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  1. I am thinking about investing in the M5 mostly for filters and modulation effects, I was wondering if I connect an external tap tempo to the expression socket will that work? I have a Boss DD-7 on my board and I was thinking it could be pretty cool to have a global tap tempo to sync both pedals. Has anyone tried this? Thanks for your input.
  2. Can you use the expression pedal to blend from one amp model to another? Relatively clean to a higher gain. It's been a while but I did it with my hd500.
  3. Hello all. After a very very long hiatus from Line 6 modelers, I'm going to give it another shot. Mostly it's because I'm a Yamaha fan. I have some questions about the Helix's built in expression pedal and its operation as a volume control. Is there a global assignment for the expression pedal to only be a volume pedal? If not and if I had several patches that have it assigned as a volume pedal, does the Helix track the pedal's position/angle so that it supersedes the volume setting on each patch? Can it be set to be the global output volume control (pre reverb and delay of course)? Thanks.
  4. hey guys...having a little trouble in live situations when i want the volume to go up slowly. on the hd500x, i had no issues by the time i got to the toe position it was a powerful volume with great incrementation in start moving the toe pedal to down and the volume seems to come in strong at about 15%...which makes it harder to do some great swells....i do have the setting for non linear...but i still have that issue..please help...and thank you and the rest of the forum for all the great info...
  5. Hi all Just received my Helix :) It is awesome in every way except one :( After a few minutes of playing, regardless of which patch, the output volume just decreases by itself. Sorry if this has been covered before but does anyone know what causes it and, more importantly, if it can be fixed? Thanks to all who take the trouble to help and inform
  6. Hello everyone! The Pod HD500X is working beautifully! Its more than I could ever ask! Just had one Question/problem. I have a show coming up and one of the songs needs a Wah effect. For the life of me I can't figure out how to switch the expression pedal between EXP 1 and EXP2. The handbook says to push in the toe end of it but It doesn't switch between EXP1 and EXP2. It seems like its stuck on EXP2. Any idea how to resolve this?
  7. When I'm trying to calibrate the pedal, the value are 23-255 and not 0-255. What am I doing wrong...?
  8. I recently got the M9 and an expression pedal, it seems like working the pedal will change the parameters for two effects at the same time. For example using both the tube drive and attack synth effects at the same time- working the pedal changes the frequency and speed parameters for the attack synth at the same it raises and lowers the amount of overdrive from the tube drive, depending on if the pedal is up or down. Is it possible to get the pedal to control only one effect at a time?
  9. Is there a good, reliable expression pedal made by a 3rd party that works well with the PODs? It's not critical that I get one before this weekend, but I would like to if possible, and none of the local places sell the Line 6 add-on pedal. I don't have time to order one from Amazon by then, either. What are some other brand external expression pedals I could look into at a Guitar Center or some place like that?
  10. I was trying to recreate the solo in Like a Stone using the firehawk as a whammy pedal. It has an effect called bender in the synths section. At first this seemed impossible because when you first enter the bender effect (for me at least) you can only control the mix parameter with the FX knob or expression pedal. I looked all over the place to see where I can reassign the pedal to the position parameter, like a whammy pedal. Plus, why would the mix parameter be controlled by the pedal by default? Anyway, I searched for an answer and couldn't find any. So I switched the effect to see how the pedal was controlling other parameters in other effects. Couldn't find a solution there either. So I went back to the bender effect. When I went back, the expression pedal was assigned to the position parameter, like how I wanted it. No idea how it happened... but I was able to publish my attempt at the Like a Stone Solo tone. So does anyone know how to manually change what parameter is assigned to the FX knob or expression pedal? I just got lucky, but would like to know how this can be controlled. THANKS!
