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Oddball question: Is there a way to use an expression pedal connected to helix as a way to rapidly switch between a series of entirely different presets or snapshots? Say, using the 0-10% or a single expression pedal for a Van Halen inspired preset, the 11-20% for a Djent-inspired preset, the 21-30% for a jazz fusion preset, the 31-40% for a polysynth, etc.? I'm reasonably familiar with presets, and snapshots, but what I'm asking about isn't using an expression pedal as a switch to turn on and off individual effects within a preset, but having the exp pedal serve like an additional set of toeswitches in preset mode that are quickly rotatable, whether using one of the EXP inputs or MIDI. A basic use case might be holding down a single note or chord and rocking the exp back and forth to create a swirling series of entirely different, independent guitar tones. Is it possible? If so, how?
Français Deutsch Below is a chart of the carrier frequencies for each channel in RF1 and RF2 mode. There are 2 frequencies in RF2 mode, because each channel has 2 carrier frequencies per channel. At the same time, each channel in RF1 mode has 4 carrier frequencies per channel. Line 6 Wireless Modes RF2 & RF1 The new V75, 55 and 35 default to RF2 mode, but include the ability to be switched into RF1 mode. You cannot use RF2 mode in the presence of any older Line 6 2.4G wireless (including Relay) in the same venue. If you try you will likely get failures in both the old and new units. Just say no! You can check using the RF scan feature included in XD-V75 receivers. You must either flash older models to the newer V2.0 firmware (and you must have access to a V75 receiver and do this via Monkey) or you can shift the newer models (or any that have been flashed with V2.0) into RF1 mode. If an XD-V75 unit is being added to a setup that already includes any devices running in RF1 mode, the XD-V75 can be used to update the older devices to run RF2 mode by using an internet-connected computer attached to the XD-V75's USB port. See the Firmware Updating Procedure section for more information. Alternatively, the XD-V75 transmitters can be set up to operate in RF1 mode if it is necessary to use the transmitters with older Line 6 receivers. Note: Relay G30 and G50 Receivers that have been updated to V2.0 firmware will *follow* the RF Mode that the corresponding G30 or G50 Transmitter is set to. Note: Encryption only works in RF2 mode. Please also note that the RF Performance feature (the sixth page on the XD-V75 receiver) is only functional when the Tx is in RF2 mode. To Set The THH12 Or TBP12 Transmitters (Including Relay G50/90): Enter Setup mode to display the current channel While holding down the SELECT button, press and release the ON/MUTE button on the THH12 or VALUE button on the TBP12, then release the SELECT button. The display will briefly show [XD-V75 RF1] or [XD-V75 RF2] to indicate whether it is operating in the old or new mode, respectively. This setting is retained when powering off, so as a reminder the display will also show this indication [RF1 or RF2] each time power is turned on. The XD-V75 receiver will display a [To] on the far right of the display to indicate while communicating with a RF1 software transmitter. [Tx] indicates units operating in RF2 mode. They must ALL be the same. The XD-V35 system ships set to the new dual frequency RF2 mode. To use an XD-V35 version transmitter with an earlier generation XD-V30 receiver (RF1 mode), you must change the transmitter from RF2 mode to RF1 mode. The method differs slightly between the handheld and beltpack. Setting THH06 And TBP06 Transmitters (Including G30) THH06 HandheldTransmitter Turn the transmitter off. Press and hold the channel