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Everything posted by davidb7170

  1. I ordered the plus also. According to Digital Igloo, no control via the L6 Link for now, but is on the to do list... I'm also hoping for the future, so I ordered the L6 Link cable along with the plus and the cover. I'm optimistic. Hope they don't flub it up... Dave
  2. As an owner of the helix and HD500X, I use the HD500X to update my 69s and 59 firmware without a battery, so it can be done. I would like to see line6 make it possible with the helix, but it took a couple of years to make it possible with the helix to use HD Work bench. I still hold hope though. I have used the USB interface, but don't like to. Dave
  3. Not a good idea as it makes both the A/D on the VDI and the D/A converters on the 1/4" Jack's active at the same time. The models are digital and the magnetic pickups are analog, so one has to be converted one way and the other converted for the other output... Don't know that the electronics can do both for long term. Psarkissian always warns against it... Dave
  4. My install of 2.52 went fine. No issues so far as I as I know. Think I'll let it be. Dave
  5. The Helix is an interface for work bench HD, since firmware 2.0. I have 2 JTV's and it works fine now. It is not able to do Variax firmware updates yet, but your shurikan should come with the USB interface that can do jtv fw updates. I have 2 that came with my 2 JTV's. Dave
  6. I replaced my 69s pu's with DeMarzio area noiseless pups and love them. Dave
  7. It's a ground loop. I have the same on my Helix Floor when plugged into my PC. They are apparently on 2 different circuits in my room - different outlets.... I made an isolation transformer box with a 1:1 audio transformer from an electronics store. You can also find pre-made units, such as Hum X or some such. Or move both your PC and your HX FX and Amp to the same power strip. Doubt it's the HX FX, but more probably the PC ground versus your amp ground. I place my isolation transformer between my Helix and the amp (my case FRFR speaker), only when I connect the Helix to the PC.... Dave
  8. Turn the trails on in your reverbs and delays and they will carry over and decay when you turn them off in the next snapshot.
  9. Saw your post and was concerned, so I just fired up Workbench HD, and it recognized my JTV-69S via the VDI and Helix with Firmware 2.30. I'm guessing you may have a USB issue with your PC or Mac hooked to the Helix. Thank goodness they didn't break that feature with the FW update.... Us JTV/Standard/Shurikan folks waited a long time to get it. Now if they can get updating the Variax firmware (if they ever do some) via the Helix and straighten out the first generation Variax recognition/Workbench use, they'd close the loop... Hope you get yours to work. Dave
  10. Maybe a 9 10 reset, then a reload of global and user set lists... should leave the new factory set lists alone.. Dave
  11. Ok, just wanted to check. The typical music store just isn't that knowledgeable on these guitars. Looks like you've done your homework. Some folks have expectations that don't match up with reality. Dave
  12. Just want to be clear on something, no offense intended.... Are you (OP) already a JTV owner, and know what to expect with how these act? GC's or nearly any music store may not have a battery in the unit, or if so, probably not a battery with a usable charge in it. When the battery is uncharged or not installed, the JTV's fall back into a mode of mag pickups only via the 1/4" jack. Most music stores don't have or offer the VDI cable plus have a Helix or other VDI capable L6 pedal for trying out the guitar. IF they have the USB interface and short VDI for it (not recommended for live use), but do-able to check it out with the right L6 gear. Most GC's and other music stores don't have folks on hand that know their way around the JTV's enough to trouble shoot them, or even know how to turn them on. The longer they have the unit on hand, the more likely they are of losing the stuff that is supposed to be with it (gig bag, hex allen tools, charger and battery, and the VDI/USB interface and short VDI cord). If those are missing, and you cannot check whether the guitar in fact functions, either back away or negotiate a lower price, so you can get the stuff that's missing elsewhere and possibly have the unit repaired to become working. Or, if you tried it with a VDI cable to a VDI-capable device (Helix, HD500(X)), etc., that would power the JTV, then it is probably an issue for repair or exchange... My local GC has only had a JTV in stock a couple times that I remember, and it was a few years ago. It's seen as a niche market to them, while they sell tons of cheaper guitars and more "mainstream" guitars - so the JTV is not a high priority in their view. I bought my Epiphone Les Paul Classic (good guitar) there, and my Fender Elite Telecaster, but my 2 JTV's, I purchased at Sweetwater.... Dave
  13. Yes. I swapped out my 69s sc's with DeMarzio noiseless sc's. When I was doing it, noticed they were marked Kirk, Bones, and Spock (inside joke- Star Trek). Mentioned by Rich Renken, the product manager for the JTV 69 on the initial release, before the 69s was available. Dave
  14. The picture above is how I've been placing mine since I got the backpack. It's been solid since I got it when it first available. Dave
  15. I've had my 2 JTV's since 2011 & 2012, and have not noticed any heating on either guitar. Dave
