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Everything posted by codamedia

  1. If I had a modern (JTV or newer) Variax I would test this for you... but sadly my Variax is 1st generation so it won't respond to volume changes. Have you checked the JTV forum? Maybe it is discussed there? On a side note... what part of Canada are you located?
  2. @ekrasts Can I ask.... how is Phil's response "not exactly what you were after"? :) it was created by Line 6 to solve the very problem you were having! Or was it just the terminology that throws you... not the function of it?
  3. Have you made the suggestion to ideascale? IMO the most logical change would be the MODE switch operation. Currently it only rocks between the "preset mode" (which we all know can be altered) and "Stomp Mode". It would be nice if you could change what the mode does... Preset > Stomp (as it is now) Preset > Snap Snap > Stomp (yes that is possible by setting the preset mode to 8 snaps... but comes with the drawback of no permanent view of presets) Preset > Snap > Stomp (why not the option to simply toggle between all three screens)
  4. I never even noticed them on the front until this thread. I can't imagine having any use for them... I don't like dangling stuff outside of a case. My initial thought was pen/pencil/sharpie. But only a sharpie holds, and it's too long to be a practical storage spot for it.
  5. Another update ..... The lower path of Path A was failing regardless of whether any effects in that lower path were on, or what splits were being used. As soon as I moved those effects to a different location, or deleted them (either option eliminated the path) the signal came back to full strength. Even when I simply tried using the split to re-route to the top path it would not bring the track to life... that lower path had to be eliminated. Of course, reloading the preset always brought it to life, but I was trying to avoid that for troubleshooting the dead preset. In all three tests I did it took more than 3 hours for this to happen. I also checked every resource I could on my system, and memory was NOT an issue, so I don't believe this is a memory leak. CPU usage also remained consistent when the problem occurred so that eliminates resources. My next test. I run a mega serial path for my live presets which utilize Path A in a similar way your preset was setup... except mine has even more added. I just loaded that up in Native to see if this problem happens with my preset. It will take several hours before I know.
  6. UPDATE FROM MY END.... At 1.5 hours it was still working. At that point I had to go out and didn't get back for another 5-6 hours. It had dies somewhere in that time. I am running another test right now... it is currently at 1.5 hours and still going. I did make a change, but don't want to announce that until my test is complete. Memory leaks are SOFTWARE, not hardware. Since this problem occurs on both HARDWARE and NATIVE, that automatically rules out hardware as the issue.
  7. Your right, not comparable. It is completely unreasonable to suggest Line 6 be held to the same standard as Boeing or Air Bus. I also find it is in poor taste all considering...
  8. You never said that at first... The devil is in the details... :) For the record... I am at 35 - 40 minutes now with no signs of problems. I know that doesn't mean anything, I'm just providing an update.
  9. I highly doubt it... Keep in mind that generic phrases and terms, even when it's a direct quote from the forum can still generate generic results. Google also does not index in real time other than for company's that pay them for that. Generally it takes 1-7 days for new items to show up on a search. You can ALWAYS search just a single site with search engines. EG: Simply add "site:<siteURL>" ( after the search. Then Google only returns results for the site you want searched. Here are 5 Random examples I just grabbed from this site.... Problem: sound chopping abruptly Shows up #1 in Google 2.80 Stomp Upgrade wiped out names? Shows up #1 in Google all seems fine Except all the Preset Names disappeared (random line from the headline above) Shows up #1 in Google Lots Of Niggles crept in since 2.8 Helix Floor Shows up #1 in Google Error message, Device has not been initialized properly. This does not show up on Google because it is generic and can relate to many products. However.... as mentioned it is simple to add "" behind the search and it immediately brings up that specific thread at #1.
  10. EDIT TO ADD: I have a question now that I loaded this up. The majority of the effects are off on this preset you shared. Will the preset you shared FAIL in the state that you shared it... or do we have to turn certain effects on to make it fail? ------------------------- Thanks... I will load this up into Native and check in on it throughout the day. Pure speculation.... but when I saw this type of thing in Sonar several years ago it was narrowed down to a memory leak in one of the plug ins. I think this problem will turn out to be nothing more than one misbehaved effect.... that when left on for 3 hours at a time rears it's ugly head. Since most of us change presets more often than every 3 hours, we don't encounter that :) I will say that if it takes 3 hours to show up & returning to the preset solves the problem then I don't understand why you consider it "serious". I consider that type of bug an annoyance at worst. I'm not suggesting it shouldn't be fixed... but it sure would't ruin my day if I encountered it.
  11. You have stumbled on the conspiracy. Line 6 pays Google and Microsoft (bing) millions of dollars every year to make sure nothing "bad" ever shows up in search results virtually guarantying they can see 1000 more units with the same flaw they know about but refuse to fix.
  12. Then please share the preset, not images. I will load it up to try it once you actually share it.
  13. Did you contact them through the proper support channels?... as said earlier, these are USER forums, not official support. Also - keep in mind it is the Christmas season and L6 is a small company. Support could be a little slow until the new year.