  11. SirRis

    I NEED HELP! :(

    So I'm a bit new to this. Got my POD HD500X yesterday and been having fun with it. Problem is I can't get the expression pedal to do swells! I'm using a classic distortion for sustain, reverb and a digi-delay but whenever I hit a note, turn the pedal to toe position, and turn it to heel position (for a new note to hit), the sound also cuts off and it's so frustrating coz I play in a church band. I want to be able to do swells seamlessly. :( Is this normal? Is there any setting I should change to make the sound continuous? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
  12. Hello all! Quick question in regards to the M13. Ive had it for almost 2 years now and Im in love with it! I recently bought an expression pedal (Moog EP-3) to control my delays and verbs but am having a little technical difficulties. When I hook up the EP-3 to the M13 and set the parameters for "heel down" (0%) and "toe down" (100%) it reads/registers what I want, the only problem is, when I start to use it both "heel" and "toe" down become my "heel down" (0%) setting and somewhere in the middle is my "toe down" or 100% setting. The EP-3 has a polarity switch on the bottom of it. When I switch it to "other" it accepts my settings, but only lets me use the pedal for one heel to toe shift. After that, I lose control of the parameter entirely. It also has some sort of pot on the side of it. When I turn this, it just affects the 0% after I set it. Meaning If I want I can change 50% to be the new 0%. But it still does the same thing as when its all the way up. except it only controls 50%-100%. I also contacted Moog on this issue. They said switch the polarity switch and tell them what happens. The have yet to get back to me on my reply. Im sorry if this is a little wordy or confusing. Please let me know if I need to re word anything! Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance! -Matt Smith
  13. I have noticed recently when playing that in a certain position my expression pedal seems to have a dead spot. What's the best way to remedy this please?
  14. I just got the Mobile Keys 25. I have a standard expression pedal, a Behringer FCV100, which I have used with other USB/MIDI devices without incident. However, when I hook it up to my new keyboard, and run it through FL Studio, rather than detecting a continuous input, it is treated like an on/off switch. I get no control change until I am at near 100% where the software registers full value, then if I move back at all, it goes to zero. I have tried remapping the control to something else in case the software was making the mistake of thinking it was a sustain pedal or something. I'm definitely in the right jack, and the pedal is set up correctly. I have tried it both with and without AC power, and with different cables. Same result. What's going on here?
  15. Hey all. One thing I love having on my tone is a rotary effect where it can speed up and slow down with the press of a footswitch, like a Leslie. The Rotosphere does that, but it's big and bulky, and I would like to utilize the Rotary Drum/Horn effect on the M9 instead. However, it looks like the only way I could achieve this is by using the EX-1 Expression Pedal and setting the up position to fast and the down to slow. I would rather use a footswitch, or a separate sustain pedal, to execute the simple effect of toggling the slow/fast options for the rotary effect on the M9. Is that possible, and if so are there any pedals that can do that?
  16. Man there is a MAJOR flaw in the POD HD500X. The Controller position does not update when changing patches. So when you change a patch it reverts to the volume that was stored with the patch. That is a HUGE flaw when playing live and is also an amatuer way of doing things, most unacceptable. Too bad because I love the way it sounds but that makes it impossible to use live.
