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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi, Update is coming very soon i guess :D This version of Line 6 Updater is required for the upcoming Helix 2.80 release.
    4 points
  2. I messed up. Two of my four kids expressed interest in guitars. I gave the first one (my oldest son) a lower-end Flying V for his thirteenth birthday, followed up a couple of years later with a small practice amp and my old ART SGX 2000 Express/Ultrafoot mfx rig (I had bought my HD500). Now my youngest (age 7) has taken an interest in classical and I've let him use a mid-range Cordoba that I use regularly. He's not even allowed to look at my Hill Guitar Co. flamenco. Now he refuses to play on anything less than a $900 guitar. Both of them have made it clear that once I join the Choir Invisible they will descend upon my guitars, amps, and rig with notable fervor.
    4 points
  3. We had to build our first guitars with 2x4's, nails, and hay-bailing wire. If we whined about the pain and bleeding, the belt came out. Made men out of all of us, even my sisters.
    4 points
  4. Good to know, thanks. If prior releases are any indication downloading the HX Edit package will include matched versions of the editor, drivers, and the updater, even if they are numbered differently. It still appears that users downloading components separately leads to the lion's share of upgrade problems every time there is a new release. Making backups, downloading these three components as a package(usually named "HX Edit") and then matching up your firmware is probably still the best way for most people to ensure everything is in synch. That way you don't wind up with mismatched versions of for example the editor and the firmware. As always follow release and upgrade instructions and make backups before you change anything.
    2 points
  5. There's no reason to force a kid to learn guitar on some piece of lollipop First Act or whatever. If a kid wants to play flute in the school band, are you gonna buy the cheapest, out of tune, hard to maintain instrument out there to see if they "really have a passion for it"? Guitarists are such a weird bunch. Some of you sound like "well back in my day, we had to learn on a plank with piano wire, no frets, and you just had to deal with the slivers". lol
    2 points
  6. I am of the mindset that willpower/desire/self discipline are the biggest factors in developing a skill like playing guitar. That said, I also think that having a truly crappy instrument is one of the things that keeps people from pursuing it. I was fortunate that my dad bought me a strat pack when I was 16. Came with a crappy little amp that I upgraded from within the first 6 months. The guitar I used for about 2.5 - 3 years. It was a fender strat squire affinity series. I have been playing for about 18 years now. I believe both of these are completely valid factors, and neither are completely in a vacuum. (so to speak)
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. What's up guys, I have had my POD HD Pro X for a few years now. I have been using a Surface Pro w/ Windows 10 and it would blue screen a lot due to the Line 6 driver. I recently got fed up and just built a fresh new PC specifically for recording. It's doing the same lollipop.....I don't have any conflicting drivers..ALL of them including Line 6 are up to date. Anyone else having the same issue as me?? DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_OR_LESS_EQUAL(l6podhd5se64.sys) Thanks
    1 point
  9. Duty calls once again, glad the update didn’t come out yet lest I be distracted from my appointed tasks! DI and company, if you can keep the lid on this update for another couple of weeks I ‘d sure appreciate it. Thanks!
    1 point
  10. Yes. The only thing you need to download is the HX Edit installer package. Running this installs compatible versions of the driver and Updater program. Run HX Edit to create a backup of your current Helix. Run the Updater to update the firmware. Then run HX Edit again to restore your backup. Done.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Oldest plays bass and 'sings' in a death metal band. Youngest getting situated on keys and sings incessantly. Hopefully neither of them ever aspire toward pro life. I've been happy as hell to do the weekend warrior bit. Much more so than when I pursued it as a career back when GHW was in office.
    1 point
  13. OP here. Thanks very much for all the insights, it's really helpful. I'm getting some joy with a few of the preamps and amps, for the sound I was posting about, and mostly using the Teemah and Valve Driver for leads and Minotaur for clean fat boost. I'm looking forward to the King O' Tone- as I'm sure a few others are as well.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Should have pushed bass and drums... at least then they'd have work, lol. Guitar players are a dime a dozen. ;)
    1 point
  16. Obviously what gets people do feel "passion" will differ from person to person. Maybe there's a person out there who would still learn to love guitar if they were given a metal spoon with the words "guitar" branded on it, or if they were given a guitar where barbed wire was used for steel strings. My hat is off to all of you who learned to play on instruments that literally tore your hands to pieces - but that was never going to work for me. What did finally work for me was an instrument that felt solid and sounded great. So at least in my case, the quality mattered SOMEWHAT. For others, maybe not so much. Edit: As I understand it, legend says that Hendrix first learned how to play guitar from a garbage kids toy with one string that he pulled out of a dumpster. When he did finally get his guitar, he, a left hander, had to turn it upside down and restring it to work for him - that's amazing passion and certainly plays into some of why he stood out so much, so I'm not knocking that special something some people have that will drive them to learn on any instrument, even if it might kill them, but the honest guy in me has to admit that there's no way that would have got me going.