SELECT button. While holding the SELECT button, press and hold the power ON button. The blue LED over channel 1 will flash three times to indicate that the transmitter is in the RF1 mode. To revert to the RF2 mode, repeat the above steps; the blue LED over channel 2 will flash three times when the transmitter is in this mode. TBP06 Beltpack Transmitter With transmitter off, set the Channel Select slide switch to channel 6. Turn on the transmitter. Immediately after the blue light blinks, slide the Channel Select switch completely left to channel 1 and back to channel 6. Do this 3 times total. This process must be completed within three seconds of turning on the transmitter. The blue LED will flash once to indicate that the transmitter is now in the 4-frequency transmission mode. To revert to RF2 transmission mode, repeat the above steps; the blue LED will flash twice when the transmitter is in this mode. Note: It is IMPORTANT to note that once you shift (in either direction) the transmitters will only remember the change if you power cycle the transmitter. Just turn it off with the power switch and then back on. If you were to pop a battery before doing this then it will revert back to the last "saved" mode. Line 6 Wireless RF1 und RF2: Frequenzmodus wechseln Line 6 Wireless Modus RF2 & RF1 Die neuen Line 6 Wireless Sender V75, 55 und 35 werden im RF2-Modus ausgeliefert, sie können aber auch in den RF1-Modus umgeschaltet werden. Der RF2-Modus kann nicht benutzt werden, wenn ältere Line 6 2.4G Wireless-Geräte (inklusive Relay) am gleichen Ort verwendet werden, weil das zu Störungen bei beiden Gerätetypen führen kann. Welcher Modus gerade eingeschaltet ist, können Sie herausfinden, indem Sie die eingebaute Frequenzen-Scan-Funktion Ihres XD-V75-Empfängers benutzen.Um das Problem zu beheben, müssen sie entweder die neuere V2.0-Firmware auf ihre älteren Geräte aufspielen (dazu brauchen Sie Zugang zu einem V75-Empfänger und Monkey), oder sie schalten die neueren Modelle (beziehungsweise jedes Modell, auf dem die V2.0-Firmware läuft) in den RF1-Modus um.Wenn ein XD-V75-Gerät zu einem Setup hinzugefügt wird, das schon Geräte enthält, die im RF1-Modus laufen, kann das XD-V75 benutzt werden, um die älteren Geräte zu aktualisieren. Dazu brauchen Sie einen Computer mit Internetverbindung, der an den USB-Port des XD-V75 angeschlossen wird. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie in der Sektion über Firmware-Aktualisierung. Alternativ können Sie das Setup in den RF-1-Modus umschalten, um die Sender mit älteren Line-6-Empfängern zu verwenden. Bitte beachten Sie: Relay G30- und G50-Empfänger, die auf die V2.0-Firmware aktualisiert wurden, „folgen“ automatisch derjenigen Frequenz, auf die der dazugehörige G30- oder G50-Empfänger eingestellt wurde. Einstellen des THH12 oder TBP12 Senders (Inklusive Relay G50/90): Gehen Sie in den Setup-Modus, um den aktuellen Kanal anzuzeigen. Halten Sie den SELECT-Knopf gedrückt, drücken Sie dann den ON/MUTE-Knopf (beim THH12) beziehungsweise den VALUE-Knopf (beim TBP12) und lassen Sie ihn wieder los. Das Display wird kurz [XD-V75 RF1] oder [XD-V75 RF2] anzeigen, so können Sie sehen, ob der Transmitter im alten oder neuen Modus läuft. Die Einstellung wird beibehalten, wenn Sie das Gerät ausschalten. Zur Erinnerung zeigt das Display den jeweiligen Modus [RF1 oder RF2] beim Einschalten des Geräts kurz an. Der XD-V75-Receiver zeigt an der äußersten rechten Seite [To] an, wenn das Gerät mit einem RF1-Transmitter kommuniziert. [Tx] bedeutet, dass die Geräte im RF2-Modus arbeiten. Damit die verschiedenen Sender- Empfänger Generationen zusammen störungsfrei arbeiten müssen ALLE Geräte im gleichen Modus arbeiten. Bedeutet das Vorhandensein eines Senders im RF1 modus.Bedeutet das Vorhandensein eines Senders