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Found 24 results

  1. Hello, I recently thought about an idea that could increase the flexibility and functionality of the HX Stomp. I posted the idea on the Idea Scale. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or suppor for the idea if you like it. Here is the link to the post on the Idea Scale: And here is the idea itself: Adding a LOOPER MODE as a footswitch mode to the HX Stomp would be cool. It could be accessible as other modes or via MIDI (0=Stomp, 1=Scroll, 2=Preset, 3=Snapshot, 4=Next footswitch mode, 5=Previous footswitch mode, 6=LOOPER MODE). In this mode, you could have the 3 footswitches on the Stomp dedicated to the looper functions of the 1-switch looper, expanding on its functionality to a full 6-switch looper: FS1 - REC/OVEDUB (long press UNDO) FS2 - PLAY/STOP (long press HALF SPEED) FS3 - PLAY ONCE (long press REVERSE) LINE 6 has introduced LOOPER MODES in the past (M9, POD HD-500X), so maybe it is possible with the Stomp as well. This would greatly expand the functionality of the Stomp in my opinion, since one could be more flexible with assigning the footswitches in STOMP MODE.
  2. Hello, I wonder if would it be possible to add the same option, as the one available in HX Stomp (picture from manual below) to 'bigger' units like LT or Floor? Is it the hardware limitation, that makes it (at least for now) impossible to use EXP2 port in those devices or it could possibly be added by firmware upgrade? I think it may be useful for some users, and definitely for me since I am using looper a lot and therefore I have already expected some issues with stock footswitches... Nothing that couldn't be solved by simple cleaning but still serious enough to be dangerous during live performance... I am just curious if it is even possible on current units.
  3. I'm using a Helix LT on version 3.6. I'm trying top configure footswitches 1 and 7 to select certain snap shots. All the assignments are setup correctly based on tutorials I've seen online (see screen shot for example). This is not impacting the functionality of my footswitches at all. When I press footswitches 1 or 7, they cycle through my 8 snapshots rather than selecting the specific snapshot as programmed in command center. Global settings for footswitches are also shown below, with I've played with a bunch, no setting seems to allow me to actually impact footswitch behaviour with command center. I've tried setting this on both the device and using HX Edit. Any ideas?
  4. I made a "Badonkulous" preset on my stomp xl. Made 3 snapshots. For some reason, I have to press footswitch C twice to access the snapshot I've assigned to that button. I've looked around at the settings to see if there is a quick way to fix it, but no luck. When I went to another preset that had an effect assigned to that switch, it works fine. 1 press and it's activated, so i'm thinking it's a snapshot thing. I also did a factory reset and still the problem persists. Any help on this is greatly appreciated!
  5. Hi, I use an hx stomp in snapshot mode with a dissster area designs micro midi switch to scroll up and down through the preset list. This works great. However due to a fat feet issue I inherited from my grand mother I occasionally, in the heat of the moment, find myself stepping on two foot switches at once and instead of switching to a searing solo snapshot that wows my legion of fans, I end up in scroll mode and have to smile and hope my facial expressions convey the epic tone I was meant to switch to. Is there any way to disable this dual foot switch ‘preset list scrolling’ feature on the stomp?
