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Everything posted by Kilrahi

  1. As said above, I use the Mission Engineering Pedal. I'm not at all interested in modding anything, and I love how sturdy and useful it is (because it can effectively be two pedals in one). I bought it on a deal, so I landed it for about $120. Still expensive though, I admit it.
  2. There's a few of them. I assume you've already checked out the Line 6 marketplace?
  3. Kilrahi

    Stop the hair!

    I have struggled my whole life to understand what people mean when they refer to their sound as having "hair." Perhaps if you could upload one of your hairy tones for us to sample.
  4. Just kind of an FYI, but it looks like Line 6 just created the board below. You might want to post these there instead as kind of a series of Stomp videos people can learn from. Just a thought:
  5. I know with the Stomp, if you attach the Mission Expression pedal with a toe switch you can set it up so that the switch will or deactivate blocks. I was messing with that last night. It seems like with the Stomp you could tie your wammy and your wah into the same expression pedal (#1) and then have the two switch turn one on while the other remains on. Wouldn't that be possible here? Or does the Helix not allow you to assign the toe switch to activate or deactivate blocks? Maybe tonight I'll fiddle with it on the Stomp and see if it actually overrides the automatic on/off function, but I swear I've already done it before . . .
  6. I love mine. Ultimately, when it comes to the guitar modelling (the reason you buy a Variax) the two guitars sound identical despite how different they look, and they can both sound like a strat, which is pretty cool. You'll have to let us know what you think of it.
  7. That's weird ... it works with an external footswitch so I can't fathom why having the the midi controller sending FS4 and FS5 wouldn't function just as an external controller does. What DOES it do?!
  8. So damn glad I read this. I was at a minute and thirty seconds and I think I was about done for.
  9. You can kind of do it. Set the FS4 and FS5 to be preset scroll up and down, and then have the midi controller mimick FS4 and FS5. OR You can send midi commands for changing which mode you are in (stomp, snapshot, OR preset) and then have your midi controller have buttons for FS1, FS2, or FS3 and tap those to scroll through. Once you've selected it, stomp the midi command to go back to either stomp mode or snapshot mode and play it out as intended. I mean, perhaps it's not perfect, but it gets you close.
  10. Did you mean to say "delay" instead of reverb in the above? Perhaps you could explain a bit more about what you mean because I'm a bit confused. Reverb and delays are somewhat related beasts. The "predly" feature of the reverbs is meant to mimic the "time" feature of a delay. When you say you want the reverb "applied some number of milliseconds after the onset of the note" that's largely what the timing of a delay does. It is setting the time in between the initial note and when you hear the repeated note. However, assuming you meant to say "delay" instead of "reverb" for that first part, then you also say that you DO NOT want the delay to l still be applied to the entire note. I don't really know of a delay that can be applied to a partial note exactly. There are complex ways you could potentially get there (such as with a split path where certain frequencies go on one path and other frequencies go on another, and then only have a delay on one of those), but the simplest might be to check out the "ducked delay" which does allow you to set some unique thresholds for which the note is not delayed, and at what points it is delayed. It might get you there. I apologize if this isn't at all what you're trying to describe.
  11. I enjoyed the video. When I first got the HX Stomp, due to its much smaller block limit, I seriously toyed with the idea of tweaking Global EQ on a regular basis because it would free up blocks. Honestly - I still feel that for the Stomp product Line 6 should do SOMETHING (more than 6 blocks . . . or maybe preset based EQ settings, eh - but if you'd do the latter there would still need to be something to fix complaints on FX blocks gobbling up your firepower). Ultimately though, I abandoned the global EQ idea because I switch too much between acoustic and electric guitar and remembering all the fine tuning for my preferred acoustic settings was a real lollipop. The advice and feedback you received is obviously useful. Here's the thing about all of these products - a lot of how important these best practices tips are depends on what you're going to be doing AND on which HX product you have. A person who only plays to themselves with one style of music can probably global EQ their freaking heart out. A person recording a lot would probably be better served recording without EQ and adding it later. A person who plays live gigs is definitely better served going preset by preset. However, if the bedroom player gets used to doing it globally and one day goes live - he may not know why he gets lollipoped so often. In your case you have the full frickin' Helix. You can pretty much crap blocks at will, so I'd follow the advice of those above and use the parametric EQ block in your patches. It'll recreate what you enjoyed in the video on a preset by preset basis. Bottom line, I enjoy your videos. Keep them coming, and update for your audience what you learn from time to time as needed.
