter and I am receiving a static like noise in both of my ear cups but particularity the left ear cup. I was wondering if this is due to the 1/4 inch adapter or the UX2 is defective? Please let me know your ideas. Thank you.
  7. Adovock

    Static Wall

    I spend most of my team using the Archetype Lead and German Ubersonic amps. I also really dig the US Deluxe Norm tone with the Vermin Dist pedal. When I play three+ string power chords, there is a very audible static wall mixed in with the sound. No matter where I move on the neck, the static keeps the same non-musical pitch, like when you'd turn to a bad channel on an old TV but higher pitched. I used this at my band's practice barn and this "fizz" overpowered my guitar while my buddy was also playing. My guess is that the distortion is making noises that have nowhere to go, so they just come out as static-sounding. It's just weird that the pitch of this "noise" stays the same. No static in clean tones. 1) How can I get rid of this annoyance? I've tried messing with the global settings, noise gates, and the input gate. I've tried messing with the drive, mids, and treble. Maybe I'm just bad! 2) Does this happen with Tube Amps, or is this just a digital issue? Thank you, Dan
  8. I've been trying to figure this out but I'm utterly lost. I've been trying to record. I have a UX2 interface and a RODE NT1A microphone, and use Audacity (I know, I know). But whenever I try to record something, it doesn't pick up the mic at all. At all, like not even very quietly. It only records loud static. I can't tell whether the problem is with the mic or the interface or the software or what. I've never used equipment like this before, so I have no idea what to do. I've played with settings in PODFarm and have gotten nowhere, only slightly quieter static.
  9. Zzz123