im RF2 modus. Das XD-V35-System ist bei der Auslieferung auf den neuen Dual-Frequenz-Modus RF2 eingestellt. Um einen XD-V35-Sender mit einem XD-V30-Empfänger der früheren Generation (RF1-Modus) zu verwenden, müssen Sie den Sender von RF2 auf RF1 umschalten. Die Vorgehensweise ist etwas unterschiedlich, je nachdem, ob Sie das Mikrofon- oder das Beltpack-Gerät verwenden. Einstellen des THH06 und TBP06 Transmitters (Inklusive G30) THH06 Handheld-Transmitter Schalten Sie den Transmitter aus. Halten Sie den Kanal-Select-Knopf gedrückt. Während Sie den Select-Knopf gedrückt halten, drücken Sie den Power/Ein-Knopf und halten Sie diesen ebenfalls gedrückt. Die blaue LED über Kanal 1 leuchtet dreimal kurz auf, um anzuzeigen, dass der Transmitter jetzt im RF1-Modus ist. Um in den RF2-Modus zurückzukehren, wiederholen Sie die oben genannten Schritte; die blaue LED über Kanal 2 leuchtet dreimal kurz auf, um anzuzeigen, dass der Transmitter im RF2-Modus ist. TBP06 Beltpack-Transmitter Bei ausgeschaltetem Transmitter den Schieberegler zur Kanalauswahl auf Kanal 6 stellen. Transmitter einschalten. Den Schieberegler sofort nach dem Blinken der blauen LED insgesamt dreimal auf Kanal 1 stellen, zurück auf 6 und wieder auf Kanal 1 schieben. (nicht vergessen: das muss dreimal geschehen) die Sequenz von 6 startend ist also : 6-1-6-1-6 Dieser Prozess muss nach Anschalten des Senders innerhalb von drei Sekunden geschehen. Die blaue LED blinkt einmal, um anzuzeigen, dass der Sender jetzt im RF1 Modus ist, Sie blinkt zweimal wenn man im RF2 Modus ist (auch immer nach Anschalten Status sichtbar) Um in den RF2-Übertragungsmodus zurückzukehren, wiederholen Sie die oben genannten Schritte. Die blaue LED blinkt dann zweimal auf, wenn der Sender im RF2-Modus ist. Wichtig: Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Gerät den soeben eingestellten Modus (egal in welche Richtung) nur beibehält, wenn Sie das Gerät nach dem Wechsel kurz aus- und wieder einschalten. Dadurch wird der aktuell eingestellte Modus gespeichert. Wenn sie vorher eine Batterie eingelegt haben, springt das Gerät zurück zum zuletzt gespeicherten Modus. Line 6 sans fil RF1 et RF2: Changement de modes Les modes de transmission RF2&RF1 Line6 Les nouveaux systèmes sans fil V75, 55 et 35 utilisent le nouveau mode de transmission RF2 par défaut, mais possèdent la possibilité de changer en mode RF1.Il n’est pas possible d’utiliser des appareils qui utilisent le mode RF2 s’il y a des anciens appareils RF1(V70 our Relay) sur la même scène ou dans le même bâtimentSi vous l’essayez, vous allez très probablement voir des erreurs de communication sur les anciens et nouveaux systèmes. Il suffit de ne pas les combiner ! Vous pouvez vérifier la présence d’émetteurs RF1 /FR2 en utilisant la fonction « CHANNEL SCAN » RF dans les récepteurs XD-V75. Vous devez soit mettre a jour les anciens modèles vers la version 2.0 ou vous pouvez changer les modèles déjà équipés de la version 2.0 en RF mode 1. Pour mettre à jour un ancien modèle, vous avez besoin d’un récepteur XDV75, un ordinateur et le logiciel Monkey. Si une XD-V75 est ajouté à une installation qui comprend déjà des appareils fonctionnant en mode RF1, le XD-V75 peut être utilisé pour mettre à jour les appareils plus anciens vers RF2 mode.Pour mettre à jour les modèles précédents, vous devrez avoir accès à l'Internet et une connexion USB entre le XD-V75 à l'ordinateur Voir la section Mise à jour ‘’Firmware Procedure’’ pour de plus amples renseignements. Alternativement, les émetteurs XD-V75 peut être configuré en mode de RF1 s'il est nécessaire d'utiliser des émetteurs avec les anciens Line 6 récepteurs. Remarque : Les récepteurs Relay G30 et G50 qui ont été mis à jour avec le firmware V2.0 suivent automatiquement le mode RF de l’émetteur