  12. Well, first, Sweetwater always seems the pricier to me. The thing to keep in mind though is what the manufacture's suggested retail value is. Sweetwater says it's $1,678 and AMS claims it's $1,400 so umm . . . errr . . . honestly the difference there is a bit of a WTF. Now, if you're comparing the build quality of the Variax STANDARD (MSRP $1260 at AMS) with the JTV I personally think the JTV has a higher quality. It's supposed to. That's part of the point of the JTV line. That isn't to say the Standard is bad, though. I went for the JTV though, which tells you where I fall. If you want a strat style guitar that is intended to compare in quality to the JTV-59 then what you want is the JTV-69.
  13. True, and this is a good idea . . . BUT you can also select a compressor block instead of a distortion block block (boost + EQ, red compressor, blue compressor, blue compressor treb, vetta comp, and the vetta juice). This won't work if you are wanting to apply a compressor to a distortion block, but it's still good to keep in mind since often you don't need a compressor if you're using a distortion block.
  14. In your setup, what do you use for your amp sounds?
  15. It would be an absolutely awesome feature if possible. Without knowing exactly how they do the current feature or how the guts of the thing is setup,. it's hard to know how likely it is. Still, as rd2rk suggested, I voted for it on Ideascale so that they know it would be really cool to many of us.
  16. Looks cool . . .also . . . I know you probably thought of this, but you could keep using the FS3 for the tap/tempo - keeping the blinky lights - and use the external footswitch to control the stomp box you want. Obviously it's a trade off because then you're giving up the glow of the stompbox (green for delay, orange for reverb, etc.) in exchange for the blinky tap tempo. No matter what you have to sacrifice something. Cool setup though.
  17. Ummm . . . combine all of . . .? If you want a tip for the best expression pedal for the HX Stomp, I'm a strong believer that the absolute best is this one:
  18. Unfortunately, for now these can only be assigned globally, no preset by preset. The only solution I can think of would be to get a dual footswitch (assuming you don't use one already). For $20, it can be a pretty workable solution.
  19. Well, at the end of the day, that's part of why I went with the Stomp. Honestly, it's just a really amazing device. Wondering if you should have sold a kidney to go to the next level is definitely a first world kind of problem.
  20. Yeah, they're definitely cool, but there's another aspect that appeals to me too. I own a L6 Variax, and the amount of control that the Helix or Helix LT can bring to that is pretty outstanding.
  21. Yeah I love it too. Outside of an actual guitar, it's the most cool and useful piece of gear I've ever bought and I picture using it for years to come. It's so cool that I keep feeling the temptation to just get the Helix LT. It's a strange feeling when a product impresses you so much that you actually get a small ping of buyer's remorse wondering if you should have shelled out a little more for the bigger brother. I can't say I've ever really been in this spot before.
  22. I've been watching a lot of your videos over the last few weeks as you've been posting them. Thank you for putting the time into doing them.
  23. You can't combine them yourself. He was saying take a look at the separate cab block settings, and the separate amp block settings, and make sure that when you choose L6's pre-created combined version you match all of the settings on that to the separate settings. This is actually something I've wondered about since buying the Stomp because I've always noticed that most stock cab users still seem to go with separate amp and cab blocks rather than combined even when their setup doesn't have anything very complex going on. Technically separating them can give you more control, but if you don't need that control who cares? Obviously if you are going to use IRs you HAVE to go separate (though it would be cool if they gave us an amp/IR block - that would be very cool). So I ran a lot of tests. In my opinion, the combined versions can sound just as good as the separate ones, you just need to tweak them right. Because of the Stomp's premium on blocks (six is sometimes very limiting) I use the combined ones whenever I can. Still, there are times I split them up for dual cab + split signal moments, or when I'm using IRs.
  24. It works the same way as if you assigned it to FS1 - FS3. I will say this, the type of external foot switch can make it harder to control. I own a Boss FS-6 footswitch and it's switches are sturdy but feel kind of spongy to me. When I need quick taps it doesn't work as well (either a limitation of the design OR my mind not liking the spongier feel compared to the HX Stomp's click buttons). I bought it for a Boss acoustic amp I like and found out later it would work with the Stomp so it's not a big deal. I just choose to use the looper with the FS1 - FS3. Oh, and I know you didn't want to hear it, but I hate the one switch looper anyway. If I'm ever going to truly get my druthers out of the looper I'm going to buy a good midi controller. If I were to buy a new dual footswitch for the Stomp, I'd probably get this little guy:
  25. Kilrahi

    Digitech drop

    I keep almost buying one but then I stop holding out hope for a Helix model. It's a great pedal. Have fun with it.
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