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Found 11 results

  1. I’m an acoustic guitar player just picking guitar up again after around 10 years or so. Decided to get an electric (Squire Classic Vibes 70’s Thinline Tele and an amp (Catalyst 60) as well. Played the guitar through my dad’s modeling amp (Fender) and had no problems. Got my Cat today and turned it on to tried the Clean voicing (the whole reason I got the amp was for clean playing, and I thought it had gotten broke in shipping. Pretty much had to crank channel and master volume on the amp and volume on guitar to even hear it. Tried with headphone and again, it was like the volume was at 10-20 percent. you change to the other voicing and they just about blow you away. I know nothing about amplifiers, am I missing something? I got the foot pedal to be able to switch channels, but with voice volume being so wildly different there is no way I could switch it without blowing the roof off the house. I will play with it more tonight, but feel like something is wrong. you can add some boost, but then it just makes it sound overdriven and is not the sound I am after. Any insight anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.
  2. So recently purchased my AT2035 and Line 6 UX2. While I have some knowledge of audio interfaces, I find myself a bit lost when it comes to my microphone's specific issue. I have found that the microphone levels are very low and even with a volume boost it sounds rather low quality. I have tested my mic with no presets and it sounds very quiet reaching only roughly around -25 db. I have also tested various presets and have found using the default studio vocal preset to be the best; a bit louder, but still very quiet. It may also be important to note that the Mic 1/L Gain is in this position: Below I have posted screenshots of my UX2 audio interface and have given a small audio sample. The first half of the audio file is with no pre-amps or effects added and the second half contains the default studio vocal preset. I still believe the mic to be too quiet and am at a loss as to what is causing this. Any help is greatly appreciated! Mic.mp3
  3. Afternoon all; I have a fairly new JTV-89F that has a D string that is much quieter than the other strings. All the strings ring out clearly via the magnetic pickups, but the D string is considerably quieter than the rest through the piezo. The problem exists whether I'm connected via the Line 6 digital interface cable or via a regular 1/4 inch jack. I have verified the issue is also present on two different rigs. Firstly on an old Marshall VS65R amp with no pedals, and also on my new Line 6 DT50 with an HD500. I have tried changing the strings and reseating them several times without any sucess. I have also upgraded to all the latest revisions of the Line 6 Monkey and all of the other associated software/firmware/drivers. I believe doing so does the equivalent of a factory reset on the guitar. I found a settings box in the workbench software that appears to show the individual string gain, and they were all set to 0 dB too. I can't imagine how the settings would have been anything other than the defaults, since I really haven't had a lot of time to dink around with this gear since I got it. Any ideas what I can try to get my D string to normal? Thanks.
  4. Has anyone had an issue with their spdif volume being way too low? I can't hear 1/4 of the volume from the Helix through my monitors as I do any other track, and that's with the volume blasted all the way up. I plug in the old HD500, and it's plenty loud. Plug in Helix, and It's horribly quiet. Anyone have any ideas? I also have a help desk ticket open because my computer won't recognize Helix as being connected when I try to use the Helix edit app or the Line 6 updater. Thanks for any help! Joe
  5. I just picked up a Audio technica at-2020 condenser microphone for recording my classical guitar. But the levels are too quiet in podfarm, I have the microphone +48v boost on, and put a clean amp on podfarm full volume, it was still way too quiet. the levels only reached up to -30db in podfarm (the input was a bit lower around -40). When i added gain it destroyed the sound quality, but i got a bit more sound. I'm not sure what to try next. I really need some help. I have a Pod ux2 podfarm 2.5 AT 2020 condenser mic mixcraft 6 I added pictures of the levels and the amp i was using for reference.