    Issue just started. Static on any part of the Helix. Can't touch the guitar input cable, can't play the guitar when connected to the cable. Speakers and Helix are on the same power source. Why is this happening and how do I solve it?
  10. I use my Pod HD500 with my DT25 combo by using the L6 Link connectivity. It works fine, but recently I decided to add a bit more complexity to my rig by incorporating some other pedals into the signal chain. I have a C.S.E. Rasputin Fuzz, which supposed to be like a Big Muff on steroids. I tried opening a fx loop block so I could run it in front of the amp, but it creates this unbearably loud static when I turn the stompbox on. Even with the fx loop block turned off, it still makes that awful noise (while the pedal is still on). I unplugged everything and just did guitar>fuzz>amp, and I didn't get any static. I know that high-gain pedals do make a bit of noise, but it seems to amplify when I just plug it into the effects loop of the Pod. Any ideas?
  11. Hey guys, I've had an M9 for 6 years and I love it. Never had an issue and have never wanted to go analog. But recently I've had some weird issues with it. First, I've been noticing a very quiet fuzz/static when an effect (mostly on gain effects) is engaged. It's almost like a light Phase underneath the gain signal, and it make sustained chords or notes sound really bad. There are some gain effects I can't use all together because it makes an awful fuzz sound (including some of the fuzzes which are my bread and butter!!). Has anyone noticed this same issue? Second issue, when I go to switch scenes and press the TAP and B3 buttons then select a new scene, the pedal stays on the scene select screen. When I press the new scene again the light starts blinking from white to blue until I press it again and only exits the scene select screen if i press the TAP and B3 buttons again. Is this an extra function I was unaware of for the last 6 years?? I've recently done a factory reset to see if these issues go away but with now luck. Please help!!!
  12. Hello everyone. Recently I had to replace my UX2 due to hardware failure after about 5-6 solid years of use. I'm now using a UX1 with phantom power for my XLR mics. It's been working for about 3 weeks with no issues but suddenly last night while in a skype call my audio started to cut out and was replaced with harsh static, and now that's all I hear from my UX1. It's much worse when my mic is plugged in, anything said through the mic doubles the static. I can't hear any regular audio, it's just replaced with static and harsh noise. Here's an example of what I'm hearing. I tried reinstalling all of my drivers and podfarm 2 as well, no luck. I've messed around with the buffer size and bit depth in the settings but no luck there either. I'm just outputting straight to my headphones, and usually have my ux1 set as the default audio device. Here are my specs: ASUS Desktop PC M32AD Series Intel i7 @ 3.20 Ghz 12 GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit I'm REALLY hoping it's not another hardware issue since I just replaced my UX2, so if anyone could give me any advice it would be much appreciated!!! -Shawn
  13. Sorry I am new to the line 6 forum so i don't know where to post for this problem I am having. I have a brand new pod studio ux2. Whenever I try to record or monitor, the tones just sound too terrible to play with because they are covered in static noise, especially when there is distortion. The more distortion, the more crackeling/static. It happens even when just monitoring directly from the pod farm. I download preset's offline, but they sound way worse and full of static-y noise compared to the online previews of the tone. For example, I downloaded this preset off of youtube: On the youtube video, it sounds great and completely clear. But when i monitor the same exact tone on my pod farm, it is covered in static which makes it really not easy to listen to at all, and gives it a completely different feel than what it is supposed to sound like. Please see the attached file to see what the downloaded tone displayed on that youtube video sounds like for me. The guitar I use is a schecter blacjack, which is a pretty nice guitar model. I think mine in particular however has damaged pickups because it is really hard to hear the tone on most special amp effects, and is only really hearable on distorted or clean tones, but even the sound can fade depending on where I am playing. Also there is a couple buzzing problems with my strings so my guitar isn't in the best shape. However i don't really have the same static problem at all when I use that guitar on my spider iv 75 amp. It sound's a lot clearer. So that makes me more unsure on what is causing the static problem with the ux2/pod farm. Does anyone know what could be causing all of that static noise when i use my ux2/pod farm? Aside from my crappy playing, you can definintely hear the difference in actual quality when comparing my recording of the downloaded preset tone, to the youtube video preview of the actual tone. crackely_as_lollipop.mp3
  14. Hello, and thanks for taking the time to read this. While recording with my POD HD500, I have noticed an issue with some kind of digital static. It's usually not a big deal when I am playing, but when I allow my guitar to ring out (typically at the end of a song), I begin to notice an strange static coming out from behind the guitars. This issue is made worse if I double track or add additional guitar tracks, as it is multiplying the noise. I'm not very audio-tech savvy, so I was hoping someone could help me locate (and possibly eliminate) the source of this noise. My guitar uses EMGX pickups. When I turn on the tuner, I get a clean, smooth DI tone with no noise whatsoever (unless I move my guitar's pickups within inches of the various electronics in my studio), making me think I should rule out the pickups. Additionally, changing cables has no effect. I've tried multiple lengths from Fender to generic, so I am also thinking I should rule out the cables. The POD HD500 makes a constant white noise when I have it on certain patches. When I use my Treadplate patch (Drive 64%, Vol 100%, no pedals, just the amp), there is constant noise whether or not I have anything plugged into the POD. Is this normal? The noise is different if I choose different amps (being most obvious on Uber, Treadplate, F-Ball and Elektrik), making me believe this is just how the amps act in real life and are thus emulated, so I think this can be ruled out. I thought maybe it was a ground loop hum, so I bought a HumX, but plugging various things into it (PC, POD, power strip) has absolutely no effect. Hopefully I can rule this out, return it, and get my money back. I've tried using noise gates, but as long as the guitar is ringing out, the static is there. It has a very digital sound, and I suspect it might be coming from my computer. If turn my guitar's volume down, I get the amp noise I was talking about earlier, but as I turn the volume up (strings muted of course), it's like I'm dialing in this digital static. Sorry for the TL;DR. My main goal here is finding out what is normal/abnormal and what I can fix (and if I can return my HumX... that thing was $60!) Thanks for the help. I'll be happy to upload some examples if they are needed.
  15. I'm new to this forum and I hope someone can help. So I'm getting a static/buzz sound when I record with my pod hd pro in GarageBand and Logic. I'm connected via USB and when I physically lay down a guitar track it sounds fine. But when I play the track back there's a static/buzz sound. This happens in both GarageBand and Logic Pro. I've done lots of recording before with the line 6 ux8 and have had no issues with either program. Is there's a problem with my pod? Some help would be much appreciated. Thx
  16. I have the Spider IV 30 -- the old model, with just four presets. When I change from one preset channel to another, on some channels I get hum/buzz/static, which disappears when I fiddle with the channel volume/drive knobs. Is this just one of those things that everyone experiences or can I adjust something to eliminate/minimize that? I also noticed that the volume differs from preset channel to channel -- goes way up or down as I switch. Any way to standardize the volume so that it remains the same as I change channels?
  17. I've owned a GuitarPort for about ten years now, and it's actually the only reason I held onto my ancient HP desktop computer with its massive heavy monitor after switching to Macs. Eventually the computer stopped working altogether. Now I've built a brand new PC with Windows 7 Professional, which includes a virtual WIndows XP mode. I excitedly downloaded the Line6 Monkey and Gearbox programs and got everything working. With a great set of speakers, it sounded better than ever before (, and I was ecstatic. The GuitarPort is without a doubt the best $100 (or whatever it was) I have ever spent in my life. However, a problem has cropped up. Even with the buffer size on extra-large, I'm getting heavy static and audio cutting out. It sounds fine for the first few seconds when I start the program, but quickly goes south. I've installed the most updated versions of everything with the Monkey. I'd really appreciate any suggestions; this is really bumming me out!
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