  6. Hi, I use a HX Stomp for several months for professional use and I really like it. I built a external footswitch to change presets (FS4-5) and I'm using the HX Stomp in Snapshot Mode, that's great ! But... My problem : when I play in live conditions, I'm not that precise and I often step on 2 footswitches instead of the right one, so it open the bank of presets, which is really (really!) not confortable before a solo!... My question : is there a way to disable that function? I mean, keeping the control of snapshots with the footswitches but nothing else. I can't find anything in the Global settings... If not, is there a way to submit this idea to Line 6, and hoping they include it in a next firmware? By creating a petition or something like that... :) Thanks for your help! PS : "be precise" is not an valid answer ;)
  7. I'm thinking about the Pod Go and also about the HX Stomp and I see why some people wanted the Stomp XL. I'm usually singing while trying to find the right foot button and in general I think it's a better idea to spread them out. Anyway I'm in the habit of using around 7 pedals in a row and I like the ability to turn them on and off individually. I'm trying to think about how to cut down on needing so many ons and offs during one song and I can't seem to figure out if it's possible to: 1. assign one footswitch to more than one effect, and THEN: 2. make the footswitch turn one of the effects ON at the same time it turns the other effect (or effects) OFF. For example I have a thing where I want a slapback delay during the verses but then in the chorus I want to turn on an overdrive while also turning off the delay, because it gets muddy. I think if I could do that, I would be able to get by with only 3 switches during any particular song. Would that work? Thanks Chris
  8. Greetings friends. I have had this little unit for about a week now and am almost done learning all of the tricks and possibilities it has and can do and am loving it. I'm surprised how well done the interface and usability is with this thing. They weren't kidding when advertising it as 'Ridiculously easy to use'. However I noticed some room for improvement regarding the footswitches in stomp mode. To cut right to the chase - I'd love to be able to edit and change the color of the 'footswitch LED'/'stompbox in the LCD' as well as have the option to rename the block to whatever I desire Why you might ask? Well if you assign and merge a few blocks into one switch it just reads 'MULTIPLE (2)' or whatever number of stompboxes or parameters you assign to that footswitch. The color also becomes white. While it's all fine and dandy with one, what if I'd want to do that with all six footswitches? Then I'd have six almost identical looking switches. And what if I do that with all of the available presets? It would be quite difficult to remember what is where after a while. A combination of a color and some text would make life a lot easier. This is not a rant or anything, the unit is quite versatile as it is and this isn't a huge issue, It's just my two cents which might be interesting to a lot of other people as well. So regardless of the possibility of Line6 implementing something like that with a firmware update in some distant future, the point of this topic is this: How do I even get this idea to their developer team for at least a consideration?
  9. I have a Pod Go, but i'm confused about the extra momentary switches you can connect. Is it possible to assign two more presets to the momentary switches when in preset mode, without switching banks?
  10. So it’s just… HX Stomp, but with more touch footswitches and all the jacks on the back? For $150 more? Yes. …Why? Because customers asked for more switches. Or kept finding clever—but way less elegant or integrated—ways to add more switches. And it was relatively easy. We’re not going to pretend it’s the most innovative product we’ve ever designed but for some customers, it’s the goldilocks form factor. Thanks, but my personal needs require a Variax input, twice the DSP, and six switches, not eight. Why didn’t you give me exactly what I want? <exasperated sigh> So it’s like the size of two HX Stomps? If you omit the space required for jacks on the side (even pancake jacks), more like 1-2/3 Stomps. It’s 12.5” wide (vs. HX Stomp’s 7” width). Depth and height are virtually identical. Does it add anything else? Hands-free Pedal Edit mode (tweak presets with your feet), 128 presets vs.126, four snapshots per preset vs. three, and you can access the 6 Switch Looper without needing a MIDI controller. Other than that, it is HX Stomp with 5 extra switches. Does it have the Command Center? Absolutely. In fact, a big reason HX Stomp got the Command Center in 3.0 is because we had already done the work for HX Stomp XL. Wait, what happened to the Volume knob? We moved it to the back panel to save room. It’s spring loaded so you can recess it into the chassis to keep your cables from accidentally turning it. Can I use third-party power supplies? Yes. Any power supply that works with HX Stomp should work fine with HX Stomp XL. Can it load HX Stomp presets? Yep, just drag ‘em in via HX Edit. It can also load Helix, Helix Rack+Control, Helix LT, Helix Native, and HX Effects presets, as long as they contain 8 or fewer blocks on a single DSP path. What are the reset options? Hold these button combinations while powering up the HX Stomp XL: 1. FS ^, C & D: clears all presets/IRs 2. FS ^+C: resets presets and IRs 3. FS C+D: factory restore (globals, presets, IRs) 4. Page >: Update mode. This update mode is helpful if the update is interrupted, and the HX Stomp will not boot properly. You will see a blank screen (no visual feedback on the display). 5. Upper & Lower Knobs: Rebuild presets. Wait for "Will Rebuild Presets..." to appear and let go. Can backup files be exported/imported between HX Stomp and HX Stomp XL? No, the backup file is not compatible across HX Stomp and Stomp XL. If you would like to move your presets, IRs, etc. You would need to manually export the individual files and import them into the other device. You can also connect both devices to HX Edit simultaneously and then drag and drop the files across HX Edit windows. Both versions of HX Stomp or HX Stomp XL should be on the same firmware version for dragging and dropping to function. What is the impedance of the send/return jacks? It is 1.2k to 1.5k Ohms.
