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Found 10 results

  1. I would like to get from a clean sound to a nice bluesy solo sound by expression pedal, not by snapshot. If I only turn up the drive, the sound gets too loud. So I would have to build in a volume reduction at the same time. I have no idea how to do that. Can anyone help?
  2. Hi all, Im new to line 6, the Helix and the digital world when it comes to using it to amplify guitars. Keep that in mind when reading my post! Got my Helix the other day, plugged into my studio monitors, all very excited to hear what this device can do... result was awful. Completely disappointed, confused and totally unimpressed. I couldn't believe this was the same unit that I had read so much about... all the glowing reviews brilliant and positive sounding youtube videos. In short, for me, I just thought this thing sounds generally, well... crap. Flicking through the presets made me just think - what is this all about?!... some of the sounds are just weird and plain silly (effects heavy nonsense), others just sounded like the same old digital crap I have heard for so long now. I thought this was supposed to be different!? Some sounds are "OK", pretty passable copies of guitar sounds that you would appreciate and like, but even they are nothing special at all. Can't see a difference from all the digital stuff I have dabbled with then binned in the past - apart from more complicated options. I was saddest most about the total lack of feel. I have read the sentiment of matching the feel as playing through a valve amp. This really confused me. Not even close. Yes the patches clean up as you roll the guitar volume down... big deal. There is so much more to valve "feel" than that. There is zero interaction between your fingers the strings and the sound you hear (to me!) so its totally cold flat and uninspiring to play. I realise I'm in the minority on this one. Coming from valve amps and an old school sound aesthetic perhaps this technology is just a step to far for me. Beyond me. Or maybe its only good for hi gain million notes a second music where feel doesn't really come into it. Very disheartening so before I give up and send it back I wanted to ask for help as all the people that like it versus seemingly very very few who don't must mean its me not the units fault. Could there be factors at play that I don't know about that are making this unit sound/feel less than it should??? After a while trying to understand the unit I plugged into my little Yamaha THR practice amp and revelled in its excellent response and tone that seemed heightened after playing through the Helix. Any help or words of wisdom would be appreciated by this dense luddite!
  3. Hi, fellow Helixoids! I've just released 13 new Helix sound sets, available at the Helix Marketplace. I've taken an unusual approach: While we all know that Helix is great at mimicking classic analog gear, I've been exploring Helix as the unique and powerful instrument it is, with an emphasis on startling new tones that could only have been created in Helix. I think these sounds will appeal to restlessly creative players in search of new tones and textures. (Admittedly, they're probably not suitable for REO Speedwagon cover bands.) Each board sell for $13 and has its own demo video at the above link. There's also a combo back offering all 13 sets at a 40% discount. Its demo video, which provides a taste of all 13 products, is a good starting point if you're curious. Thanks for listening! :)
  4. Hi I am pulling the plug on a Helix LT. Can't wait. I currently am using a Boss GT100. What I like about BossToneCentral is that there are professional patches that are made by world-renowned guitarists. Is that the case for Helix Patches. I know it comes with some standard patches but I have only seen patches from users, which is great but I would like some standards if possible. David Gilmour patches. 50's guitar sounds etc. Can someone enlighten me on the sounds that come with the Helix or downloadable from world-renowned guitarists? Thanks
  5. so i need help i have tried standard inputs, 4 cable methods, using the my amp's poweramp. using the helix's modeled amp and cabinets and nothing seems to work all my sounds are pretty much horrible i am not blaming the helix i have seen countless videos where people come up with amazing tones, and there are many customer reviews about how good the product is, so i am thinking i am the problem. can someone just guide me into getting a decent tone ? what am i doing wrong here ! should i buy FRFR amp/speakers? anything helps because as of now i am completely out of ideas thanks
  6. Hi guys, I've got a problem with my PodFarm (I use it with UX2). When I've changed my GX to UX2 i was super happy beacause i had way more amps and effects there. After I've reinstalled my computer system (I'm working on Windows 8) I had some problems with installing PodFarm and with registration on Line 6. Now it's working but I have just two guitar and bass amps and few effects. What should I do to get more sounds? Please, help me.
  7. Hello, Has anyone already setup the DT25 to sound correctly with the Acoustic sounds of the Variax, through a POD HD500 ? Simple question though complicated to get it working coorectly for me. I own L2M's & L3M's but they are used by the band for the overall set, therefore, I am eager to get this set working with my Amp only. Easier to carry also during rehearsals... Thanks for the help, Alain
  8. nicman

    HD500 questions

    Alright so Ive had my 500 for a while and I hear so many recordings that sound great with it. Now Im pretty good with equalizing and balancing the lows, mids, and highs. The thing is though, I can't make a great sound like those in the recordings, I mean I've tweaked but its so far out there I know there isn't going to be some magic spot where it comes alive. Point is it sounds like a solid-state not even tube like which I hear in many other videos. Ive even downloaded the tones that I thought were amazing from custom tone and still sounds like a transistor! So is it in the mixing of the recording? If so then how do they have such a realistic live sound? if you can create a great sound with this, whether you know how you came up with it or not I just ask for every little detail you use when making the tone the recording or playing live, thanks.
  9. Hello, I am asking for a little help. I bought variax 600 two months ago. It was used but in perfect condition and everything was in working condition. Few days ago problem started. It begun to change sound by itself during the performance. The problem is even bigger. Its cahnging from normal tune (for example Les Paul sound) to different tuning (i guess from custom 2 category). The only thing i can do to solve this problem is to hit the tone change knob to the inside and it switchs back to original sound i was playing before it changed. Please help if anyone has same problem? My guitar is useless for live performance functioning in this way..
  10. This is my first time on any forum so i have no idea what im doing so dont be patronising... I have the Pod HD Pro in my studio but it sounds terrible? I can make a nice tone that im happy with but it has a horrible fuzz, clipping/distorted sound on top of it, which is completely ruining the tone! Imagine listen to a song that would sound great as WAV or 320kbs... but is coming out sounding like 128kbs. (that horrid, weak quailty) The tone has lost all depth and clarity and its really starting to annoy me as my band are mid way through recording our EP but the more we focus on the guitar the more the bad quality stands out! Nothing is actually clipping though, like the gain on the amp is pretty low, low master volume, its not clipping in the compressor or the DAW? Seriously need help to find out whats wrong. Its been like this since i got it and im losing faith in line 6. If anyone has experienced this and overcome it please tell me how? x
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