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Everything posted by codamedia

  1. I would try the HX Effect directly in front of the amp and see if the problem exists there. If it's fine, at least you have narrowed it down to a loop problem between the HX and the Amp, not the unit itself. Are you sure you have all the in/out levels selected properly, and have have adjusted them as required? Each in/out/loop as a selector for "instrument or line"... plus they have send levels and return levels. Sometimes it takes a little effort to get it working optimally with your amp.
  2. The only problem I see with this method is that your volume is going to kill all delay and reverb trails. Normally you would run a volume pedal before delay/reverb. Your approach is common, but mis-placed. Try controlling the output level of the amp model.... or the output level of an always on effect that is prior to delay and reverb. On my HD500 I used to put the volume pedal on the amp model output... but that was because I only had 8 blocks to work with. In theory you could run 32 blocks on a Helix. Finding a spot for a Volume Pedal shouldn't be too hard :)
  3. Did you insert the loop block in the HX Effects interface? If not... the HX Effects is just blasting into the power amp input on the amp and your amp's "pre-amp" is not being used. If the loop block is inserted, set it to instrument level in the Global Menu. If it's still too loud, there is a volume control on the send you can turn down further.
  4. Because the USB ports are not meant to talk to each other. They need a HOST to operate as an in between. Your best bet is to connect the MIDI OUT/THROUGH from the Firehawk to the MIDI IN on the HX Stomp. Those are meant to talk to each other! My guess is that you need to control the Firehawk with the FBV-3, then have the Firehawk communicate with the HX Stomp via MIDI... but it all comes down to the implementation on the Firehawk. I don't know what it is capable of, so I don't know what's possible.
  5. I have never noticed the HX Effects to inherently produce a louder signal unless setup to do so. Actually... I've seen some people claim that it gets thinner and quieter than when it is bypassed... I never noticed that either. Are you 100% sure there isn't something in the path altering the volume? The loop send and return both have volume controls. If it is still sending too loud at instrument level you can turn the send down.
  6. Well... I'll say this again. "Processors are only part of the equation so that is meaningless on it's own... " The difference in processing power between an AXFX2 and a Helix would not be enough of a factor, at least not to me. The units are compatible, but the U/I and features of a Helix set it apart for me.
  7. It's new processors.... not an added processor. AXFX 3 runs a pair of Keystones at 1Ghz ea AXFX 2 ran a pair of TigerSHARC's at 600Mhz ea Helix runs a pair of SHARC's at 450Mhz ea Processors are only part of the equation so that is meaningless on it's own... but yes, eventually the HELIX will need an upgrade in that department to keep up.
  8. Yes... I finally opened up the Helix and gave the OP's settings a try... that's what it does! I find that strange. With 8 Snapshot mode (the way I run it) the up/down opens 8 presets to load. I would have thought that would always be the case if you altered the preset mode page.
  9. I'm an "old school" player... not much need for any wild, but I sure would like a reliable... sure fire solution to drop tuning. The Whammy is OK for dropping the guitar a semi-tone, but even then it doesn't feel quite right. There is no way I can drop it a tone if needed. Aside from that my only wish is a Hiwatt Normal Channel and Hiwatt Jump channel to compliment the Bright channel already there. I'm a simple man :)
  10. If the Stomp came with 8 blocks, the next headline will be "HX Stomp needs 10 blocks" :) I get what you're saying, I'm just playing devils advocate. I've never viewed the stomp as a "stand alone" unit. I've always thought the design was intended to fit into an existing board... like the Eventide H9 is. They may market it as a backup or travel replacement for a Helix... but I would expect a lot of compromise when used like that. You don't have to use the send. Splitting the path should be enough. PATH A to LEFT OUT, PATH B with AMP/CAB SIM to RIGHT OUT. Hard pan the two paths then send LEFT to the amp and RIGHT to the console. That saves a block by not needing a SEND.
  11. Once running I believe this is correct, but I think the initial start surge required is over 2A.
  12. When the hardware of a unit has been designed as well as the Helix has been... computing power is truly the only limit. The Fractal was behind the Helix in terms of U/I and usability - there was no way that could be updated by software alone. I'm not knocking the Fractal... it's a fabulous machine. But I don't think there are many people out there that believe it was as easy to use, or as nice on the eyes as the Helix is. There are many things Line 6 can still do with the Helix in regards to programming to make it better. Some people want synths, some want polyphonic pitch shifting, some want better phasers, some want better cabinet models, some want nicer amps, etc... etc... Eventually the horsepower will lag behind... and I believe that is about the time you will see the next generation appear. For it to appear when it's needed means it would be in the making (even if just in concept) already. This makes me chuckle. I know what you mean (amp feel and tone) but that's not what it says :) Yes it has! The Kemper, Fractal and Helix have changed the landscape considerably.