    1 point
  17. Absolutely true. You'll either want play or you won't. Lots of people say they want to play. But the reality probably is, they want to play a song they heard but don't really have the desire to play. I had that desire to play. A lot. I would get so into playing that I would forget to swallow and more than once, as I'm looking at my picking hand, a big splooge of drool would drop down right onto my guitar. Ya know,, the kind that looks like a shiny thread, all the way down. What a geek!! I have a friend I've known for decades and he still talks about how much he wants to play. But he don't. He's even talking about buying another guitar (his third).
    1 point
  18. You keep your hands offa my sister's diddly bow, datacommando.
    1 point
  19. I'm of the opinion you don't have to (and shouldn't) spend a fortune on your kid's first guitar because you just have no way of knowing if it's really going to take or not. BUT - I also think you need to choose something reasonably decent (which in this day and age really doesn't cost a fortune). My first guitar was when I was 12 - it was a "handmedown" nylon string that my parents thrust upon me to save money. They were operating from a desire to do me right but living in challenging financial times, and following the bad advice of people they trusted. The thing couldn't stay in tune for more than 5 minutes, and trying to get it back in tune took another half hour. It didn't sound in anyway beautiful or inspiring, and it wasn't comfortable to play. I didn't know any of this though. I was a dumb and stupid kid with no close family members who understood the instrument, and so I concluded that this was as good as guitars got, and decided I wasn't much for it. It was much, much, much later that I finally met a person who had a clue and they introduced me to a decent - not wallet breaking but decent - guitar. I fell in love, and it's been a huge passion since.
    1 point
  20. Same thing I would tell parents when I was teaching beginner lessons. If you want the kid to give up on it, buy him a cheap department store guitar. If you want him to take it seriously, buy something decent enough to not be a fight to play. For one, there's a much better chance they'll stick with it and two; if they really don't get along with it you can actually sell it for money instead of $5 at a garage sale, lol.
    1 point
  21. Exactly. When starting out the easier it is on your fingers the more you will "spank the plank".
    1 point
  22. I give the same advice to parents looking for their kid's first guitar that Spikey laid out. Don't get an expensive guitar to start unless you have a genuine prodigy(consult a real guitarist for confirmation on this, all parents think they have a prodigy :-) ). Looks, sound, and everything else take a back seat for a new guitarist to a playable neck. So many new guitarists drop the instrument when they get one of those cheapos that require a vise-grip or a car parked on top of them to get the string to touch the fret. Playability first!
    1 point
  23. Guess I'm not sure how an impulse response helps in this situation. Sounds like you need a multiband comp with with the sub-100Hz frequencies flattened into a beam then boosted up. You'll probably be able to get "bigger" lows bypassing an IR all-together and going straight the board.
    1 point
  24. Just wondering. When we all get our free pony, will “spikey” get one with a tuner in it?
    1 point
  25. I'm pretty sure that this has been suggested over on Ideascale, along with free ponies. I'm pretty sure we'll get our free ponies first!
    1 point
  26. Of course gear matters, my original point was that the music matters more. A good song can sound good on just about anything, but a bad song can't be saved by gear.
    1 point
  27. Soupro... after 3 years i found out that by lowering the bias on supro, it goes crunchy to jimmy page tone asap . Give it a shot.
    1 point
  28. I think this is generally the best kind of response to the criticism, "How dare Company X add feature Y, which I don't want to use?" If it doesn't make your experience in a product you already purchased worse, let them do whatever they want with their product and let the market decide whether the new function is valuable. Very Rothbardian.
    1 point
  29. Colors? No problem! I've added them in my list. I used a seperate column - otherwise you couldn't read anything...and it could seriously damage your eyes. ;-) Maybe it's helpful. The comments I had saved in my list are from the Line 6 homepage...but I don't know, where I had found them... Only the gear of the Firmware 2.50 had any kind of descriptions. Line 6 gear 2019-06-04.xlsx
    1 point
  30. Late...but hopefully not too late... Here is the link to the effect-list: I've made an EXCEL sheet with all the included gear in order to filter or sort the desired kind of gear. Maybe it's helpful for some of you. Line 6 gear.xlsx
    1 point
    1 point
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