  17. Hi, I have Bespeco VM12L expression pedal, which works great. But I have upgrade on it - MIDI switch for switch on/off wah (look at this topic). And there is foam on toe for "acidentaly not switch on/off" - look at photos. So, because there is foam, I have no "hard" position of toe. If I use wah-wah there is no problem, but when use Pitch Glide (whammy) I can set toe position to (for example) +12.0 but because that foam, it can sometimes change (ex. +11.8 - +12.1, because I sometimes make greater pressure than before). So there is my question: It is there some way to set cusotm range for expression pedal? I mean, can I set for example this: Pedal at 0 - 4 % => do nothing Pedal at 5 % => "start position" of expression pedal (=> 0%) Pedal at 6 - 94% => do stuff Pedal at 95 % => "end position" of expression pedal (=> 100%) Pedal at 96+ % => do nothing For better understanding look at image:
  18. Hi - I know this is going to irk the professionals and those who've invested a lot of time in MIDI, but please bear with me, as I am just getting started. I will study and get to know MIDI as I get the chance, but I also learn by example, and this will help. Specifically, I want to use a keyboard sustain pedal as a kick drum trigger. Maybe I am thinking of this the wrong way, but I was thinking that I could connect the pedal to the Expression input on my MK49, which is connected to my iPad running MusicStudio (with its Drum Kit set selected), and somehow map the pedal's "note" to trigger the bass drum note, which is the lowest C key. I just don't understand enough of the MIDI terminology, I guess, to figure out what the Controller, Channel, Program and any other settings should be. I have watched some videos on MIDI - including some guy who is doing what I want to do with another keyboard (YouTube video WQereUXWGvc), but he is so high, I just can't get through it. Plus, I can't translate the actions listed in his text into what I am reading in the MK49 manual. I am sure that's because I don't grasp MIDI yet. I've also started a couple of MIDI tutorials, but just haven't had the time to really put into it to this point. Anyway, the point is, I've given some effort to understand it, and I think if someone can just explain how I'd accomplish this particular task, it would probably connect some dots for me in overall understanding. I want to try and make this happen for an event that is coming up, so it can't wait until I get through a set of MIDI courses. Anyone willing to help me out? I'd appreciate it. HP
  19. Hello: I understand the pedal can now only do wah or volume. Does anyone know if this pedal will be opened up to be assigned to control other effects. Another option, is it possible to allow additional expression pedals... I know there is no physical connection for additional expression pedals but more could be added via Bluetooth? Thanks mn3
  20. Hi All. I have an issue with the expression pedal. If I am playing within a patch and press on the expression pedal to change it to wah or whatever, there is a loud squeal then the unit shuts off and then turns back on. Some patches do work if WAH or another effect is programmed to be used on the pedal. Is this common if the expression pedal has nothing programmed to it and I press down to engage it?? When downloading new tones, I am just simply testing the patch to see if wah has been programmed. I calibrated the pedal when I first set up the HD500X. However I believe the flash memory has been updated. Should I need to calibrate the exp pedal every time I have Line6 Monkey up and running and something updates? I hope this is something simple...this is already the 2nd HD500X for me. The first one right out of the box would constantly restart and shut off. Thanks, Mark
  21. Hi, I am controlling the POD HD500 via DAW while there is playback going on. I am successfully managing to switch between presets (although I must say that latency of switching is a bit annoying, but I can work around that by sending messages a bit in advance). I have a part, where I want to play a whammy (pitch shifter) with expression pedal. I assign it to EXP2. However, when I start playback, both EXP1 and EXP2 become lid and I can not control the expression pedal. I can switch the HD500 off and turn it back on and then I can control EXP2 (without playback), but again once I start the PC sending commands I can't seem to control the expression pedal. How can I solve that? Also, what exactly does CC# 59 (the manual says its Exp Toe on/off toggle) do? I cannot figure it out.
  22. Ok. So I bought one of those Mission Engineering Line6 pedals for use with my POD HD 400 Unit. Is there a step by step manual/tutorial online somewhere to help me figure out how to assign the Wah pedal to Pedal 2/Mission Engineering pedal? I was looking around last night into the late night hours and feel mildly frustrated. I had my POD Edit on the screen and I couldn't figure it out. Any help in the right direction is greatly appreciated!!! And if I have asked a question that's been asked a few times - please forgive me.
  23. Hello folks... Here I am again facing trouble in my POD HD 500. I've just had problem in USB data transmission and a flashing Line 6 logo. I managed to solve it with some help from the forum, but now de expression pedal is not working. Even in the factory presets. It just turns ON or OFF the effect (Wah or Volume Pedal) but dont change the parameter. The Wah satys only in the OPEN position, and the Volume stays only opened too. Did someone face this trouble before? What have you done?
  24. I have a need to control a filter by expression pedal. Can the Otto Filter be controlled this way?
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