  11. Dear all, first of all, sorry for my bad english. I'm writing you from Italy. I'm owner of a Line6 X3 live since 2010. Some days ago, suddenly, the downer footswitches row (down bank, A, B, C, D, TAP switches) are dead. I've disassembled it, but by multimeter, all micro switches work well!. The wires strip and terminal strip get the signals properly to motherboard also. I've updated firmware and all possible by Monkey. But the problem doesn't fix. I can move anyway the A, B, C, D banks by a dedicated little scroller, but it is unconfortable. Obviosly, the tuner can't be working. How I can do? Please can someone to help me? I've already readed all threads I can try, without good results. I'm waiting your. Many thanks.
  12. [Hi! Long-time player - first-time poster] I'm using my HD500x in Pedalboard mode with different effects assigned to each of the 8 foot switches. I would like to assign WAH and VOLUME to the Expression pedals, EXP 1 and EXP 2, but cannot figure out how to do that. I can take one of the FS and change it to WAH and then change the assignment to EXP 1, but then I lose the effect I had on that FS. I feel like this should be easy to do, but I just can't figure it out for some reason. What am I missing here? Thanks for your help.
  13. What actually happens to the 2 extra assigned footswitches of the regular Helix when imported into the Helix LT? Does it just drop the assignments to fs1 and fs7?
  14. Hey all, Recently, I was noticing some odd behavior with my HX footswitches during live use. If I went to engage an effect by stomping on the footswitch, it would turn on, but after maybe 1-2 seconds, it would bring up the screen that allows you to edit parameters of that selected effect, and I would have to press the MODE/EXIT button to return to the stompbox layout. This would happen intermittently, but eventually, I got fed up and checked to see if I was behind a firmware update, and I was. Without issue, I upgraded both the HX Edit software AND the HX firmware to the latest version. I did not see my specific issue listed on the bug fixes, but I was still hopeful it would resolve my issue. At first, it seemed like the update did the trick, but after a little more fiddling with my setup, a new problem arose, but still quite similar to what was happening before. This time, though, instead of bringing up the screen to edit effect parameters, it acts as if I am soft-touching two effects to engage the "swap footswitches" feature. See the video below, demonstrating the issue. As you can see, I'm not using the soft-touch feature at all - simply turning effects on and off in "stompbox" mode with a normal pressure used in a live setting. My brother also has an HX and I showed him the problem, and we could not replicate the problem with his unit in the same signal chain, same room, same power, etc. Do I have a faulty unit? In the meantime, or regardless, is there some way to disable the soft-touch feature on the HX? Honestly, after using the unit for the past 2-3 months, I have never really used the soft-touch features. Thanks for any advice or support, folks.
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    Helix Tutorial Videos

    Here's some of the most popular Helix tutorial video we have. For more check out our YouTube page Helix Snapshots Helix Shortcuts 4 Cable Method Footswitch Modes Customizable Scribble Strips
  16. Hey guys. I am new to pod hd500X. So here's what I'm asking. is there any way I could use all of the footswitches to assign to all my 8 effects on my ONE preset? I can only assign the effects to FS1 to FS4, because if I tap FS5 to FS8 I am changing bank. I want to use my delays and stuff on FS5 - FS8 for On/off purposes and not for changing banks. thanks for your help.
