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Everything posted by radatats

  1. I don't know why Line 6 didn't provide one but there are great programs written by users at the link below. As mentioned above this can only be done by midi connection but it works great. The real question is if you already have both the HD500 and the DT why does it matter? This topic has been beaten to death on other threads. The whole point of a DT amp is to digitally integrate with your POD with L6 link to give you a total package. There is absolutely no difference between the amps/preamps in the POD and the DT. Once you are connected everything digital is being done in the POD and the DT provides the analog tube goodness. Use the editors above to setup your DT as an emergency backup in case your POD has problems at a gig but after that, forget it and do everything in the POD.
  2. hahahahahaha... the OP started this thread because supposedly the POD is too complicated to dial in. How ironic that the thread has morphed into a discussion about what is quite possible the most complicated, convoluted rig ever put together... keep pushing the limits there Colonel... :)
  3. while its always like Christmas when we get new stuff in an update, honestly, other than bug fixes and feature updates, I don't really NEED anything new. Truth is I have barely scratched the surface of what this can do. And I post a lot of lollipops on here... I mainly use a handful of amp models and some go to FX. There are at least a dozen amps I have hardly even touched for experimenting with. So many different cab and mic combinations, FX chains... So much still to learn... Really, how the f*ck can you honestly say you are bored with this gear and are dumping it because they didn't give you a new amp model to play once or twice and complain about? Oh yeah, that one time at band camp when you clicked on that one amp and it didn't sound like you thought it would...
  4. How old is your HD500X? There have been a lot of reported problems with the switches sticking or failing. It sounds like it may well be that for the presets. You can try using contact cleaner around the plunger and work it well in on all the switches. If that doesn't help and you are out of warranty, try opening it up and checking the switch plungers and springs. Its not extremely difficult but it does appear challenging the first time. Google it for videos or guides on working with the switches. Don't know what to say on your pitch shifting issue. Maybe more info about where you have it in the chain, what else is going on in your patch. Post the patch to custom tone and give us the link to checkout. Maybe its something simple...
  5. Original line 6 monkey before lollipop got too complicated...
  6. You would have to put an FX Loop block in your signal path and connect your CryBaby there.
  7. finally found something less complicated that I don't have to tweak...
  8. never meant to infer idiocy on your part. Honestly just wasn't understanding why you were trying to listen to the DT in LVM/STBY over headphones. LVM mode on its own is a useful feature but not so much in LVM/STBY. Not sure that the DI was ever intended to give this capability. The manual only mentions DI for your live rig so you don't have to mic and separately LVM for very quiet playing. Don't think they ever expected someone to try to listen to headphones through a mixing board in LVM/STBY to adjust patches that would then sound different when you add the analog amp back in. Certainly I never considered it, not that that means anything I guess. In the L6 Link manual they do suggest you can use LVM/STBY with the DI for silent recording but they don't say much more about it and again, IMHO, there would be no advantage over a POD patch. As you know, the DI is tapped off the transformer to capture the analog amp section's effect on your tone. When in LVM/STBY there is no analog signal and therefor no NFL (1,2,3,4) compensation being fed to the board. You are only getting the digital pre and power amp modeling. That is why I was suggesting to not use the DT at all in this setup, just the POD. I forgot about the studio vs combo output issue. Either way, I don't see any advantage to tweaking a DT patch without the analog component and it seems you will never be able to level patches that way. Again though, not trying to infer anything negative, just trying to add to the conversation and hope to increase my own understanding.
  9. OK, understand your not happy but seriously, why are you using the DI in LVM? Just go straight from the POD to your board instead or headphones from the POD itself and problem solved. LVM simply substitutes full amp models and cab sims so you aren't getting any tube mojo through the DI with LVM. Might mean swapping a cable but BFD... better than wasting time using LVM with the DT and the DI...
  10. yep, reflash the latest firmware and test again. If it's still doing it, send it back for a new one... There is nothing user fixable, especially when new and under warranty.
