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Everything posted by joel_brown

  1. Yeah, this modeling versus real debate is beyond old. What's that saying "Opinions are like lollipops, everyone has one".
  2. According to the Ubuntu forums, Mac OSX is based on BSD Unix not Linux. I guess you could make the connection that they are both Unix. Although BSD is Berkley and Linux is based on the teaching version of Unix called Minix. Sounds pretty far from mainstream on a desktop... But I guess it must do something you like to be worth that.
  3. Isn't Linux a server thing ? I never heard of anyone running it at home other than as a curiosity.
  4. Sounded like a JCM800 to me. I put it up next to my JCM900 and damn near couldn't tell the difference. Sounds like something else is an issue.
  5. I've delt with Sweeter for years. Anytime I ordered anything backordered they got it and sent it as soon as possible - and always sooner than anyone else would have. They were always great about customer service and letting me know what was going on. But eBay is a good option too. Depends on how quick you have to have it.
  6. Just because an amp is small or a combo doesn't mean it's going to NOT sound good. There's plenty of combo amps, such as the Mesa King Snake with one 12" speaker that sells for $2,500 bucks that sounds really nice. I'm done with this thread.....
  7. You don't have your own amp and you're using high quality amps provided by the studio. And you're saying the POD HD400 doesn't sound as good as the high quality amp the studio has. Well duh........ Yep, use it for effects in the studio and home use through headphones. The PODHD (especially the 500, Desktop, or Pro) can sound really nice once you connect it to YOUR amp and dial in YOUR tones. Will ANY modeler sound better than the amp it's trying to model ??????? No............ It might sound very close and be a lot easier to carry around and a lot less expensive.
  8. How are you connecting the PODHD to your amp and what kind of amp do you have ?
  9. I didn't know if you had an iPhone or iPad that you were a hoity toity upper class wine drinking financially well off person. Seriously this is a fun toy that Line6 came out with that appeals to a certain customer base and they feel they can make money with it. Sheeessh, anyone ever do a spreadsheet before and write a business plan ? Now let's get back to playing guitar and creating tones.
  10. If you're losing connection a lot, try a differant USB port or USB cable.
  11. Great video. What happens when you don't ask 20 guitars players for their opinion ? You get 30 responses.
  12. How many bass players does it take to screw in a light bulb ? One. But the guitar player had to show him how. But the guitar player still complains about how a candle has more warmth and better light than a bulb. And only true guitar players will use candles.
  13. Did you run any updates on it ?
  14. They can all play good if you know how to work on them or can find a good guitar tech. I've taken a $50 Vantage guitar and made it play and sound great - that only took 4 years of modifications and 3 differant sets of pickups. Hey it was a learning process for me. I didn't want to learn how to modify a guitar on something expensive. I say go with the JTV. You can eventually make it play the way you want and it gives you more variety of tones. No matter what you do to the PRS, it's just another guitar in the end.
  15. It's your DAW hardware device. Has nothing to do with the PODHD. Keep tweaking the hardware settings until the latency is livable. You need to get it atleast under 10ms and 6ms is where I usually end up.
  16. There should be a setting in your DAW that will allow you to set device latency. I was doing something very similar and experienced the same thing. It still had latency afterwards but it was good enough that it didn't bother me too much.
  17. It kind'a sounds like your input level (somewhere in the chain) is too low and your Signal To Noise is out of whack.
  18. Just so I understand what you're saying. When you plugin a stereo effect into the FX loop using both L and R channels the PODHD somehow sums them together and makes it mono ?
  19. Slightly off original topic. I use 1920x1080 and it works great for me. Are the people having issues with 1920x1080 monitors using an HDTV monitor or a real computer monitor ? The differance being a monitor that supports 1080p.
  20. Huge question and ColonelForbin gave some great info. Here's a shorter simpler anwer. Take what you have and plug it into a P.A. for starters and jam with your friends. Then start checking out differant amps and what you can comfortably afford. Some people prefer a solid state amp/speaker combination some people like tube amps. Try them both out if you can. There's no wrong answer.
  21. I wasn't impressed with the Line6 Distortions into my Marshall JCM900 when I tried the 4cm method. They sounded decent for high gain but no matter how I tweaked them it was too much compression until they were almost turned off. Which at very high volumes led to feedback and squeel. I ended up not using any of the Line6 Distortions, didn't need anymore distortion anyway. But I will give high marks to Line6 for their compressors.
  22. To answer the original question, judging by the power specs available on the L2 it should be able to replace the 50watt tube amp just fine.
  23. I've used EMG active pickups on my PODHD Desktop with no noise problems. This sounds like an issue with the guitar/pickups. When you touch the strings with your hands does the noise change or get quieter ?
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