  16. The Alto has a ground lift button. Try changing the state of that. I run mine with that switch in the lift position and don't have any issues with noise with the helix on or off. I get a mild hum when I use an isolation transformer that I need to use when hooked to my pc with USB. I get the mild hum when I turn the helix off in that situation... Dave
  17. Go straight to the newest. The firmware writes over the eprom, just like a bios update on a pc. No advantage to all the versions in between. Dave
  18. I would like the modes to have the option to be "per preset",as I have some presets that I'd like to have all 8 as snapshots, and some 4 stomps and 4 snapshots. I would like to have it vary from preset to preset... Dave
  19. If you want a workaround, try having 2 instances of the delay in series, if you have enough DSP resources. Set one for the parameter you want on your first snapshot, and the second for the second snapshot, both with trails on, then bypass the one you want off per snapshot. I do this sometimes in amp setups where my parameters of drive and channel volume are quite different in the snapshots and cause an audible volume bump when changing between the 2 extreme. To save DSP, I use the 2 amps into a speaker block instead of 2 amp/speaker instances. If DSP is a problem, put one delay on path 1 and one on path 2 to split the load onto the 2 DSP's.... My 2 cents.... Dave
  20. My 69S also does this. It seems to come & go. I can have the issue for weeks, then for a while, it works as it should, then back to the problem. It hasn't become a big issue for me, yet, though, as I have never been one to ride my volume pot on the guitar to change gain. I run it full up and only back it to "zero" during breaks, and if it isn't all the way down, I back my volume pedal on the Helix to zero. It does it with my HD500 & 500X as well, so it isn't the pedal interaction, it's the guitar. When it's on model mode, it doesn't do it, only on mags for me. My 59 does not do it at all. I changed out my 69S mags early on for the DiMarzio Paul Gilbert Injector set - noiseless, and love them, but didn't know if that was part of the issue - I am hoping not. I did the swap out in early 2013, and I've only noticed this in past couple of years. Do you have your original pups in, or have you swapped any out? I notice you said it's a 69, so you have the HSS setup? Mine is the 69S with SSS. I bought the 69 interface you mentioned above - reasonable price at full compass, compared to the wiring harnesses for the 59 and 89, btw. I tend to pick up spare parts when I run across them at reasonable prices... It has not become enough of an annoyance to me to dig into as of yet, but when it does, I have the parts to dig in. My initial attack, instead of replacing the whole wiring harness would be to just replace the volume pot assembly first. Everything else is functioning fine, so don't want to got through a total rewire if I don't need to. It could be a few things, a dirty pot, resistance in a connection, a connector not fully seated, or in a worst case, interaction with the pickups' characteristics. I'm hoping yours still has the original pups, so I could possibly rule that factor out with my replacements. I've been watching the forum here, and yours is the first mention I've seen that sounds like the same thing I'm having. Wonder what psarkissian would have to say about this - I'd be interested to hear if he's run into it before on units he's had to deal with.... Dave
  21. I've been gigging with my 59 since 2011 and my 69S since late 2012. Both are beauties. Being a longtime Fender and Strat player, I gravitate to my 69S more, but take both to gigs for broken string contingencies. Use the Helix into an ALTO TS210 (recent purchase) very happy with it all. I changed my 69S pups to DiMarzio Noiseless, as I had been spoiled by HB's on my Epi LP and the Variax 300, then JTV-59.... I use the pups 80 - 90% of the time, but do get good results with the models. One thing I recently bumped into was the less sustain of the models versus mags, and plinkyness of some models' upper strings - usually the bridge pup models were the worst offenders. I was adjusting string volumes and such with HD WB to fight this - helped but didn't cure it. Anyway in balancing out the string volumes and trying to make mags and model volumes more equivalent, I lowered my magnetic pups to lessen the volume on them - usually you try to get the MOST volume out of mags. I'd had the 59 & 69S set up by a Very good guitar tech - intonation, neck relief, etc. Think he probably set up the mags like he would a normal guitar. ANYWay when I recently lowered the pups on both my 59 & 69S, the plinkyness lessened markedly AND the sustain of the models improved. I believe the models are very sensitive to the magnetic pull of the pickups on the strings... Just an observation. Since I made that adjustment, I've been much more happy with the models in general. My 2 cent's worth... Dave
  22. Try adjusting the string volume oh HD Work Bench for the offensive string on that model. I have done this on several models. Worked for me. Maybe worth a try. Dave
  23. Today is Friday, you're getting a different unit in time to want to use it on Sunday? Very cool, but I would not use it out until you are familiar with it. Had my floor Helix for 2 weeks, setting up presets, learning what the globals and other specifics do, and their affect on the sound. The stock presets were not useful to me, in general. I had an HD500X & 500 backup that kept using until I was ready to go. My 2 cents.... Dave
  24. If you check out Sweetwater's selection of jtv' s and they have a 59 in stock, they have pictures of the actual guitar, and it includes the weight...
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