  14. Even though I am fortunate in this regard.... I know your problem is very real! SHORT APPROACH Simplified/generalized... Fletcher Munson will trick you into adding too much bass/treble to your tone to make it sound bigger at low volume. On a gig that sound becomes boomy, thin, shrill - and often can't be heard in a mix regardless of how much you turn up. Quick Fix: Turn down the bass/treble a little... and add a little mids. This may effect the depth of some effects... so they may need a small tweak or two as well. LONG APPROACH (this helps you fully understand what is going on by actually experiencing it) 80 - 85db is minimum to reducing/removing Fletcher Munson. Gig volume for me is around 90db - 95db. If that is not possible at home... then be prepared to tweak your tones at rehearsal. Sometimes a small tweak or two is needed on the gig to get a new tone right, but I like to keep that to a minimum whenever possible. Once your tone is working at gig level.... use it to your advantage at home. Take that tone home and listen to it at the level you are allowed to play at home. This will be hard at first... Listen to that tone at the lower volume of home, and take notes of how it sounds Get your ears used to that sound... and use it as a reference for all other sounds moving forward. PREPARE YOURSELF More than likely... it will sound a little lifeless/dull - that's OK! Dont' change it! More than likely... you will have the urge to turn up the bass/treble/presence. That is a normal response, but don't change it! Over time you will get "pretty good" at dialing in tones at lower volumes. The trick is having a good reference tone that you trust. HINT: When you create a tone at home... make a copy of it. Later when you have the finished "Live tone" from a rehearsal or gig, you can compare that to the original you came up with and learn to recognize the common errors so you don't make those mistakes the next time.
  15. If the problem is relatively easy to repeat on your rig.... submit a ticket to Line 6 along with a "preset in question". In your ticket provide the step by step instructions on how to induce the problem. IME: If they can reproduce the problem... they will fix the problem. If the problem is just random... I agree with @DunedinDragon ... it is likely the side effect of a machine that needs some maintenance (cleaning) and the 2.8 update was purely coincidence.
  16. Which trem bar effect are you looking for? A soft vibrato or a dive bomb? There may already be options in the Helix I could suggest if I knew what you were after? Aside from the expression pedal or a foot switch... how else would you expect to apply the effect?
  17. Don't get hung up on that... the LA2A is an amazing guitar compressor with a huge track record of it's own. LA2A, LA3A, 1176 Black, 1176 Blue..... Potato/Potahto, Tomato/Tomahto... ALL GREAT COMPS! Above is your answer from a reputable source.. it is an LA2A model
  18. I agree with @DunedinDragon.... Since you are also asking about upgrading your amp,,, grab a Spider V and get used to how it all works. The money should be less than a stomp It will provide you with a good enough amp to solve those issues It will introduce you to modeling so you can start to get a feel for that. IIRC..... The Spider works well with headphones... so if silent practice is important, it should be able to accommodate that (someone please correct me if I am wrong) The spider will not have all the bells/whistles that an HX product will (stomp, effects, helix, etc...) but it is more than enough to get you going. FWIW: At this time I go direct to PA/Monitors with a Helix most of the time, but having a good amp is very important. I have those as well for when I need them. FYI: Your English is very good! Your questions were very clear and easy to understand :)
  19. FWIW... the Stomp supports 6 blocks, the Helix supports 32. HX Effects supports 9, but no amps. The modeling in the Stomp is the same as the Helix.... as long as it is under 6 blocks you can make it work and it will sound the same. BUT you cannot just import a Helix preset... you would need to take it through Helix Native as mentioned above - or if you can decipher JSON code, you could open the preset in a text editor and manually enter the settings into the Stomp.
  20. Yes - this works just fine and don't let anyone tell you differently. Your theory is 100%.... a pre-amp, EQ and speaker. It's how those are shaped that make amps unique. Here is something else you may want to consider.... which helps simulate the power amp section. Try throwing a very light compressor in the chain. I would recommend the LA Studio near the end... just before the IR. Why? When a tube amp hits it's sweet spot it does two things.... first it compresses... then it overdrives. Placing a compressor in the chain will give you that feel, but it does need to be used lightly. Of course... if you push the compression a little harder you can also simulate the SAG some amps have. By placing this later in the chain it will not effect the overdrive tone (other than smoothing it out a little) or your interaction with the overdrive... and if/when you turn the overdrive off it will still feel like a warm/clean tube amp.
  21. This may sound like a stupid question... but did you turn the blocks on? Also... did you make sure they are both set so they do not allow any dry signal through.
  22. As I always state... I bought a Helix because it did what I wanted/needed it to do at the time I put the money on the table. Everything I get following that is a bonus... I bought 2.5. I was happy with 2.5 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 have all been wonderful updates.... none of which were owed to me.
  23. The level is probably an error in the I/O settings as suggested above. The High end difference is likely the buffer at play... take a look at the Wampler video phil_m posted yesterday. IMO.... You are viewing the problem in reverse! The HX is not ADDING high end making it too bright. Your cables (in true bypass) are probably devouring all your high end!
  24. When using the power amp inputs on the back of the Peavey OR the Laney.... you should NOT use any cabinet modeling from the stomp. That's because you already using a cabinet. The cabinet modeling works best when plugging directly into a PA or FRFR. IMO.... with both the Peavey and the Laney you could get away with either the Amp Models (sans cabinets), or even the Pre-Amp models. Try both version of each to see which one you like more. Can of worms :) You can do anything you want... whatever it takes to get a good tone. BUT - sometimes it is best to know the general rules before breaking them. Generally you put wah, fuzz, overdrive, some modulation, prior to the amp models. Generally you put delays, reverbs, stereo effects after the amps/cabs. I cannot stress this enough... that is just the general use, NOT "you must do this" :)
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