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Everything posted by jbuhajla

  1. "Dirty Electrics" can be caused by external devices connected to your home wiring. Things such as: external power supplies (phone chargers, wall warts), CFL lighting, cheap LED lighting transformers, etc... Your home wiring may be brand new, but as soon as you plug something in that causes a bunch of noise (electrically, not audibly), then you have issues.
  2. I tried this setup in the video and it sounds fantastic on my strat. I am using Seymour Duncan noiseless vintage stacks. I am not much of a fuzz guy, but I think I may incorporate this preset occasionally. If I set up a Fender Twin amp rig on path 2, then I have the perfect Eric Johnson setup.
  3. A lot of times my guitar sucks because it just can't play what I am trying to accomplish. I think that's for another forum though...
  4. What guitar and single coils are you playing?
  5. At home I keep my Helix on a desk so it is not at floor level. You may either want to put it away when not in use, elevate it, or put a cover over it when it is not in use. If it's not laying on the floor, then things can't be dropped on it when it's not being used.
  6. Turning on/off the tuner on Helix is MIDI CC#68. I am not familiar with Logic, but there must be MIDI controller commands associated with the playhead as you describe.
  7. Only 10 stomps available per preset. I thought about using MIDI via USB to control my music as you do with Onsong, but decided against that because I did not want to use up stomps for that. Because of that I purchased the iRig Blue Turn for that. Yes, it is another gadget to throw into the case with my Helix, but it was a better option for me since I extensively use all 10 stomps.
  8. Modelers are a different beast. "Good" is also subjective. I can drop down a Plexi model, cab model, plug in my strat and have a great sound immediately without changing a thing. I am not trying to duplicate any particular sound on a recording. Duplicating someone else's high gain tone (or any gain tone for that matter) is an entirely different game. I don't play in that playground. Also, the headphones you use DO ABSOLUTELY MATTER when it comes to professional equipment. That is why we do not use iPhone ear buds for in ear monitors on stage or in the recording studio.
  9. I am guessing this is your first experience with a modeler. Just because you have 30 years experience does not mean you will plug into a modeler and just start playing the tones that are in your head. It doesn't work that way. The guy in this video doesn't have an issue with EVH tones. It takes experience and time in the digital realm. If it is too frustrating to you, you may just want to get yourself a reactive load and send your "real" amp signal to your DAW.
  10. Open a support ticket with Line 6.
  11. jbuhajla

    Helix Vs. AX8

    I concur. You may have a hardware issue that Line 6 will need to know about.
  12. You have experience with other modelers?
  13. Yes if you make your EXP pedals set to "global" then if you have it at 65% in a preset, then switch presets, it will still be at 65%. In order to have the volume block selected when switching presets, you will have to save your preset with the volume block selected. I think that will work, but I am not at my Helix at the moment.
  14. They are covered by a 2 year warranty. Maybe start a support ticket with them and they will repair it under warranty.
  15. Yes, love the JBLs. Yamaha is a great option as well. At the time, I found a deal on Amazon for the Eon 610: speaker, stand, and 25' cable for $325, so I bought two.
  16. If you intend to use it as an overall volume adjustment then somewhere toward the end of your signal chain is where you would want to put it. You will have to decide between logarithmic or linear just based on how it responds to your liking. Don't forget to set your expression pedal to "global" in global settings so that no matter which preset you have running or switch to, the volume pedal position is always current.
  17. Yep, it is in all of my presets now. I love it.
  18. I use the meters in Daw (Reaper) to balance to around -12dB, then tweak by ear at rehearsal.
  19. Either way it allows you to control the volume of either the 1/4" or XLR so that whichever signal you send to FOH is not effected by the Helix volume knob. You control your stage speaker only with the volume knob. The XLR>DI>FOH is optimal though as PeterHamm mentions above.
  20. Yeah, that. I am an engineer so I don't English very goodly. Words are hard for me.
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