correspondant. Pour changer le mode RF des émetteurs THH12TBP12et G50/90: Entrez en mode de configuration pour afficher le canal actuel Maintenez le bouton SELECT et pressez et relâchez le bouton ON / MUTE ou la touche VALUE sur le TBP12. L'écran indiqué brièvement [XD-V75 RF1] ou [XD-V75 RF2] pour vous indiquer le mode actif. Également quand vous mettez l’émetteur en marche.Ce réglage est conservé lorsque vous éteignez l’émetteur. Le mode actif [RF1 ou RF2] s’indique chaque fois que l'appareil est allumé. Le récepteur XD-V75 affichera une Icône ( To) à la droite de l'écran pour indiquer le mode RF2, ( Tx)s’indique que l récepteur est en communication avec un émetteur dans mode RF1. Ils doivent tous être les mêmes.montre la présence d’un émetteur RF1montre la présence d’un émetteur RF2 Le système XD-V35 est déjà réglé à la nouvelle fréquence RF2.Pour utiliser un émetteur XD-V35 avec un récepteurXD-V30 d’ancienne génération RF1 vous devez changer l'émetteur de RF2 mode RF1. La méthode diffère légèrement entre le modèle micro THH06 et le modèle ceinture TBP06 (et G30). Pour changer le mode RF des émetteurs THH06TBP06et G30 THH06 émetteur micro : éteignez l'émetteur. appuyez et maintenez enfoncé le bouton SELECT canal. tout en maintenant la touche SELECT, appuyez et maintenez le bouton d'alimentation. Le LED bleu sur le canal 1 clignote trois fois pour indiquer que l'émetteur est en mode RF1. pour revenir en mode RF2, répétez les étapes ci-dessus, le LED bleu sur le canal 2 clignote trois fois lorsque l'émetteur est dans ce mode. TBP06 émetteur ceinture : mettez le sélecteur de canal sur 6. éteignez l'émetteur. allumez l'émetteur et changez immédiatement après vous voyez la DEL bleu le canal vers 1, vers 6 et vers 1. Répétez ca TROIS fois (la séquence est donc 6-1-6-1-6 (commencez sur 6) ce processus doit être achevé dans les trois secondes après la mise sous tension de l'émetteur. le LED bleu clignote une fois pour indiquer que l'émetteur est maintenant dans le mode de transmission RF1. Pour revenir en mode RF2, répétez les étapes ci-dessus le LED bleu clignote deux fois lorsque l'émetteur est dans ce mode. Remarque: Pour sauvegarder le changement de mode RF dans l’émetteur, il vous suffit de l’éteindre et de le rallumer avec avec le commutateur ON/OFF.Si vous enlevez les piles, l’émetteur se met dans le dernier mode RF saufgardé.
Hi! Any experience with a following combo: EVH 5150III 100W head & HX Effects. Mainly the channel switching options. I read that the 100W-version is an oddball and does not actually support midi even though the FS connection is similar. I also found out that there are adapter cables out there that could fix this. So, if I buy this 7 pin to 5 pin adapter-cable, can the HX Effects change the channels for me or do I need an external switcher, e.g. RMJ Amp Gizmo or similar?
The "Effect" option and the entire LFS2 footswitch is a latching footswitch with LED lights. This allows you to turn on the effects and make channels changes. The LED will correspond with the effect being on or off. If you're switching channels, this overrides the effect option in the saved preset. Even though the saved preset might have the effect turned to the "OFF" position, this will still appear as ON with the footswitch. This is why you may not getting certain settings as "Saved" when you have the LFS2 pedal connected. Since the pedal is overriding the saved preset default settings. This is normal behavior for the LFS2 latching footswitch. The footswitch options correspond with the LED lights. You can save it correctly with the LFS2 disconnected, or with the Catalyst Edit software. If you see the lettering at the top of Catalyst edit as RED, this means the preset is changed. TAN lettering would mean its saved and hasn't been changed.