  13. When you add a volume block, it automatically assigns the volume parameter to EXP2. If you change that to EXP1 and assigned the toe switch to the volume block, engaging EXP1 might actually turn off the volume block rendering the pedal useless. Here is what I suggest.... it's made to just "work" without any changes when adding a volume block - so let it do the work. Remove the Wah block if it isn't already Remove the volume block NOW > Add a Volume block and don't fiddle with any exp settings or toe switch settings. Just add the volume block. TEST. In EXP2 position, the volume pedal should work.
  14. I could be wrong, but isn't that a Stereo Only effect? Did you look under "stereo" when trying to find it?
  15. Have you tried any of the samples available on Custom Tone EG:
  16. I'm stumped.... I would have expected it to work as you want it to with the preset mode set to "snap/stomp".... I guess the stomps in the preset mode are taking precedence over the presets... but I don't understand why. Myself... I run the preset mode in 8 snapshot mode... and I get all 8 presets showing when I press up/down. After choosing a preset it returns to whichever mode I was in, snap or stomp. I don't have the LT with me at the moment so I can't try your scenario.... but I will try it when I get a chance. Just out of curiosity... are you running the latest firmware (2.7 at this time)?
  17. Although very similar... I suspect there will be some difference... mostly due to placement. On a real Boogie, the EQ lands between the preamp and power amp... I'm sure the amp model is similar to this. When you use it individually, the closest you can get it by placing it between the amp and the speaker... only if you use a separate speaker block. Still not the same. Also... on a real Boogie there is no level adjustment... you had to compensate the lower volume by turning up the master. This "may" have an effect on how things sound, but I suspect only slightly. If it were me... I would use the amp model complete with it's EQ, and turn the amp volume up a little to compensate for the volume drop. For no other reason than that's how the real Boogies operated :)
  18. FYI: In fairness.... the OP came back when he received the unit and said he actually really likes the Deluxe Phaser. That post is directly above yours!
  19. I put a gain block at the end of my patch .... I set it to a 3db gain, and assign it to a footswitch. It retains the tone, and is more transparent than a boost, EQ or overdrive pedal. It also requires very little resources. When placed at the end of the block it doesn't effect any gain structure of the amp of pedals, it just makes the sound louder.
  20. I've used an HD500 and Variax 300 for a few years now but just recently picked up a HELIX LT. For anyone interested in connecting an older Variax and a Helix... take the time to learn how they will interact with each other, or you will be left scratching your head in confusion... especially if you came from an HD500 or earlier POD. The two most important things to understand... when you use "force mode" to load guitar models from a preset or snapshot change.... You can only set the model access from the HELIX... You cannot change the model on the guitar, then save on the Helix like you used to with an older POD The HELIX can only access the FACTORY Variax Models, Custom 1 and Custom 2 locations. Read that carefully! Here's why! If you customize your variax guitars in Workbench, then store them over their original location the Helix cannot access those. You can call them up on the guitar itself, but the Helix cannot load them through preset or snapshot! Any custom guitars you need instant access to from the Helix (ie: loaded with a patch/snapshot change) must be stored in a CUSTOM 1 or CUSTOM 2 location. If you change guitar models via snapshot... and are in the habit of changing pickup positions on the fly... I strongly suggest you set Snapshot behavior mode to "discard". If not... it won't take long to learn why :) IMO: The reward of having guitar model changes available via snapshots more than makes up for any inconvenience of learning a few quirks. My Variax 300 has new life under the HELIX... now that I've learned it's new personality :)
  21. I've never seen this on my HD500.... it always seems to hold what I save. Stupid question I know... but are you saving the patch after you line up the EXP2 controller to the MIX parameter?
  22. There is a 1K resistor in the EX=P... on the PCB near the main volume control (not the min volume control). In my experience.... that resistor needs to be jumped (solder a wire across the resistor, or remove it and replace it with a bare wire) to get the full range. I solder a wire across it... takes 10 seconds (after the iron is heated) to add, and even less to reverse if needed. Those are the setting I use as well, but I could not get a full sweep without jumping that resistor I mention earlier.
  23. We may have referenced different versions of the manual... No need to apologize on missing it... wording and terms is often very different from what we are looking for :)
  24. Assign both blocks to one footswitch. Set the status for each block (eg: one on, one off) then save the patch. Now when you click the footswitch, it will toggle between the two effects.
  25. Primarily, as already stated directly above, the volume of an amp is not modeled, just the tone and feel of the amp. Volume is irrelevant. Second... quite often larger amps "can" sound quieter in real life. With regards to an AC15 vs an AC30, they are different kinds of "loud"... one cuts, the other fills. A lot of people that play a real AC15 will vouch that they have no problem keeping up on a stage because they cut right through the center of a mix.
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