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Everything posted by MusicLaw

  1. I too have a set of BeyerDynamic DT 770 (250 Ohms @ 96dB/Mw), and a set of Sony MDR-V6 (60 Ohms @ 106dB/mW), and a set of Shure SE530 IEMs (36 Ohms @ 119dB/mW). With the Helix Floor they each sound good but distinct, and the Headphone knob is set to a different preferred position with each to attain the same perceived SPL. So long as you are otherwise not clipping the signal in your Helix Signal Chain, the headphone volume knob is strictly for monitoring. Until the Helix has some method of onboard metering indication, the best you can do is connect a board or other device with meters to monitor your levels. If you have Helix Native software it has Input and Output metering displays, but is also very dependent on the level settings of your Interface input device, and your hosting VST or DAW software. Overall, it is always best to follow your ears.
  2. What firmware version is loaded in your Helix?
  3. By Default Helix's Outputs are routed to the XLR and 1/4" outputs when the Output Block (circle at the end of the signal path) is set to Multi (the Default). To have Helix's Main Volume Knob only affect either the XLR or the 1/4", Change the Global Settings I/O to the one you want the Main Volume Knob to control. The other will be set to Unity Gain. For instance, the XLR outs will be at Unity and unaffected by the Main Volume Knob, if you change the Global I/O setting for the Main Volume Knob to control the Main 1/4" Outs. Also, If you are not running stereo the Left/Mono Output of both the XLR main outs or the 1/4" main outs will automatically sum R&L to mono when you only connect a cable to the Left output of that format. Hope this helps.
  4. Until Line 6 advises otherwise, I have found that to be sure that any new Factory Presets included in a Firmware Release are installed, the PowerOn+FS9+FS10 is a good idea.
  5. Yup! There should be no problem installing HX Edit on your Windows 10 machine (as well as on your Mac). Just be sure that when you are selecting the software to download and install from the Line 6 site, you are doing so for Win10. Select "Helix" in the first dropdown. Leave "All Software" in the 2nd dropdown. Select Win10" in the 3rd dropdown and click the Go Button. The next screen is confusing. It shows large grey background boxes with the title for each in the upper left. Currently, the first if for "Flash Memory" 2.54. The next is for "Line 6 Updater" 1.14. The next is for "Flash Memory" 2.53. Scroll down to the next which is for HX Edit 2.52. Then scroll down further and click the blue "Get Download" button in the lower right corner of this box. This will download HX Edit 2.52. As I recollect, once you commence logging into your Line 6 Account you should be prompted once you download to install the software. It will handle installing the necessary drivers, Line 6 Updater 1.14, and install firmware 2.54. If you are not getting it to properly download and install, do an uninstall of all the Helix related software from your Windows machine and try again. Hope this help. If you still are having problems, contact Line 6 tomorrow.
  6. Nowhere was it ever suggested nor implied that it would be the first day nor week nor month of Spring! Take a few breaths....
  7. Open a Support Ticket w/Line 6 immediately! Line 6 is aware of a connector cold solder problem that affected a small number of units. Hopefully, they will have you covered.
  8. Please open a Support Ticket with Line 6 to be sure they are aware of your findings (in case they have yet to see your post).
  9. Here's a quick tip.... Connect the cable to an ordinary guitar amp with the gain set to mid. Extend the cable and using the unconnected end, flap the entire length of the cable against the floor (as if you were exercising with a thick long workout rope). If you any sound akin to tapping on a microphone, the cable is microphonic and should be discarded. This is not uncommon with cheaply fabricated cables.
  10. Sorry to hear the continuing frustrations and problems. Rest assured Line 6 will get things squared away for you! If the software cannot be revived by doing a Safe Reboot (See > Tip > Reset Options), and then a reload of the firmware, it could be that the unit is bad. The LT was released in April 2017, so all should be covered under the original Warranty.
  11. Make sure that you are using TS style cable - not TSR cables. Typical Instrument Cables will do just fine -- not speaker cables.
  12. Install the latest HX Edit 2.52.
  13. MusicLaw

    Overwhelmed is also a great site to have ready to reference for info.
  14. Should you opt to go ala carte, the current versions of the software are as follows: HX Edit; latest version 2.52 Helix Firmware; latest version 2.53 Line 6 Updater; latest vers. 1.14 Drivers if running a Windows PC Installing HX Edit 2.52 will handle installation of all the above! You may then download and install any CustomTone Presets you wish. Only via HX Edit can you manage Helix Presets, IR, and more....
  15. MusicLaw