  17. Hi all, I have questions around the optimal settings. Goal is to use the helix with my JVM 410h using the 4cm. I am also the singer in the band. So my goal is it to configure path 1a, 1b and 2 a in serial. Input is guitar in and output is 1/4 out. For 2 b input is mic in and outputs are xlr outputs. Let me compare this with my experience around the GT 10. 1. To align the different output levels of my guitars I would like to set different general input levels on the helix. So e.g. I would like to set the general input level to -5 db. How and where can I do this? In gt 10 3 general Input settings can be configured for input level and even eq. 2. Setting up the right path configuration as mentioned above, I have to configure this obviously using different splitters and mixers. Goal is to use 1a, 1b and 2 a for guitar completely in series. How do I have to do this? My experience is that 1a and 2a in series are working well. If I use also 1b the overall level gets quieter ?! I don't know why. 3. Level for send and return. On my Amp the setting is set to -10 DB, I set the send and return level to 100% to 0 DB. In comparison to the original level this seems to be the best setting. Your experience and recommendation? 4. Output Level: Setting the volume knob to max seems to be the best setting or better to configure the 1/4 output not to use the volume knob. In comparison to the original level this seems to be the best setting. On GT 10 I set the volume knob to 1 o'clock and the the general output level to -10 db according to the input level on the amp. Your experience and recommendation? 5. Foot switches: Snapshots are nice. In Some Cases it could make sense to enable e.g. a stomp box witch you will use in all snap shots from the moment you enable it. Is this possible ? So my main issues right know are 1 and 2. Hope you can help me. Thanks! George
  18. I am new to using podHD500x and JT variax, I believe there's a way to assign footswitches to change guitar model and tone or even tuning to a POD HD500x footswitches but i don't know how to do it, would be nice if someone can share the "how to" step by step or perhaps a link to a particular video tutorial on how to achieve this. Thank you and look forward to any response from you.
  19. Sometimes I wake up at night and ask myself some stupid questions. Here is one of them: "What is the reason for red LEDs on footswitches Bank up/down?" I mean… in what case do they lit up? As a guitarist and singer I am often unsure if I will hit the bank-switches or FS1 and FS5 while playing. Sometimes I accidently kick the bank-switches but wanted the FS. Why didn't they gave them a blue LED-ring to separate the bank-switches from footswitches? Same on the looper and tap :ph34r:
  20. I am new here and the owner of a Line 6 POD HD500X.I have been studying the manual, but it's somewhat overkill. What I need help in doing is, creating my own user's presets. So, here's my question. In the Set List, there are presets. Is there a way to customize your own list, by selecting various presets from different set lists and assigning them to individual foot switches? Example: In Preset Best OF HD, I would like 01A, Song of Plexi, assigned to FS 1, in my own User 2 Set List; In Preset FX HEAVY, I would like 04A, Swampy Delay, assigned to FS 2, in my own User 2 Set List. I would continue this until ALL 8 FS, have been assigned. Is this possible? or what must I do?
  21. Hi! Can someone help me in finding out how to assign same effect type on multiple footswitches? For example If I want to create a patch with fsw 1 distortion fsw 2 delay fsw 3 filter fsw 4 delay and fsw 5 reverb how can I do it? Thank you very much.
  22. I noticed the other day that on my POD HD500X, which I just bought in April, that the FS2 switch didn't change a couple of times when I pressed it. This was when I was sitting on the floor using my hands as I was using HD500X Edit with my laptop, so it wasn't when I used my foot. The way the footswitches are designed, they click, and then there is still some small distance that they travel downward before they stop. So there is by design a little play between the click point and the stop point. On that one footswitch, I tried pressing it with different amounts of pressure. On all of the other 7 footswitches, the red light changes the very instant that the "click" happens, even if I don't completely push the footswitch all of the way down. On FS2, the red light doesn't always change when the click occurs. I have to press it all of the way down sometimes, while at other times it DOES change right at the point of the click. Now this may seem trivial, and it may be, but I'm asking simply because 1 of 8 footswitches is behaving slightly differently. I think when using my foot I will always use enough pressure to change it, but if this is something that is not normal and could get worse so that it does become a problem, I'd like to know so I can address it. And since it's brand new, I want to make sure that even the slightest thing isn't working incorrectly. So, those of you with a 500X, do you notice the same thing and is this somewhat normal, or do all of the footswitches change exactly at the click rather than when the switch is pressed completely down all of the way?
  23. Hi I was wondering if anyone else out there with Floor Pod or Floor Pod Plus has had problem with there footswitches not working. I keep trying to change channels, go to the tuner and turn off individual effects and it doesn't work. I have the Floor Pod Plus and when I previously had the smaller Floor Pod I never had a problem.
  24. Hey guys ! I have a little problem and I don't understand its origin : When I use the looper, I can record my loop and right after that all my footswitches are blocked except for the 7th and the 8th footswitches. I didn't have that problem a few weeks ago, I updated my firmware, drivers, ... Moreover, the first time it happened to me I switched my HD 500 off and on which settled it. But it doesn't work anymore ! Maybe I should try to reset the pedal? I prefer to ask before doing something wrong ! Thanks a lot ! Finalchimera
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