I'm having a tough time getting my TC-50 head to respond to my Helix LT for amp control via MIDI. This is my first time attempting to use MIDI. I'm connected to the amp via 4cm, with the MIDI connected from the out on the helix to the in on the amp. I'm running the helix in snapshot mode. What I'm specifically trying to achieve is channel changes on the amp, along with standard effect/parameter changes in helix. Example: Footswitch 1: CLEAN on TC-50 with Helix reverb + delay Footswitch 2: LO on TC-50 with Helix overdrive + reverb Amps midi CC numbers/values for channels: CLEAN = CC 20 w/ value 64 - 127 LO = CC 21 w/ value 64 - 127 HI = CC 22 w/ value 64 - 127 Things to note. The amp also responds to midi program changes - I've noticed that if I scroll through the presets menu that my amp changes channels with varying features coming on and off. So for some reason helix is sending program changes when loading a preset. If I could isolate that function to snapshots I would also be happy, as I could use the amp's solo/reverb/fx loop options as well instead of just singular purpose CC messages. Any help much appreciated.
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I have successfully programmed channel switching on the HX effects for my Amp1 via different presets using bank PC commands but for some reason when I try and do this in snapshot mode, assigning the same values in the separate snapshots - 1,2,3,4 etc. Nothing happens... Rx and tx clock is off and I've followed several videos and guides on this but no joy - I tried factory resets on the amp1 and upgraded to firmware version 3.11 on the HX and I have tried to do this also using the HX edit but it just does not work Ive contacted Line6 support but no response since their initial email, has anyone else had this or is there something I'm missing? Is there any history of defective units in this regard?
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So I have the Helix using a Payne Lab K-Switcher to midi control my Mesa Dual Rec. It all works great except when I click either my clean/crunch/or lead channel the led lights up while it is pushed then it goes away. Is there a way to make the LED stay on depending on the channel selected?
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Hello Is it possible to use the Helix hx effects to switch between all four channels on a ENGL powerball amp? I have previously had problems with channel switching when using a Carl martin octa switch. When using this I can only switch between clean and crunch channels when using a mono jack. When I use a stereo jack I can switch between crunch and lo-gain, but I want to be able to switch between clean and lo lead (can't even access the hi-lead channel). Is it possible to choose any of the four channels I want when connecting the helix hx to my channel gain input on the back of my amp? I haven't bought a Helix yet cause this is a very important feature for me, so I want to be sure it can do it before buying. Thanks :)
I used to own a Pod HD with floorboard and was really happy with it until I saw something shiny and "upgraded" to a Firehawk FX. The FH FX is a great concept but I've been really disappointed mostly by the latency when switching patches. There is a large gap of silence, even after the v1.2 update, that just didn't exist on the Pod. The Helix LT looks perfect for me, but I've seen exactly the same latency issues as the FH FX on various YouTube vids and the like. This is a deal breaker, I won't buy Helix if this exists. Can someone please confirm whether this latency when switching patches has been fixed on Helix, or am I going back the old non-shiny-but-perfectly-good Pod HD? Thanks, Jamie
Hi Guys, very impressed with the HX Stomp! Most definitely will be buying one when it hits the stores here in Surrey, UK. One ‘gripe’ (hardware) and two suggestions (hardware & software). The suggestions follow on from the gripe! It’s all about what I think is the most important element of any such unit (apart from the sounds, of course!): the ease with which to switch complicated sounds during a gig. Ext Pedal port: shame only 1 port included. Frustrating not to be able to have at least 1 EXP plus FS4 & FS5 for e.g. up/down toggling of presets, side to side shifting of pages, etc to get instant access to multiple presets and snapshots on the fly. Two ports would have made the machine phenomenal and there might have been space to shift the USB to the MIDI side to allow for a second Ext port on the back? (but doing so would have taken it too close to the LT?) ;-) Obvs there are workarounds: a) external MIDI controller for preset selection, b) external Wah plus FS4 and FS5, but it would have been nice to have it all on the HX internally as standard. Hardware suggestion: with one TRS port, I can do 6 customisable things with my Switch 6 on my Helicon devices. Could Line 6 produce a dedicated switching box to enable a greater number of switching possibilities? Software suggestion: in the four Play View Modes, there are various functions that are activated by pressing two buttons together (FS1+FS2, FS2+FS3), but these don’t seem to appear as functions that could be assigned to FS4/FS5. I hate trying to press two pedals together in a gig and I’m sure most people would agree. Would it not be possible to allow a single press of either FS4 or FS5 to access these extra functions, e.g. toggling between Preset and Snapshot, queueing next/previous Presets, etc? Would this not allow almost instant access to 9+ sounds on the fly? More than enough for nearly any song, I grant you, but very useful! Reply from Line 6 Techs gratefully received. Thanks a lot, Andy
Curious as to whether it's possible when switching between snapshots, that it could carry over the qualities of the previous patch/snapshot? This is hard to describe and maybe I'm missing the right term. I'm building the snapshots for the Police's Synchronicity 2 song. There's that chaos part that happens prior to the last verse. I'm hoping to be able to switch out of a really saturated delay/reverse delay warble patch/snapshot and switch it back to the main guitar part...but have that chaos patch slowly dissipate over the regular verse patch. thanks in advance for any pointers.