    Browse to YouTube. Watch as many Helix related videos as you can absorb. There are many outstanding videos. Look for the ones by Jason Sadites, and the ones by Richie Castellano. These are all recent. There are also many excellent videos from earlier last year that are still applicable. The Helix cheat sheet printed poster (or PDF) and the Helix 2.0 User Manual (Rev D) PDF are also excellent resources.
  16. If still no good, open a Support Ticket with Line 6.
  17. This has got to be included in the next Helix User Guide!
  18. Open a Support Ticket with Line 6 to inquire how much, if any, of the already published Helix Floor Pedal Service Procedure might apply to the Helix LT. Only Line 6 can provide you with the best steps to take to correct the situation.
  19. For those (like me) that had not already come across it, Jason Sadites recently published (Feb 27, 2018) this exceptional YouTube video.
  20. There's no way around the inevitable learning curve. Even if you purchase pre-made Presets and IR's, if you don't have the inclination to understand what controls Helix puts in your hands, you are likely to be disappointed. There are simply too many factors between the pre-made stuff and what you will be listening on, playing with, and more. Jason Sadites' YouTube videos and many by others too, are an exceptional resource. These will get you up and going quickly. However, there is no way to absorb everything in a single instance.
  21. My impression is that this is a software issue with the "another pc." I suggest you Uninstall all Line 6 Helix software from the "another pc." Then Download and Reinstall HX Edit for Win10 from the Line 6 site. The clean reinstall of HX Edit 2.52 should reinstall the necessary drivers, Line 6 Updater 1.14, Helix Firmware 2.53 and Helix Edit 2.52 to this "another pc." Then use the Line 6 provided Helix USB cable on the main Buss connected USB port of the "another pc" -- not a remote USB port nor USB Hub. Should this not remedy the scenario the next step would be to manually note (i.e backup) the configurations and settings of each Custom Preset you may have, and your Global Settings. Then, you could try a Global Reset (Power On + FS5 + FS6) to see if that may remedy any Helix USB Comm Port issue. If still no good, then do the more comprehensive Full Factory Global Reset (Power On + FS5 + FS12). See: > Tips > Reset Options for more information. You could also try the Test Mode. However, I do not know if Test Mode interrogates and tests the Helix's USB Comm Port. If neither Reset corrects the USB Comm issue, you'll need to open a Support Ticket with Helix and probably get the unit in for Warranty Service. This would almost certainly result in any Custom Presets being cleared. As you may know, Line 6's tech support is exceptional! They will get your Helix squared away. However, any Custom Presets you may have are likely to be lost in the process. Do post back to update how things develop, so all may share in the learning.
  22. Did you run Helix's Preset update routine on what you downloaded from CustomTone? Only by doing so can you be certain that it might get properly revised to comply with firmware 2.53. If not, do so and give the Preset another try. The only other suggestion would be to start from scratch and build your own based on whatever settings you can obtain from the one you found on CustomTone. You probably already know that CustomTone, can be a great resource. Nonetheless, there is no way of knowing what you are actually getting from CustomTone unless the original author provides detailed notes regarding what version of firmware the Preset was built with, and this may not always be the case.
  23. Also discovered that from the Thread's List, when you Ctrl+Click or Right Click and select Open in New Tab the result does not bring you to the most current item in Page 2 of a multi page thread. Instead, you come to the first page. Perhaps once the Personal Preference Settings are enabled, this may resolve. Until then, it is a cumbersome process. This is using Chrome on Win10.
  24. The new configuration is very slick. The circular Letter Avatars do seem a bit too large when viewing the posts in the threads, and there do seem to be configuration aspects such as one's user Settings, that have yet to be enabled. Currently, clicking on settings, simply brings me back to the Line 6 Support Page. Aside from that, things look good.
  25. Right from the get go, Line 6 was quite clear in their official announcements regarding the HX FX Unit that the Software Helix Editor (aka HX Edit) will be fully functional with the HX FX later this Spring! As of release of the HX FX Hardware, the HX Edit software was only announced with limited functions. This information was plainly published by Line 6 for all who cared to read it.
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