  11. I wouldn't bother adding pedals to the Spider. The built ins are pretty good and you shouldn't need to waste money replacing them with external gear. The Spider has no effects loop so forget reverbs and delays, use the onboard ones instead. What you should be looking for is a good floorboard to connect to your Spider to control your patches and turn effects on and off. Pretty sure either of the two below work with the Spider. That will be far more useful than another stomp box...
  12. yeah a lot of guys have used it that way actully with decent results. Its a pretty powerful little pedal size amp.
  13. bro that totally sucks... I hate to hear this because I have had nothing but good results with mine. There are a ton of things that can go wrong with any electrical gear, especially when its basically a computer at heart. Of course reflashing the firmware, global reset and calibration but when you are ready to play, it has to work. There have been a lot of guys with FS issues on the "upgraded" 500X. Check some of the other related threads in this forum. One would think Line 6 would have corrected this for all users... BTW, I see your bandmate has the older POD, any issues with his? Did you use the HD500 when you recorded your album/vids? Very nice work...
  14. at first i though I heard slight differences but after extensive bouncing back and forth between the two clips they are pretty much identical. Any slight differences are probably due to ever so slight playing differences and the subconcious desire to notice something, anything different just knowing they came from two different guitars... for me anyways...
  15. Check out this link for my solution,works pretty good...
  16. no, I meant I had to share it on FB... theRealZap gets credit for that gem...
  17. the only thing I see that doesn't hold from HD Edit is the tempo stuff. Easy enough to tweak and save on the unit without giving up everything else...
  18. good for you. Because there is nothing to tweak with the GP-10. Just use the factory ones or download other people's tone sets, alternate tunings, etc. and NEVER make any adjustments cause they are awesome and you will sound amazing. And of course you won't waste any time playing with the endless number of synths with literally millions of patches and other midi gadgets that you can now hook up to. Hey it only has 2 knobs and two foot switches, it must be easier... Hello rock stardom... Just kidding, hope it works for you.
  19. A lot of misconceptions arose when they did the firmware change that allowed the POD master to work with the DT. I too thought the DT master affected tube drive levels and argued extensively about it but alas, it does not. Voltage to the tubes is constant. The input is what varies and both the POD and HD master do the exact same thing to the signal, which ever one is turned. They do work together in some way but it is not detailed anywhere and Line 6 will not comment. It appears that they work in series and are additive but it makes no difference if the POD is maxed and the DT min or the DT is min and the POD is maxed. Bottom line they are just tandem volume knobs and do not affect actual tube voltage or "drive" levels, just the level of audio being applied to the tubes. The POD manual says you should try to max the POD master for max S/N ratio but they have not updated anything related when using DT with L6 link. You can follow the old thread below for more thoughts...
  20. I think its normal. A couple of firmware updates ago the POD master had no effect on the DT so you only used the DT master. Now the POD master has an effect and you keep it maxed. When you disconnect it, its normal to have to crank the DT master to get a similar volume level. By the way, selecting LVM will not lower your volume, it just adds power section modeling for you when you are using the DT at low volumes if you want it.
  21. so after all that I am back with 2.1 and staying there till the next update. While I did notice a difference with 1.9 on the strat it wasn't enough to stay with it. I think I have found the solution, for me anyways. First issue is string volume balancing. I had to take the global volume down 4db on the lower 4 strings. Top E and B stays at 0. Next up was to use the Preset Volume slider in WBHD to level out the different models. I lowered the Lester to -3db and raised just about all the others to +3db. The other HB models stay at 0 to 2, depending. Finally my strat and tele models have punch and match up to the LP models. I took the acoustic models up to +5 since they don't get an amp block anyways. I can now pick a patch on the POD and rotate through all the models and the volume stays pretty level. Don't know why I never used that before, not sure I even saw anyone mention it but it works for me...
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