Hello everyone, I am completely new to the Helix world but I have an important issue. Can somebody tell me if and if so how you can use a Helix to switch between amplifier channels on a PRS Archon 100 Watt amplifier? I would love to combine the channels with my presets with the touch of 1 button. Now I have to press both the external channel switcher and the Helix which causes timing problems because certain music requires instant switching. With kind regards, Ezra
Hi Guys, new to the forum but have been aLine 6 user for many years. I currently use a rackmount Pod Pro with full floorboard and a JTV 59, along with a 'normal' guitar live. I use an AB switching pedal to send one or the other guitar's signal into the POD. I'm considering changing to a Firehawk FX, and was wondering if i could connect the JTV59 via the VDI cable to the firehawk, and my 'normal' guitar to the 1/4" jack input, and somehow switch between the guitars that way? Is this possible? Also in my current setup i use another AB box to switch the guitars to the POD or to a seperate channel on the Mixing desk for Acoustic sounds from the JTV. How might this work with the Firehawk? Finally, on the POD Pro i use the XLR outputs to the desk and 1/4" jack outputs to a stereo power amp going into 2 Marshall 1x12s, will i still be able to do this? Many thanks for your advice!
Greetings! To preface the below, I have searched high and low for a real answer for my issue. I hope that I am able to find what I'm looking for here! Problem: I have 4 snapshots in Preset "001" that I am trying to integrate MIDI with to switch channels on my Carvin Legacy 3. Snapshot 1: "Clean" - I'd like the Helix to send CC #81 over Channel 1 (MIDI talk, of course) Snapshot 2: "Crunch/Dry" - I'd like the Helix to send CC #82 over Channel 1 Snapshot 3: "Crunch/Wet" - I'd like the Helix to send CC #82 over Channel 1 Snapshot 4: "Lead" - I'd like the Helix to send CC #83 over Channel 1 CC parameters #84 and #85 control Legacy 3 boost and reverb functions respectively. I do not intend to use these at this time. I have tried going into the Global Settings and was successful in assigning CC #81-83 to my Helix Floor unit. I can find the toggles grayed out in "Stomp Mode" and can switch the amp channels in stomp mode. I CAN'T trigger the changes in Snapshot mode, however....I'm perplexed. Super perplexed. Can someone walk me through the steps that I need to take to set this up? I want to have this as a guide to take with me in the event something happens. I play in a band that travels internationally and due to time constraints, I'm basically freaking out inside. We are going from Michigan to New York and then on a cruise ship to Bermuda in literally less than 30 days now. Any assistance will be super appreciated! Disclaimer: I'm new to the Helix and this forum. Save me pls.
Hi all I have a line 6 Amplifi 175 amp and I thoroughly enjoy it. However one of its features are really starting to annoy me. I'm trying to disable the function where when I start playing a song from my library, a list of suggested tones drops down and it automatically switches to the first one. I really want this to stop. I find some other tones that are available are so much better than the ones that are suggested, but when I pause the song to go switch to the tone that I want and go to un-pause the song again, it switches the suggested tone again. I've switched off Auto tone loading in the options menu on the remote app and it will still do it. Does anyone know how to permanently disable the auto tone load function when I play a song?