  6. Edit: I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum so..... Hey guys, I was hoping to get some advice for a problem I'm having. I use my POD HD500x with my amp's head using the four-cable method ( Since I've been using it like that, it's been great with no problems at all. But recently my amp became too quiet to hear over the drums, and I've had to crank the volume to around 1 o'clock, while previously keeping it at around 8 o'clock would be plenty loud. I thought perhaps it was time to change my tubes (it was gonna have to happen one day anyway), so I retubed the head, and tried playing today and it was still too quiet. The amp's probably not the issue, because it is still very loud when I plug the guitar directly into the input If I use the amp, and in the FX Loop use a noise gate (fx send -> gate -> fx return), it's still just as loud If, in the FX loop, I use the POD, it makes it very quiet, even when my guitar is going directly into the input. So if I use a noise gate on the POD and put it in the FX Loop (fx send -> pod with only gate -> fx return), it's quiet, but as soon as I unplug it from the FX return, it's back to being loud. This makes me think that there might be something wrong with the POD, but when I practice at home using headphones it's fine. I've also checked to see if it's my cab, by swapping it with a different head (it's not) and if it's my head, by swapping it with a different cab (also not the issue). As far as I can remember I haven't touched any of the settings on the POD, the master volume is always to max, etc. If anyone can offer me some guidance or help troubleshooting it'd be much appreciated. I've got a feeling that nothing is actually broken, but I'm stumped. I've also attached what my settings are on the POD just in case, but I don't think that has anything to do with it
  7. Hey guys, I was hoping to get some advice for a problem I'm having. I use my POD HD500x with my amp's head using the four-cable method ( Since I've been using it like that, it's been great with no problems at all. But recently my amp became too quiet to hear over the drums, and I've had to crank the volume to around 1 o'clock, while previously keeping it at around 8 o'clock would be plenty loud. I thought perhaps it was time to change my tubes (it was gonna have to happen one day anyway), so I retubed the head, and tried playing today and it was still too quiet. The amp's probably not the issue, because it is still very loud when I plug the guitar directly into the input If I use the amp, and in the FX Loop use a noise gate (fx send -> gate -> fx return), it's still just as loud If, in the FX loop, I use the POD, it makes it very quiet, even when my guitar is going directly into the input. So if I use a noise gate on the POD and put it in the FX Loop (fx send -> pod with only gate -> fx return), it's quiet, but as soon as I unplug it from the FX return, it's back to being loud. This makes me think that there might be something wrong with the POD, but when I practice at home using headphones it's fine. I've also checked to see if it's my cab, by swapping it with a different head (it's not) and if it's my head, by swapping it with a different cab (also not the issue). As far as I can remember I haven't touched any of the settings on the POD, the master volume is always to max, etc. I've attached what my settings are on the POD just in case, but I don't think that has anything to do with it, as I haven't changed anything and I really like the setup. If anyone can offer me some guidance or help troubleshooting it'd be much appreciated. I've got a feeling that nothing is actually broken, but I'm stumped.
  8. Has anyone experienced this issue? I have a HD500X patch using one Bomber Uber preamp with no cab and a few effects. Sometimes, after playing for a few minutes, the sound from my DT amps get extremely muffled and extremely quiet only when using this specific patch. The following behavior seems odd: If I switch to a different patch that uses a different amp model, the rig sounds 100% normal. Then... when I switch back to the "problem" patch it also sounds 100% normal... for a while until the problem happens again IF the problem happens again. The problem sometimes appears, sometimes not, it's not consistent. My setup: Variax or regular guitar - HD500X - L6 link - DT25 combo #1 - L6 link - DT25 combo #2, both amps running in low volume mode. If I plug directly into either combo amp and disregard the HD500X entirely, the amps work A-OK and sound great. Just curious if anyone else has stumbled across this, perhaps on other amp (or preamp) models? I don't have my rig nearby right now, but the one thing I remember changing in the patch that might affect the DT25's was that I selected Topology IV instead of the Uber's default Topology III. I don't think that should matter, just thought that info might help. Thanks!
  9. I love the tube gain effect and the screamer and the fuzz! Honestly all of the stomp box distortion fx have something to offer but no matter how I adjust through gain/drive, master/channel volume, the gain fx always have a drop in volume when switched on, compared to the clean tone. I've tried setting them to Post instead of pre and that certainly boosts the volume quite a bit but it sounds awful, pre sounds great. I love being able to switch between clean and dirt as if using an actual pedal but that drop in volume... Anybody else run into this? Have any suggestions? It's pretty consistent throughout all the amp models but I generally use the clean red with tube gain effect, gain 100% drive somewhere between 50 and 85%.
  10. Hello, I have an issue with my first gen HD100. When plugged into my 2x12 Avatar cab, even with the master and channel volume all the way up, the amp is extremely quiet. It is still making noise and working but it isn't even as loud as a 5 watt amp. I have already tried changing the power tubes to a matched quad of JJ 6l6s and that did nothing. I am pretty sure it is an issue in the preamp stage since when I plug my guitar into the "poweramp in" I can get loud volumes out of the amp. Just not when running through the normal input... anyone have any ideas?
  11. Hey guys. I'm having a bit of a volume issue that I'm looking to sort out. As we know, the Vox AC30 preamp on the POD is drastically more quiet that the full version. However, topology 3 on the DT (with no HD500 connected) can go very loud - as loud as all other topologies on the amp. My question is how/whether I can use the amp to model the AC30 preamp and simply use the HD500 for effects. It's just that the AC30 preamp on the POD is so damn quiet. By this logic, the Vox will be a lot louder, with my HD500 still connected and in use. Is it doable, or are we herding cats here? Thanks! Nick.
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