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Everything posted by AlexKenivel

  1. ^that's pretty neat, it might make it so that it won't stick out so much either. I would just be afraid of is helicoptering around
  2. My channel volume seems to like to change on its own. What helped me was leaving all the knobs all the way at 0 so it had nowhere to go but up. "Fixed" my problem.
  3. I had my eye on the M50x but sprang for the cheaper M30x instead and can reflect the same experience as above (except I use Addictive Drums)
  4. The answer to these two questions might help us/you: What did you use to amplify your unit with your old band? What headphones do you have? Also know that you can't really get the exact same sound from the same patch through different speakers at different levels, viz., small headphones at safe listening level vs. a cranked PA speaker
  5. HD is just the name for this series of Pod. It seems like the HD won't receive anymore additions. The Helix is the newer, flagship device that is currently receiving continuous updates since it landed last year. The Helix has included everything from the HDs paid expansion packs. For playing bass, I can't get a better sound using the HDs bass expansion pack compared to the sounds I get from the originally modeled Bassman
  6. Sounds like it could be normal earth buzz
  7. Get another TS112a. Keeps it super consistent. Then if u want you could play with both :D
  8. I use same, or both on guitar lately because I'm using two amps. A few months ago I was only using single amps, and therefore single paths, so input 2 was set to Variax. That's MY "best" way to do it
  9. I'd put it in the effects Loop, and place it wherever you want it in your chain according to what effects you want to use on the ME. But I don't use an actual amp. Are you using the 4cm with the amp you're using?
  10. Have you tested it out yet?
  11. What is it about the tone you want to "smooth out?"
  12. Screamer, tube drive, occasionally the buzz saw or facial fuzz. Ive stacked drives, too
  13. While making presets for every single amp in my Pod, I took the quietest amp (I forget which one), maxed out its' Channel Volume, and used that as my reference for how loud the other amps Channel Volumes are in their own presets. My pods master volume is usually around noon, as well as my Alto TS112a. Plenty loud and plenty headroom
  14. Pshh, and I'm over here making presets for folks and giving them away :D what am I thinking?
  15. He didn't say anything about a laptop and used the word "computer" which becomes more and more ambiguous every year. I just assumed he was talking about a desktop computer and had some external speakers. Those work in a pinch, but yeah, they're are tons of better options
  16. I usually don't have to hit save on the pod itself, but the edited presets bug out on me too and changing banks real quick solves it for me.
  17. You can turn down the amp sims Channel Volume to compensate and save it as a different preset for rehearsal levels
  18. You plug the speakers straight into the pod.
  19. By any chance is your Pod connected to your computer via USB?
  20. My 500x has been a real game changer for sure. Of course I originally wanted one of the top-shelf waiting list-ensuing modelers but with all the money I don't have and won't have for one, I figured I wouldnt get to toy with a modeler after a few years of saving. but when I read up on the HD series, it seemed like a good idea and it was. Of course it doesn't sound pristine without some tweaking, sweating, and fussing every once in a while, but it gets the job done in my band and the few bands I have been in since I got mine. Even if I move on to a HX or something else, the 500x will always be my Intro To Modeling 101. If anything, now I can walk into a Guitar Center and make any little Spider combo sound awesome :D
  21. In your question, The terms "correct" and "best" have no real weight. It's all about what sounds good to you. What works well for someone, might not for someone else. it's not just the tone stack of other preamps that are coloring your sound in this case. there's also the speakers themselves that have a lot to do with differences between amps and combos, but if you want slightly more consistency and sound, plug into the effects return of an amp head or combo if they have one, to bypass the preamp is whatever physical amp you're using. for even more consistency in tone, PA speakers (or FRFR) are the way to go. I use them, as well as many other modeling users. I own an Alto TS112a but i also use whatever PA is available and that usually works just as well.
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