Hi all, I've just bought Firehawk FX. I'm using it with Peavey Classic 30 in the 4CM setup. I've read all about the dreaded patch change latency problem but decided to give it a try instead. The latency of changing patches is ok for my purpose. It could be better but all in all my Peavey Classic 30 has a similar latency while switching between channels. BUT Everything is nice and ok unless I don't use the preamp of my Peavey in the effect loop. If that is the case the latency of patch switching reaches 1 second or more. The sound cuts and then slowly arises from zero. To give it simple: Guitar -> FX -> Send RCV in Peavey ----------- Patch Switching OK Guitar -> FX -> 4CM -------------------------------- Patch Switching with 1 second latency (sound arrising) Can it be a matter of the preamp of my Peavey that needs to somehow re-init if getting signal from INPUT or is it a problem of the Firehawk ? Please help, I don't know whether to return the unit because using it like this is impossible ... :/
As the title says, is this possible? In my signal-chain I have the Tube Compressor and then the Vintage Distortion (in that order). When I'm not using the distortion, I like to have the comp on, and when I engage the distortion, I want the comp to go dissengage. I'm able to assign them both to one switch (multi) but when I do that the light is on when I have the comp engaged and off when the dist is engaged. I need it to be the other way around! If i change the order of the signal chain (dist -> comp) it seems to work, but I much prefer the comp -> dist for som reason, even if the comp is dissengaged... Any suggestions? /Danne
I'm trying to dial in some tones but I'm seeing a really strange behavior. Hopefully someone might have some insight as to whats happening. I have a POD HD500X, DT50 212, hooked up via Line6 link. I'm using the POD HD500X Edit software to create some tones that I will be switching between in the same song. The first patch is slightly distorted crunch, the second very clean. For all patches I'm using pre-amp only models. When switching between patches using the edit software they sound exactly how I wanted, However, if I switch using the buttons on the HD500X itself the the second patch does not sound right, distorted and crunchy when it is supposed to be clean. The first patch is using the Brit J-45 Nrm Pre model with the 4x12 Greenback 25 cab and a 421 Dynamic mic. The DT is set to Class A/B, Topology II and Pent mode. The second patch is using the Blackface Dbl Nrm Pre model with the 2x12 Blackface Dbl cab and a 57 on Axis mike. The DT is set to Class A/B, Topology II and Pent mode. Typically the Blackface model would use topology 1 but I wanted quicker switching in the song. Any thoughts on whats happening or how I can get the POD itself to switch the same way I am when using the edit software? Thanks!
Hi, I've recently bought an HD500X. I played a gig the other night on a stage with a fair bit of vibration and the HD500x kept on switching from whatever channel I was on, back to channel A without any input from me. It's the first time there's been an issue with this at all. As I always set channel A as my clean rhythm sound, this was problematic, especially during solos! I've flashed the memory but I'm thinking it may be something to do with the sensitivity of the actual buttons themselves. To recreate the problem, all I need to do is tap the metal casing of the unit and it will flick over to Channel A. Anyone else had a similar problem? Cheers, Mark.
Hello! :) Well... a few days ago I've been looking at me POD HD300 and thinking how cool would be if I could easily edit my presets via iPhone, because honestly, if you ever owned the POD HD, you know sometimes manual controls are just the pain in the azz and the utility for computer editing would also deserve some improvements. I still consider the POD HD 300 a great choice with tons of satisfying tonal abilities for a few bucks/quid/euros/whatever, thou. Later, I started browsing the web and I soon realised, that I'm a few months late and Line 6 came up with the Amplifi Fx 100. I wanted to ask you, my fellow Line6 owners and fans, if anyone of you switched to the Amplifi FX 100 from the POD HD 300 - 500. At the moment I have a feeling that it's basically the same thing as my POD HD with some extra iTunes gadgets, that can be controlled via my iOs device and I simply want to check if my understanding of this product is correct and if the switching from my POD to Amplifi is worth it, also when considering the fact I wanted something exactly like my POD HD 300, but manageable via iOs. Also, as far as I have browsed, there's no Mac/Win app for controlling the Amplifi and managing the presets? If not, well, than it's something that should have been there already and I hope Line 6 will patch this gap as soon as possible. PS - Sorry for the English mistakes, not a native.
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- pod hd300
- amplifi fx 100
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